Katya Chi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Despite the availability of medicine in Russia and the CIS countries, naturopaths appear every day. They argue that any diseases can be cured by meditation and starvation, and oncology and AIDS are the fruit of psychosomatics. Katia TXI (Katia TXI) belongs to the number of "healers". In "Instagram" and in Yutiub-Channel, it gives advice on childbirth and breastfeeding, discusses vaccination and advises oncoboles to abandon chemotherapy.

Childhood and youth

From the personal life of Kati Chi, only those the facts that she pretends in an interview, "instagram" and in Yutyub-Channel is known. Rumors occupy a separate place. For example, it is argued that the real name of Naturopath - Ekaterina Filatova and she is a daughter of Russia Ambassador in Ireland Yuri Filatova.

For the first time, the TV channel "Ren-TV" spoke. In the material of May 13, 2019, journalists markedly identified that they sent a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) with a request to comment on the truthfulness of the assumption. The comment was probably not followed, since other references to Cate Chi on Ren-TV did not appear.

Judgment, however, fits well into the biography of Yuri Filatov. In official sources, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, it is indicated that he has two children - the Son and Daughter.

According to Katya Chi, she has four education. She studied the economy at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, then received a master's degree in business administration in Madrid, the largest city of Spain. Having moved to London, the heart of Great Britain, became interested in architecture and reappeted on the designer. And in the US, Katya Chi received a diploma of Nutriciologist-Naturopath, finding his calling in this direction.

Personal life

From open sources it is known that husband Ki Chi - Gleb Borukhov, Director of Investment by Realia Capital Management. The company specializes in cash inflows in real estate and corporate business. Two children are brought up in the family. In an interview for the author's program, Anna Alyabyeva "Happiness is" in August 2019, Katya said that her son is 4.5 years old, and the daughter did not fulfill a year old.

Then the blogger said that he did not see the point of giving a child to kindergarten, if there is an opportunity to deal with him on their own. Therefore, the routine of her son's day looked like this: morning and day he spent with his parents and sister, and evening - in educational activities.

There are no photos of the family on the Internet.

Katya Chi moved to London when relations with Gleb Borukhov became serious. As of August 2019, her story in the UK numbered 11 years old, it is more than 20. The country of spouses is ideal, since both believe in alternative medicine, they categorically deny vaccinations and do not go to doctors. In the UK, the attitude towards this is quite loyal.

Judging by the geometry in "Instagram", the family of Kati has not yet changed the place of residence.


In Russia, to promote alternative medicine Katya Chi Begin in March 2017. At first she placed publications in "Instagram" in English and Russian, and as the Russian-speaking public expansion focused on the latter. Resonance around her blog originated due to the fact that some tips overtook time. So, in any case, it assumes naturopath in an interview for the program "Happiness is."

At first Katya Chi spoke of harmless topics: how to abandon toxic food than dangerous antibiotics, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But over time, she was increasingly deepened into practical medicine. Now her blog is a salvation for those who believe that the aromamaslas is treated much more efficient than medications.

By the way, Katya calls his account in "Instagram" is not a blog, but forum. After all, the number of comments under its publications can reach several tens of thousands. People who suffer from different kinds of illness are asking for advice. Often a woman enters the dialogue.

The program "Happiness is" Katya Chi admitted that she had no plan for blogging. The topics for discussion it draws out of comments. Sometimes inspiration on a story about any problem is not a few months, and sometimes they come out 2-3 publications per day.

Oncological diseases are the plague of the XXI century. And it is Katya who dedicates a lot of time. Her tips always disagree with the opinion of qualified doctors. Start at least with the fact that Naturopath recommends its readers with affected cancer cells to abandon chemical and radiation therapy. Fasting, abundant reception of vitamin C, coffee elasts and a set of bid - that's all the protocol of treatment that a woman offers.

Surprisingly, many listens to so absurd from the point of view of traditional medicine. Already there are victims. In May 2019, the Moscow-24 TV channel made the plot of 27-year-old oncobol, which died, as her relatives believe, precisely because of the advice of Kati Chi.

The mother of the victim in an interview with Moscow-24 explained that, like any imminent, she grabbed the straw - heard Katya allegedly cured a woman from oncology. But there are no positive examples and, as doctors say, it is not foreseen. In their opinion, the only way to defeat a malignant tumor is to comply with a strict diet and visit therapy.

On the charges of Kati Chi there is an answer: if, after treatment with starvation and coffeeballs, a person dies, which means that not 100% followed the protocol. For example, I bought not the entire set of recommended bodies.

By the way, their advertising from Kata Chi is also widely discussed on the Internet. To the advice on the composition of the home aid kit, the blogger applies its promotion to Iherb. Any purchase, perfect with its use, brings a woman percentage. According to some estimates, the income may be from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles. monthly. Another naturopath earns in webinars and personal advice. The cost of one "private" conversation varies from £ 20 to £ 100.

Katya Chi now

Katya Chi is a universal healer. The region of its advice applies not only to oncology, but also in gynecology, dentistry, psychology, cosmetic surgery, pediatrics. For example, naturopath believes that heat in children does not require intervention, and increased thyroid gland is a consequence of the offense.

Anyway, the number of fans of Kata Chi increases. Especially after its interviews about the dangers of Vaccines with Robert Kennedy - the younger activist of the United States. Only in 2020, Alexander Pepraran, the author of the Book of Energy, and the Spawniest Victoria Bonya, were invited to Ether in "Instagram". With the last blogger spoke of a coronavirus infection.

Now the area of ​​interests of Kati has expanded to meditation. A woman tells subscribers about the spiritual "grounding" and the negative energy of money, teaches listening to the body.

Time will tell if Katya Chi is waiting for the same exposure, which "Biochemistry" has comprehended Elena Kornilov, or the number of its followers will only increase, and the activity is to remain unpunished.

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