Igor Idezozorov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Actor



Igor IgorOrodeov decided to tie life from the cinema only after 30 years, but it did not prevent him from becoming a star of screens. The actor remembered by the heroic and courageous images of the characters of the Soviet cinema.

Childhood and youth

Igor IgorOrodeov was born on May 9, 1932 in Soviet Moscow. His childhood had to be in the years of the Great Patriotic War, so the boy had to be evacuated to Tashkent with his family. It was there that the filming of the film Leonid Lukova "Two Fighters", in which the teenager was lucky to participate as an actor of extras.

Experience over the picture to the depths of the soul impressed the young man who began to attend the school drama. He never decided to become a professional artist, so after graduating from school he entered the local Polytechnic Institute, where he studied in the specialty "Foundry".

However, the guy could no longer part with the art and continued to participate in amateur amateur. Later he became a student of the Theater and Art Institute and during his studies began to film. The screen debut was the picture "Your traces".

Personal life

In his youth, Igor was high and static, which provided him with success at the opposite sex. But the heart of the celebrity belonged to his wife Stalin Icedogo, who gave birth to a man's sole son. Vadim Icedodov went in the footsteps of the Father and chose acting as a profession. He also established a personal life and married Galina Samoylova.

Theater and films

Popularity came to a man in 1967, when he played a major role in the film "Nikolai Bauman", based on the biography of the revolutionary and associate Vladimir Lenin. In the same year, Igor joined the body of the Theater named after the Leninsky Komsomol, but soon moved to the Lensoveta theater.

During this period, the artist shone into the cinema and on stage. It was involved in the performances "Walking on the flour" and "Warsaw Melody". Meanwhile, the projects were replenished with the projects in which the ice coils performed exceptionally: "ambush", "Ballada about Bering and his friends", "Ruins shoot ...".

In 1971, the actor replaced the theater troupe again and joined the caths, on the stage of which he spoke to the emigration itself. Here he embodied the images of Strokkov from the play "Unknown soldier", Paul Rusa from the "birds of our youth" and Magnus from the "Killing Contract".

Igor possessed a piercing look and noble features of the face, was courageous and strong, which made it the perfect hero of military films. But they were in the film of the images of the Ice Circle and others, from intellectuals to aliens.

A bright role of the artist was the polar researcher George Sedov from the eponymous picture, published on the screens in 1974. The plot of the tape was based on real events and unfolded around the expedition to the North Pole.

Then there were films in the melodrama "Portrait with the rain", where His partner became Galina Polish. He also participated in the fantastic drama "Through thorns to the stars," where the image of the alien Rakan, who arrived from the planet Dessa.

No less interesting for the celebrity was the experience of filming in the mini-series "People and Dolphins", telling about the interaction of people and marine animals. At the site there were employees of the Batumi Dolphinarium, who advised actors. Later, Igor Vadimovich admitted that he was impressed with the wisdom of dolphins.

After that, the artist was noted by the main roles in the paintings "Echo", "Countrymen" and "Holy Saints", but with the arrival of the 90s, the popularity went to the decline. In addition, the man missed his son, who, together with his family, moved to New Zealand, so decided to go after him to be alien. The last way celebrities in the cinema became Vadim Petrovich from the tape "Black Ocean".

It turned out more difficult to get comfortable in another country than the Iceproof assumed. He was not given a language, the lack of work affected. Therefore, a trip to Moscow to voicing the new version of the painting "Through thorns to the stars" was a sip of fresh air for him. But the separation with the son and grandchildren would be even more difficult, and Igor Vadimovich returned to New Zealand.

In 2003, the artist managed to reach the scene once again. He was involved in the formulation of the "Cherry Garden", where I embodied the image of the Firs. For this, the man learned the complex English text, which with the delight told friends from Russia. This role has become the last for him.


In recent years of life, the actor suffered from pain, but in no hurry to go to the hospital. When suffering became unbearable, he still appealed to the doctor, but the diagnosis was disappointing - cancer. A month after that, on February 10, 2005, the ice creases died, the cause of death was the complications of the disease.

The grave of the artist is located in the New Zealand town of Kamebridge, there is a monument on it, where his name is written in Russian letters. In memory of the Igor Vadimovich, films and numerous photos remained.


  • 1964 - "Your traces"
  • 1967 - "Nikolay Bauman"
  • 1970 - "Ballada about Bering and his friends"
  • 1974 - "Georgy Sedov"
  • 1977 - "Portrait with rain"
  • 1980 - "Through thorns to the stars"
  • 1983 - "People and Dolphins"
  • 1986 - "Starry"
  • 1997 - "Hunting season"
  • 1998 - "Black Ocean"

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