Children of stars, early parents - Russian, foreign, children, pregnancy, young family


The ambitious heirs of celebrities strive for independent life and grow early. They destroy the dogmas that argue that it is possible to build a family nest only after receiving a diploma at the university.

Children of stars, early parents and confident that the new life face of a career is not a hindrance - in the material 24cm.

Arseny Shulgin

The younger son Valeria Arseniy Shulgin, despite the young age, managed to reveal both in the musical sphere and in business. Being a creative person, a star heir became interested in girls and delivered Mom a lot of trouble with youth hobbies.

By the way, in bachelors the enviable groom did not delay. In 2019, Shulgin Jr. met the blogger Lian Volkovkov, and a year later made a beloved sentence. At the end of August 2020, the young legalized relationships, and on January 1, 2021, Valery became a grandmother, and her son was in 22 years old. For the daughter of Arseny and Liana chose the beautiful name of Celine.

Jane Kerry.

The fact that children grow too quickly learned and Jim Kerry, who became a grandfather at 47 years old. Jane Kerry, the heirs of celebrities, early did not want to live in the shadow of the star father and chose a musical direction. However, the plans have changed, and at 21, the girl gave the grandson of Jackson's dad, and soon divorced.

By the way, motherhood did not prevent Jane realize himself in creativity. A year after childbirth, the young mother took part in the show for novice musicians. And now Jane Kerry, who inherited from his father a radiant smile, was able to reveal as the author of the songs, the actress, which can be seen in the TV series "Hooligans", and the creator of his own show.

Dmitry Malikov - Junior

I managed to become a grandmother and sister Dmitry Malikova. Initially, Inna Malikova refused a joyful event in his life, and that the 20-year-old son Dmitry became his father, preferred to silence.

After a couple of years, Dmitry Malikov - the younger commented on the birth of a daughter in the program "Tonight", and the star grandmother began to share publications from the photo of the son and his chosen.

A young family lives in harmony. The parenthood did not prevent Dmitry to build a restaurate career. He leads his own culinary show "Malikov ready", where it is divided with subscribers of tasty dishes recipes.

Alexandra Goldberg.

The favorite among the young grandmothers was Wuoo Goldberg, who first saw the granddaughter at 34. And it is not surprising, since the mother of the foreign actress was in 18 years, and the daughter of Alexander presented the heir to 16.

By the way, it's too early to acquire children in the family of wobble Goldberg, apparently tradition. The granddaughter of celebrity also managed to become a mother. An ironic star emphasized that in this situation there is no sympathy for daughter Alexander, because thanks to her the role of her grandmother up to 35 years old. Today, Alex Martin took place as a film producer and actress, awarded the Golden Globe Prize.

Maya Semaak

Anna Semak, the wife of the head coach of Zenit Sergei Sema, positions himself as a "grandmother in a tattoo." The news about the addition of an ex-football player's family and his spouse met with enthusiasm.

Later Anna, having analyzing grandmother's status for 38 years, admits that he counted to take over most of the concern about his granddaughter. However, a year after the birth of Evu, it turned out that yesterday's debutant of the Tatler of Maya Semak, who became the mother at 20 years old, herself cope with his parental responsibilities. And even gives strict instructions for the upbringing of the heiress.

By the way, with such support for a young family from grandparents and grandfather problems with self-realization from Maya Semak should not arise.

Sergey Bondarchuk

The heir of Fedor Bondarchuk continues the list "Children of Stars, early parents". The follower of the star dynasty turned out to be more advantageous father and learned about the pregnancy chosen by Tatiana Mamiashvili in 20 years.

In December 2012, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk became a grandfather and grandmother. And two years later, the father of his grandfather became the father of another heiress. After 6 years of marriage, the Family Tati and Sergey broke up. Spouses divorced and lovely agreed to raise girls.

Early parenthood did not prevent Bondarchuk-junior to build a creative career. In 2013, Sergey made his debut in the series "Thaw", and from 2020 he acts as a general producer of such series such as "psych" and Happy End.

Sabina and Leila Zakirov

The daughter of the singer Nargiz Sabina Zakirova became a mom in 25 years, which is considered early by the US standards. The news of the grandson turned out to be a joyful event in the family. The star bold conventions and even before birth repaired things for the kid. By the way, Sabina's sister, Leila, also did not delay with offspring and reported pregnancy at 20 years old. And in May 2021, Nargiz Zakirova became a grandmother of another grandson.

Alena Kafelnikova

In the microblog, the daughter of the Olympic champion in Tennis Evgenia Kafelnikov admitted that he dreamed of motherhood from 18 years. Therefore, when her future husband of George Petrishin appeared on the horizon, then Avolei Kafelnikova was broken from the language "from such as you, you need to give birth to urgently."

In May 2021, wedding frames of the model appeared, and the impressions of the joyful event, the heiress of the tennis player commented on the phrase that now she realized that she felt Cinderella when he found her prince. Then Alesya stopped hiding the waiting of the stork and laid out the photo at the 31st week of pregnancy. Fans suspected that the frames were made earlier than published.

And in June 2021, the tennis player admitted in the comments dedicated to the Day of the Father, which was already grandfather. However, official information has not yet arrived.

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Kristina Orbakayte

Daughter Alla Pugacheva Christina Orbakayte can with dignity to take a leading position as in the "Children of Stars, early parents" and in the top of celebrities who have known the joy of motherhood after 40 years.

Roman with Vladimir Presnyakov and Christina began in 15 years, in 16 young people began to live together, and at 20 star made Primadonna grandmother. Early motherhood did not prevent a star career. Kristina managed to take place as an actress, dancer and singer. And after 40, the orbakaite gave birth to the daughter of Claudia and became a large mother.

Lala Allegrova

The "Empress" of the Russian pop Irina Allegrova became a grandmother in 42 years old, when the daughter of Lala gave the grandson, while still a student, in 23. By the way, with her husband Lala divorced, as well as mom, immediately after the birth of a child.

Children of stars, early parents, the appearance of heirs was not a barrier in his career. Lala after the birth of the son Alexander toured together with her mother, then settled the concert director to the parent. The union of moms and daughters went to favor Allegrom's career. But the grandson of the lady from popularity was repurchased and offered the heir to the legal direction in self-realization.

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