Group CG Bros. - Photo, history of creation, composition, news, songs 2021



Each self-respecting artist or musical team seeks to acquire his own "chip". For example, Neuromona Faofan invariably appears before the public in Balahon, deeply having thrown the hood, accompanied by a bear, and his colleague DJ was Nicodemif, in the embroidered shirt and glasses. Participants of the Punk Rock Group CG Bros. Often recording the video, pre-perficing the face under masks, and, that is especially surprising, there are still no concerts.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of one of the most mysterious groups of Russia began in 2010, when from the group Before CG Bros. Grew CG Bros. With a vocalist C. jey, Drummer Euthanasio, Guitarist Sergey N. and Bassish Paul B. By the end of the year, the musicians submitted three debut track to the courts: "Power", "Revolution" and "My Country". Guys and submit could not that a new project would be long-playing, because initially it was planned only to record the sings of the singles in an uncharacteristic sound for the "right" scene.

"No one thought that the public would like our work and would call such a resonance. After these three compositions, a lot of demomaterial was recorded, freely distributed in various forums and social networks. Then the album "glamorous b ... and", considered the CG Bros business card, was released, "they told them in an interview in 2012.
CG Bros composition.

During the same conversation with a journalist, it turned out that a soloist hiding under the pseudonym C.G., at the age of 14, organized the first bend, which reproduced songs in the genre of Russian rock. In the future, the search for his own creative path led the young talent to experiments with punk rock, Bard Rock, Rapcor and other "tin." Known and his hobbies are sports and literature.

Euthanasio from 1996 he was addicted to melodious art, he studied the game on all sorts of instruments and nomaded from the team to the team: some of them broke up, others flourish now. The drummer recognized that he was interested in sound engineering, producing and editing the video.

As for the composition, during the entire existence, he repeatedly changed. On the logo reflecting the name of the hit "I hate you", three participants are depicted, on some portals - four (including a fair sex representative), and in the clip "Motherland" is seen five, and without familiar masks.


"First of all, CG Bros. - This is such a propaganda car, carrying and graceful everything in its path: lie, hypocrisy, dirty thoughts and a bunch of other human sins. We try to touch on many problems faced by yourself. We like Chukchi - what we see, we sing, "said C.G.The soloist also added that in the work of the team reflected and all that is good, which is noticed by him and colleagues in the past and present. For example, in individual songs raised the topics of the heroism of warriors, love for homeland and parents, devotion to friends. Rockers dedicate their compositions to the young generation, not yet lost the ability to reasonably and deeply think, trying to protect him from the mistakes of the main characters of some of their works.

The debut album, as already mentioned, became obscene "glamorous b ... and", which included 15 tracks, including the "bureaucrat", and "I hate you", and "Freedom of speech", and the "spirit of the 95th". After the sugary reception of the public, the guys were inspired and took the rule to release at least one collection per year.

So, in 2011 they were cleared to "life for nothing", "under the enemy's sight" and We Have Come to Take Your Money. Next year, discography enriched "wind from the West", "for a single people and a single power" containing the ruthless and implanting single "deputy" and "paraptization". At the same time, the guys surprised fans with a clip on the hit "Rodina", created jointly with Svetlana Razi - ex-participent "Mirage".

The artists did not stop at what was achieved, and there were no more than almost 20 records in their musical biography. As noted by knowledgeable people and fans, the group does not attribute themselves to some particular political camp, so people with diametrically opposing views are enjoying it.

It is enough to turn to the names of work in order to understand that their authors are sharply reacting to what is happening around, ridicuing vices and unworthy behavior of society: "Pedophile", "I am a mother", "T.P.", "Selfie", "Our Guard" etc.

Pancas do not give concerts and do not make up tour graphics. There are several reasons for this. First, lack of time. Secondly, the lack of real talents, without difficulty who knows the alignment of melodic and vocal parties. But in this situation there is a huge plus - the opportunity to calmly nag over the material, without being distracted and does not rush anywhere.

CG Bros. now

In 2019 CG Bros., who spacing the "Committee of Minds' Committee", issued another collection of "death of illusions", and behind it, a full-format plate "Another form of life". No less productive was the following 2020.

CG Bros logo.

On April 28, the musicians were pleased with fans, destroyed by Quarantine, a mini-album "with the death of a rheniable", consisting of five songs. On the first day of summer, punk rockers in the official group in Vkontakte, where archival photos and videos are stored, stated that they saw for a new collection, and asked everyone to donate to write it.


  • 2011 - "glamorous b ... and"
  • 2011 - "Under the sight of the enemy"
  • 2011 - We Have Come to Take Your Money
  • 2012 - "For a single people and a single power"
  • 2013 - "Society Demons"
  • 2013 - "Cruel World"
  • 2014 - "corresponding to the established rules"
  • 2015 - "under control"
  • 2016 - "Tales of Good"
  • 2017 - "We have a chance?"
  • 2017 - "Delhetization"
  • 2018 - "Mind Committee"
  • 2019 - "The death of illusions"
  • 2019 - "Another form of life"
  • 2020 - "With the death of a meant"


  • 2012, 2017 - "Motherland" (with Svetlana Raznaya)

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