Rem Collas - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Architect 2021



Rem Kolhas without exaggeration can be called a star in the field of architecture. The last decades, the famous Dutchman sets tone in world architectural strategies, and dozens of monumental buildings are constructed at different points of the planet.

Childhood and youth

Remotment Lucas Kolhas was born on November 17, 1944 in Rotterdam. Early childhood passed on urban ruins that were inherited from the newly ended war. The boy's family belonged to the bohemian circle: Grandfather Kolhas was an architect, and his father wrote books and scenarios, edited the newspaper and rotated in film and theatrical circles, where he had a reputation for serious criticism.

In those years, Indonesia defended his rights to independence from the Netherlands, and after recognition of autonomy in 1949, Kolokhaes moved to Jakarta, where the head of the family received a position in the Ministry of Culture. So 4 years of the early biography of Rema passed in an exotic country.

Youthful time found the future architect already in Holland. Here he rotated in the literary and artistic circles of Amsterdam, after the Father, not missing a single significant cultural event. His friends included young literators-surrealists and directors, and Rem seriously carried away by cinema. The guy began to be filmed in short films and create scripts for its director friendships, among whom Rene Daalder.

It is the fascination with the films led Kolhas to architecture. Once he lectured about the cinema before the students of the architectural university, where the links of filmmaking and design of buildings showed. The young man claimed that spaces need to alternate just like frames - so that they were fascinated by the viewer and offered him a riddle.

In the process of a conversation with the audience, the lecturer realized that he himself wants to be among them. Rem did not immediately entered the architectural university. He traveled, recognized new forms and styles, inspired including the Russian avant-garde and the theory of desurb. As a result, the man received a higher education at the School of Architectural Association in London.

Already in his youth, he was close to the ideas of deconstruction. The graduation work Kol'khas did in the form of a supper modern utopia, which represented London, divided into zones with walls and suspended structures. A talented student earned a scholarship that allowed him to move to New York and continue his studies at the Cornell University.

Personal life

Kolhas obsessed with work. Even on vacation or walk, a man is always concentrated and designs new buildings in the mind. However, this did not prevent the Roma to arrange a personal life. His wife became the Dutch artist Madelon Vrisendrop. Together they worked on the creation of the management of metropolitan architecture (OMA), where the spouse was engaged in visual effects and graphics. She bizarrely illustrated the famous New York book outside the book.

Two children were born in the family - Charlie's daughter and son Thomas. The daughter works by sociologist and is engaged in photography, often removing the projects of Rem for magazines and press releases. The son of Kolhas - the director who made the Father's Father, who revealed the architect with the most intimate side. Thomas's godmother became the famous Zha Hadid.

In 2012, Collaces divorced his wife. His current companion was Peter Blavestis - a specialist in landscape architecture and textile design. Female under partner for 11 years, and they are familiar since 1986. Peter worked in Ohm, designing exhibitions for the company, and now takes on the development of the inner space and the surrounding landscape of buildings that Rem creates.


In 1975, on the initiative of Kolhas in London, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, known as Ohm, is created. The company combined designers and architects who were engaged in the concept of the city and the design of advanced construction objects. They included Ole High, Zha Hadid. By the end of the 1980s, the studio receives worldwide fame by constructing the building of the Dutch Dance Theater in the Hague.

The project of a three-level structure, where new types of space faced a unique way, entered the top ten architectural objects of the XX century.

The Bureau of Krax offered to customers experimental things that became new in the word in architecture, however, these projects most often remained unrealized. In the 1990s, the company finally began to receive orders that brought not only fame, but profit. Among them, the villa in Bordeaux, built, taking into account the features of the life of her owner-disabled. Engineering structure of the house was developed by Cecile Balmond.

Rem Designs buildings around the world, on his account of the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin, Chinese Television Center in Beijing, Central Library in Seattle, Music House in Porto, National Library of Qatar, Museum of Huggenheim-Hermitage and dozens of other buildings scattered on the planet. For these works, the architectural community awarded a man of the Pritzker Prize. Since then, the demand for the Dutchman only increased.

The ideas of Kolhas are implemented in Russia. Among them, the Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage", built in 2015 and became the attraction of the capital. The architect plans to take up the reconstruction of the "New Tretyakov".

Rem Collas now

On February 20, 2020, the Countryside, The Future was held at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The project organized by Kolokha is devoted to the problems and changes undergoing rural environment in recent decades. Rem, which is familiar with urbanisy, suddenly took up the problems of nature, from global warming to the extinction of the gorillas. Photos from an atypical exposition were exhibited in the official account of the museum in "Instagram".


  • 1982 - Park de la Visett in Paris
  • 1992 - Rotterdam Art Museum
  • 2002 - Guggenheim-Hermitage Museum in Las Vegas
  • 2003 - Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin
  • 2004 - Central Seattle Library
  • 2005 - Music House in Porto
  • 2008 - CCTV Headquarters
  • 2015 - Museum of Contemporary Art Garage

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