Story of Love Marina Kravets and Arkady Vodakhova - acquaintance, relationship, daughter, family, plans


The love story of Marina Kravets and Arkady Vodakhova began in student years. Later both spouse built a career. She is the only woman in Comedy Club, and he is the author of humorous texts, a film generator, known for the Bath project, and the director of the channel "TNT4".

About how the relationships are in a pair and what plans for the future of star spouses - in the material 24cm.


With a future husband, Marina Kravets met while studying at the Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. As part of the KVN team "Singles", young people acted in the Premier League. Friendship quickly turned into the first feeling.

Future spouses did not escape the ladder stage, but managed to preserve the relationship. After receiving a diploma in 2006, Marina Kravets began to perform for other KVN teams and received an offer to work on Rocks Radio. The Kravkets moves to Moscow and spends most of the salary for removable accommodation.

And Arkady remains to settle things. At the time of separation, lovers did not understand whether Arkady would move to Moscow and how the relations will be emerged later. But the feelings were stronger than the distance, and Arkady came to Marina to live in the capital with her.

Big love

In 2010, Marina Kravets is invited to Comedy Club. Arkady remained in the status of the beloved, and beautiful men appeared around Marina with a subtle sense of humor. However, the story of the love of Marina Kravets and Alexander Vodakhova continued, and Marina retained the love of Arkady.

When life adversity remained behind, a stamp will appear in the passport, Marina will say: "My High Growth Husband, Shoulder Brunette with Blue Eyes. There is no such person in the show. "

Spouses are engaged in creativity. She works on the Radio "Lighthouse". And since 2012, they begin work together at Comedy Radio. Do not get tired of each other in love helps the distance they hold at work. The feelings and creativity of Arkady and Marina are not mixed.

In 2013, Arkady makes an offer and instead of the traditional "yes" hears from Marina "Oh, this is Frey Wille!". It turned out that the future husband presented the bride ring of the company that Marina really likes.

Wedding outfits of the bride and groom also chose contrary to traditions. Arkady searched for a suit with mom's bride. And Marina made a purchase with the future mother-in-law and stopped on a white cocktail dress.

"If nothing suitable was, I would like something bright from my wardrobe," the Marina confessed later, confident that Arcasha loves her in any dress. The painting took place in the family circle in the native St. Petersburg on July 20, 2013.

Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds began to navigate the family. Marina is recognized that not from those who put a career in the first place.

By the way, even becoming the wife of Arkady, Marina does not flash in the series produced by her husband. For projects "Money or Shame" and the series "Biheppi" picked up a bright cast, but there were no roles for Marina. "We both understand who is good. There was no need for my participation, they found a lot of cool actors, "Marina admits in an interview.

Happy event

In an interview with Arkady Vodakh, repeatedly recognized that she dreams of children. However, the spouse did not rush to Marina with replenishment in the family. The absence of the heir did not affect the history of the love of Marina Kravets and Arkady Vodakhov.

"The guarantee of our happiness is common interests and sense of humor. It seems to me that the sense of humor is one of the spiritual cracks, "Marina shared in an interview. And Arkady agreed with this, remembering how at 4 am the beloved wife can successfully joke, which makes even the asking to laugh. In the star pair there is also no place for jealousy.

Arkady and Marina burned microclimate in the family. The fact that the couple is waiting for the firstborn, it became known in early February 2020. In the microblog, the actress reported subscribers: "We are waiting for a new world. The new world is waiting for us. "

Contrary to expectations, the baby appeared a little earlier than the term. The spouses came to the planned inspection of snow, and by evening they had become parents. Later, Arkady will tell that he dreamed of becoming a father and was glad to any slander: a boy or girl was equally welcome. Daughters chose the name Veronica.

"I did not expect that it would be so cool pups, very tasty," the Arkady emotions shared. The TV host was also in admiration for the father's qualities of the spouse. "It turned out ... so soulful. With my daughter it's easy! Gentle and kind, "Marina admired motherhood.

After 4 months after the birth, Marina returned to work. The husband supported his wife, and the babies of the baby divided nanny and his native sister Arkady Alina. The plans at the pair are to purchase their own housing. While the spouses choose between the metropolitan apartment and a country house. In favor of the cottage, but from the first step of young parents stop traffic jams at the entrance to the city.

Arkady older than Marina for 2 days, meanwhile TV presenter speaks of his microblog about the wisdom, prudence and responsibility of the spouse, and the husband emphasizes that he is happy, proud and inspired by his beloved.

After the participation of Marina was revealed in the show "Mask", Arkady called his wife "Sun" and is impossible to be cool. The story of the love of Marina Kravets and Arkady Vodakhova continues.

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