Artem Ovcharenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ballet Artist 2021



Artem Ovcharenko - Dancer of the Bolshoi Theater, who has passed the path from the artist of the Cordage to the premiere. The performer of numerous parties of the Royal Persons and in life looks like a prince - a beautiful, discreet and faithful only to the sole. Artem considers ballet not sports, but by art that combines acting skills and technical base.

Childhood and youth

The Bolshoi Theater Prime Minister was born on the last day of 1986 in the regional capital of the Ukrainian SSR - the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Now the small birthplace of the dancer is called Dnipro. The surname of Artem from the Ukrainian language is translated as "Son Pastach."

Ovcharenko came to the ballet relatively late - at 11 years old, before that the mother gave the boy in the chess, swimming and eastern martial arts sections. The stronger was the ascent of Artem to the tops of dance skill. In 2003, the guy entered the Moscow Academy of Choreography, and already in 2006 he was awarded the Grand Prix of the International Competition "Dance Olympus".

Personal life

Dancer is happy in a personal life. The wife of Premiere Anna is the daughter of the former ballet soloist of the Lithuanian Theater Nikolai Tikhomirov, the granddaughter of the famous coach in rhythmic gymnastics Lyudmila Tikhomirova. In 2012, Artem and Anya took 1st place at the competition of young dancers "Big Ballet", conducted by the Culture TV channel.
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The wedding of Ovcharenko and Tikhomirov played in the summer of 2016, when a man got the keys to his own apartment. In an interview with a profile marriage magazine, partners in the scene and life said that marriage should be concluded when he does not change anything in relationships.

In August 2017, Artem first became his father - the spouse gave him a daughter. In the pictures, laid out Ovcharenko on the Internet on self-insulation, it was clear that Anna was again in position. On the first summer day of 2020, a son was born in the family of ballet soloists. Photos of happy parents laid out in "Instagram" Ovcharenko.


The Ovecharenko repertoire is very wide and includes both the classic performances "Swan Lake", "Don Quixote", "Romeo and Juliet" and modern "lady with camellias", "Hero of our time", "Taming of the Shrew". In 2019, he was first driven by Crassa in Spartak ballet.

In the same ballet in different years and in various productions, Artem danced all kinds of parties. So, in Chipollino, the dancer created images of a police officer and Craf Cherry, in the "Nutcracker" - the French doll and the Prince Nutcracker, in Esmeralde - Festrua and Alber, in the "Sleeping Beauty" - Prince Desire and Blue Birds.

The first mentor who believed in the talent of Ovcharenko became Nikolai Tsiskaridze. However, in 2009, the paths of the choreographer and the dancer were separated. Artem respectfully responds to Nikolay Maksimovic, but it claims that because of the different temperatures, they had an approaches to rehearsals - Ovcharenko likes a calm start of classes and smooth rapid growth. From Tsiskaridze, the dancer moved to his thesis of Fadeehev, and since 2017 he was engaged in the direction of Viktor Barykin.

Artem choreographic skills use not only ballet. The dancer created the image of the flame tremble in the wind in the song "Candle of Grown", which was performed by Alla Pugacheva at an anniversary concert in honor of the 70th anniversary of April 2019.

In 2015, Ovcharenko played a major role in the documentary drama "Rudolf Nureyev - dance to freedom." Richard's film Kerson Smith talks about the biography of the ingenious dancer, which escaped to the West.

Artem Ovcharenko now

At the end of January 2020, Artem danced at the gala evening "Ballet Icons" in London. In addition to the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, dancers of the Bavarian State Opera, Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters of St. Petersburg, English National Ballet, La Scala Theater and other leading troupe of the world participated in the event.

In early March 2020, Ovcharenko and Kirill Serebrennikov were honorable guests at the opening of the exposition "Takeda. ART / HELP ", dedicated to the day of rare diseases. Further plans of the ballet artist violated quarantine measures in connection with a coronavirus infection pandemic. In self-insulation, a man conducted master classes in "Instagram", and also, together with a pregnant wife, demonstrated a stretching near the kitchen stove.

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