Tolya Klokin (character) - photo, pictures, "Adventures of Toli Shukvin", film, Nikolay nasov


Character History

Tolya Klokin is the main character of the work of the Children's writer Nicholas Nosov. A teenager faithfully falls into troubles that lead him to the hospital.

History of character creation

"Dadnogkin" revealed many instructive stories to the world. School, consultation, relationships with peers, friendship - all these stages of the socialization of the child The author seasoned with sparkling humor. Some works and today are included in the mandatory reading program, so few people did not touch the work of the Russian writer.

Nosov imbued with children's literature, when his son smasted. In the evenings, the man read the child a fairy tale, and then invented the plots. Since then, it has become a matter of his life. Interesting stories glorified Nikolai Nikolayevich and identified him as one of the most beloved authors in boys and girls.

As the writer himself recognized, he did not invent heroes, but found them - among the neighboring guys, the friends of the Son. Each child saw on the pages of his books himself. Thanks to the knowledge of children's psychology, the noses felt and knew that she worries schoolchildren than they were interested in and what they were aspire.

"The Adventures of Toli Shukvin" is a story published in 1961. A small story demonstrates a boy's self-determination in an adult world. In addition, Nikolai Nikolayevich not only frightened how difficulties temper the character of a teenager, but also exposed some vices of adults.

A series of failures pursuing the hero throughout the story seems to be something mystical. Here the writer developed a key idea - to show young readers that a man is above superstitions, he himself creates his fate and is responsible for the actions.

Image and Biography Toli Shukvin

The main character is the student of the 4th grade of the 36th school. The literary character lives in Demyanovskaya Street, and his best friend is on Lomonosovskaya. The adventures begin with the fact that the guys decided to take a walk and play chess, Shukvin was to go beyond his friend.

But, as usual, he knew and went out a little later. Quickly walking along the sidewalk, the boy saw that a gray cat had fond of the road in front of him. Teen stopped, not knowing how to behave further.

Tolya remembered that this is a bad sign, and decided not to risk and go to another way. This act has become a starting point of a series of failures, which, as a reader later guess, were little related to the admission.

Lasting to the meeting, the young hero decided not to hurry and walked on the sides. His attention was attracted by kids who tried to ride a two-wheeled bike.

Tol wanted to demonstrate how "you need to learn correctly." He sat on the old, who saw two-wheeled vehicles and began to roll from the mountain. But I did not think that the steep slope would not give him a chance on time to reduce the speed. He did not control the situation and miraculously did not receive serious injury.

I woke up Shukvin in the garbage box, with dissected forehead. Kids somehow found a bike and left. Too hesitated and continued his journey.

The next trouble happened to the character in an unfamiliar yard. The guys played volleyball and called the guest to the team. The teenager agreed and quickly mastered. And after some time, he began to command the rest, feeling the main onion.

Tolya Klokin (character) - photo, pictures,

When Tol served the ball too low, he decided to effectively knock off his foot. But again I did not think about the consequences. There was a ringing of broken glass, and after a moment, the boy remained alone on the site. Deciding that it was time to run, I wanted to move, but I did not have time, I grabbed his old woman tightly for a collar named Daria Semenovna and dragged the young violator to the house management.

There studied the circumstances of the case, and then advised to contact the police. Grandma agreed and led the intruder in the site. Shukvin was afraid of the police, so when a chance was issued, broke out of chain hands.

Throwing along the street, ran into the intersection where the tram was walking. Daria Semenovna shouted so that the child stops, but the frightened schoolboy did not look around. Fleasters through the rails, Tolera did not see the car. The car managed to slow down, but still the burned runner.

The surroundings caused ambulance, although the culprit of the transport accident and wanted to avoid universal attention. In the hospital, the boy thought that he would definitely receive from the mother if she learns about his adventures. The young patient was made to the tetanus injection, and after they asked to dictate the home address and telephone.

And here, Tolera decided to smear, calling the name and contact information of the Glory of Firekova. And again did not realize that his attempt to deceive their nurse would lead to unexpected consequences.

A description of further events has gained fatal character. Mom of a friend, thinking that her son was knocked down the car and he lies in the hospital, having suffered a reception office. And even seeing Shukvin, she was sure that the glory was hiding from her.

Andrei Filatov in the role of Toli Shukvin

Finally, the situation was allowed. Tolto was ashamed that because of him so much happened. On the way home, the boy told his mother comrade content his day and mentioned that ill-fated cat with which it all began. Woman wisely noticed that if he did not follow the signs, it would all be different.

In the final of the story, the teenager again faces an obstacle on the way. Fluffy cat moved across the road leading to the house. Shukvin in confusion stopped. Previous events, like bright pictures, flashed before our eyes. The happened has become a big lesson for the boy. Tolya realized that he was a man who, according to the quotation from the book, "the creature is smart, proud." So, should not pay attention to nonsense.

The story about the adventures of a schoolboy is not at all about the signs. It demonstrates the obvious stages of the child's adult: it is offended by a friend who did not wait for him; Trying to look like an adult against the background of "babies". Then he does not think about the consequences of the game of the ball, feeling the main onion. And in the final, frightened by "catching up" from his parents, misleading the nurse, dictation home number of Female Glory.

Each time the character committed mistakes, guided by either fear or excessive arrogance. This led to trouble, but at the same time became a magnificent life lesson.

Tolya Klochar in films

In 1964, the Soviet director Viktor Eisimont took off the film in the family comedy genre, taking the story of the story of Nikolai Nosov as the basis of the plot - "The Adventures of Toli Shukvin", "Shurik at the grandfather" and "Sasha".

The content of the film reflects the events of books. On the screen, the boy appeared with such a mischievous, aligning literary images of a few heroes of the nose. The result was an instructive movie that was loved by millions of Soviet TV viewers.

The role of Toli was performed by the young actor Andrei Filatov, for which this work was his debut in his career.

Interesting Facts

  • In the film, Shukvin is studying in the 2nd grade "B", and in the book - in the 4th.
  • Young readers found a lot in common between the Thale and Vitea Maleev (another character of the nurses of nose). Similarity lies not only at the age, but also in the fact that each of the schoolchildren is struggling with their own shortcomings.
  • In the film, the boy not only broke the window, but also frightened the toy gun Daria Semenovna - this plot is borrowed from Sasha.
  • Another difference between the film from the book original is that the protagonist only meets the glory lights, and is not his best friend.


  • 1961 - "Toli Cloud's Adventures"


  • 1964 - "The Adventures of Toli Shukvin"

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