Vaclav Havel - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, former president of the Czech Republic



Waclav Gavel could enter the story as a writer, critic and playwright, but his political career was so bright that he eclipsed creative merit. Having passed the difficult path of the fighter with the regime and the dissident, he took the presidential chair in his native Czech Republic, which belonged to a man for more than 10 years.

Childhood and youth

Vaclav was born on October 5, 1936 in Prague. The Gavel family was rich and influential. The boy's grandfather built a whole empire in the capital, which included film studios, restaurants and residential buildings. The numerous real estate property of the family has added and the Father, who together with his brother was engaged in construction. Marrying the Wavy Bowen, a man got two sons - Ivan was born after Vaclav.

Relatives of Havel on the maternal line were also difficult people: the grandfather edited the newspaper and held a diplomatic post in the Austro-Hungarian embassy, ​​and later became the Minister of Propaganda.

At the 6th age, Vaclav went to school, and this time coincided over the years of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. In 1947, he switched to boarding school created for boys orphaned in the war years. The future policy took there, despite the fact that the Gavel family was alive and healthy and the child belonged to the Elite environment.

However, it was not possible to study for a long time: in 1948, communists came to power in the country, and the rich family was equated to the opponents of the regime. The property was confiscated, and the boy was excluded from school. The difficult time began in which the young man decided to master the profession of a chemist-laboratory manner. He received an education in the school, in parallel visiting the evening gymnasium, and then work in the laboratory combined with studies at the Czech Technical University of Prague.

In 1957, for 2 years, Vaclav left to serve in the army, after which it got to work in the theater technician. The young man was launched, which tried himself as an assistant director, and eventually decided to start writing plays. By the time the guy already had the experience of literary criticism, who presented him in intelligent circles a certain fame.

Personal life

Personal life policies settled in his youth. With the future wife, Olga Shplichalova Vaclav met in 1953. The wayward and independent girl from the working suburbs was older than the guy for 3 years, but it did not become an obstacle to their novel. Married, both worked in the theater and barely reduced ends meet, but their love had to survive much more serious tests.

Participation in protest movements, listening to apartments, challenges for interrogations, the arrests of the husband and the following diseases - all this Olga was experiencing steadfastly and dignified without losing energetic and vitality. Even the fact that the husband did not always remain her faithful, the spouse suffered philosophically and, it happened, herself fond of other men.

In 1994, it became known that the first Lady of the Czech Republic was ill. After two years of fighting Olga's disease, the cause of death became cancer. Spouses had no children. The adoptive child of Havel was acquired in 1997, marrying the Czech actress Dagmar Veshkrnova.

Career and creativity

In the 1960s, the works of Waclav were published. His play "Holiday in the Garden" was put on the stage of theaters and received international recognition. At the same time, the writer was tough in his homeland and even fell under the ban.

The man wrote the book, where he showed himself as a thinker and philosopher. The essay "power of powerless" can be called software, since it predetermined the path of Havel himself, which by the "velvet revolution", without spilling a single drop of blood, headed the country, which has lived with decades under the rule of foreign regimes.

Starting political activities in the mid-1960s, Vaclav joined the ranks of the dissidents, and after the invasion of the Warsaw Troops in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and was at all the direct wrestle with the communist authority. Promoting the ideas of Western democracy, Gavel became the organizer of the opposition movement in the country. This was followed by numerous persecution, arrests and prison.

In total, in conclusion, Czech spent almost 5 years. The last arrest took place in 1989, after which it was time for the "velvet revolution", in the course of which 23 representatives of the Communist Party of Parliament resigned. There were obvious changes in the political agenda, and on the eve of the presidential election, 2 candidates were seriously considered - Alexander Dubchek and Vaclav Gavel. On December 29, the latter was unanimously elected President Czechoslovakia.

With it, Soviet troops were derived from the country, and in 1993, the Czech Republic became an independent state. And the first president of the independent Democratic Czech Republic was chosen Gavel. The man held this post 2 of the term in a row, by the years of the Board coinciding with such heads of world states as Bill Clinton, Lech Valens and Boris Yeltsin. He crossed with Vladimir Putin, whose regime called far from democracy.

Politician advised avoid apathy and indifference and form a conscious and cohesive opposition. His phrase from an interview that "better five years of mistakes than 50 years of sabotage" became a comma quotation calling for not afraid to trust political decisions with young.


The health of the Czech president was undermined back during prison sentences. In 1996, Havel lost half of the lung, and later survived not yet one operation. The last years of life, a man was under the constant attention of doctors, as problems with breathing paths were aggravated. December 18, 2011, the policy was not.

Waclav buried on the family sector of the grape cemetery, and his loss was mourned by three-day mourning. Judging by the photo of the tombstone, the dust politicians rest in one grave with the first wife.


  • Biographies of the first president of the Czech Republic is devoted to the book of Ivan Belyaeva "Vaclav Gavel. Life in history. "
  • In honor of the policy in 2012, the Prague Airport was named.
  • In honor of the merit of the former dissident, the Human Rights Fund established a prize given by creative protesters.
  • The name of Havel is the area in Prague and Boulevard in Ukraine.

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