Serial "Street Justice" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


The release date of the island series "Street Justice" - April 5, 2021. The premiere of a 11-serial detective will be held on the NTV television channel. The chief hero of the police captain Artem Severhor will simultaneously solve a lot of workers and personal problems, but its complex and explosive character only adds a man of trouble.

In the material 24cm - more about the plot of ribbons, actors and roles that they executed, as well as several interesting facts associated with the picture.

Plot and shooting

The shooting of the detective series "Street Justice" started at the beginning of the summer of 2020. The creation of a multi-sieu film was engaged in "Film Studio Kit" on request of the NTV channel. Dmitry Korkkin became the director, the producers were janik Fayziev, Rafal Minasbekyan, Sergey Bagirov, Stanislav Chepayev, Yuri Vaxman, Alexey Matveyev. The script adapted Oleg Babitsky, and the author of the musical accompaniment became Andrei Komarov.

According to the plot of the paintings in the center of events - a police officer, which is characterized by a complex character, bringing him problems in the work and personal life. The captain of the criminal investigation of Artem North residents in the fight against attackers is used to apply all available funds and methods. At the same time, the hero was divorced with his wife and now it cannot fully communicate with his beloved son.

But his main problem was the fact that he had to hide from the persecution of the Mafia: Artem with his colleagues exposed a gang of drug dealers, whose leader promised to take revenge on the police. Soon after, a friend and colleague Seversha died: the criminals blew up his car. Now the hero has to deal daily with difficulties within the department; adapt ordinary citizens; Solve problems on the love front and do not forget to take care of your own security.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Street Justice" performed:

  • Dmitry Lavrov - Artem North, Police Captain;
  • Tatyana Yahina - Sofya Shakhovskaya, Prosecutor;
  • Marina Domozhirov - Marina, former Artem's spouse;
  • Alexander Riskin - Egor Khokhlov;
  • Dmitry Mitin - Colonel Rubtsov;
  • Alexandrina Adamova - nurse;
  • Julia Echerva - Lily.

Starring also involved : Maxim Radugkin, Ivan Kokorin, Anatoly Kotenhev.

Secondary characters played: Faridongsho Rakhmatulloev (Shahin), Olesya Brezhnev (Galina Tishakova), Mikhail Asankin (Father Svetlana), Anton Flying (Komar), Nikolai Kudimov (Nazarov), Alice Ryzhkin (model) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Dmitry Korkkin is known to the audience for other movie carts: "Cuba. Personal business "," Consultant. Licheful times, "" Russian wives of great people "," Yaroslav. Thousand years ago. " He also starred in the ribbons "Shelest" and "Shelest. Great redistribution "and became the author of the scenario in several of its filmmakes.

2. Shooting the series "Street Justice" took place in Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region in the summer of 2020. The action of the series in the plot occurs in this ancient and beautiful city, so the creators tried to find "colorful and non-parade" locations. The shooting was conducted from the air, in the frame there are many atmospheric places, streets of the city, which give the history of the landing "in the good sense of the word and make more vital and real."

3. In the Israeli TV series Street Justice, created by Armoza Formats / Armoza International Media Ltd, which is taken as the basis of the creators of "Street Justice", we are talking about a quick-tempered police officer who believes above the law.

4. Director-director Dmitry Korkkin told in an interview about the series that his team with great joy returned to the shooting platform after a forced break because of the Pandemic COVID-19 and was happy to return to his favorite work.

Korkkin noted that Russian filmmakers with great respect belong to the "talented work of Israeli colleagues" and tried to "bring this story for the Russian viewer in all the nuances, for which this series loved the Auditorium of Israel, USA and Canada: Action, Explosions, Tricks, Schedules, Automotive chase, romantic relationships and complex detective investigations. " At the same time, the team tried to "add our Russian flavor to the film," the director stressed.

5. The original detective series first entered the screens in Israel in 2011 and instantly received positive estimates of film critics and spectators and scored high ratings. Later, the tape was adapted to the United States and Canada, and in Israel, the film according to the local media is recognized as the "best Israeli police drama in history."

6. The executor of the leading role Dmitry Lavrov spoke in an interview about his hero. "Artem is not an easy, ambiguous person. It breaks between the work, which has become the "second family" for him, and problems in the real family, which he, on the one hand, wants to preserve, but on the other hand, understands something important that they tied them with his wife and held Together, broke. " Also, the actor shared that his character in some character differences reminds him of himself, so the project and interested Lavrov. "To great unfortunately, often street justice works faster and more precisely. But often games with justice lead not to the results that are needed, "says the actor.

7. Spectators in the comments on the forums are noted that the release of the series "Street Justice" is waiting for the TV channel NTV with Dmitry Lavrov in the lead role. The fans know the actor due to the roles in the paintings "Realization 2", anonymous detective, "Guardies are fragile" and others. Lavrov is called a real man, "which will not come and with his opinion, honest and straightforward." However, some users believe that the adaptation of foreign multi-sieves films from Russian filmmakers are "soulless."

Series "Street Justice" - Trailer:

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