Danya Milohin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Titstok, Girl 2021



Praphrazing the famous expression, it is safe to say that the Russian YouTube will all elude. And the zadizlaikan clip of Timati and Gufa on the song "Moscow" in 2019, later, of course, remote, and the video esshele of Alisher Morgenstern "Posmosy", which beat the previous record on the "fingers down" in 2020. We did not have time to move away from the last video, as "from the bottom": "Havchchik," where the same Timur Yenusov, Jigan and Dany Milochin tried to laugh at themselves, and Danya Milohin, they managed to see more than 2 million people per day.

Childhood and youth

At the end of 2001, December 6, the son of Danya (Sagittarius on the zodiac sign) was born in Krapchin. A little earlier in this world, firstborn Ilya came. After about 3 years after the advent of the younger son, the parents were separated, and the heirs were sent in the orphanage. Popular ticketer in the winter of 2020 in an interview with Ksenia Hoffman and her Youtyub-project "gun" was mentioned that the reasons were walking in the alcoholism of the Father, with which the mother did not want to put up.

Up to 13 years old, the boy was in an educational institution, where strict rules reigned: a hand, a stick or rope was easily rising for the wards on the wards, and so on. Therefore, it is not surprising that when guardians came to him, a teenager gladly grabbed this idea. But his positive did not share his brother: he was professionally engaged in football and hockey, did success in table tennis, managed to become a CCM in chess and did not want to leave the started. Therefore, Daniel had to give a personal phone to a relative, just he agreed to relocate.

Danya Milochin and his brother Ilya Milohin

Tyulene businessmen who had five native children, sold sports nutrition, supplied clothes and lived in a separate cottage in the village, located 100 km from the city. The guys went to local school, but then suddenly happened to change the place of residence. After 12 months, the family went to rest in Anapa and spontaneously decided to stay there. The visitors settled in Vityazevo, and then in the village of Guefficious.

Here the guys visited the school, and if Ilya did not graduate from his passionateness, Danya frankly stated that he was not interested in learn. In this soil, disagreements with adoptive parents became frequent, and, barely reaching the majority, the young man gathered things and moved to Moscow.

Despite the presence of blood ultrasound, similar health problems (both weak vision) and fame in the service for creating and viewing short videos, myiloches do not support communication and are diagnosed with each other. If the teesake of the Russian heroist leads an active lifestyle and dreams of tieting a biography with acting, then Daniel has already cleaned with narcotic drugs from the 16-17-year-old age.

Personal life

In order for the popularity and number of subscribers to grow in geometric progression, bloggers go on a lot. For example, Danya for his own business was not afraid to compromise himself.

The young man published such ambiguous videos with Nikita Nikulin (Mimimizhka), famous for his hairstyles, that fans have broken their heads for a long time, are friends in same-sex relationships or not. As it turned out, both just entertained in favor of the public. By the way, such a behavior did not approve the native brother Ticocera Ilya.

In February 2020, the guy was mentioned on the question about a personal life, the guy was mentioned that he likes one girl and he tries to care for her. Joint photos in "Instagram" with Yulya Gavrilina laid the beginning of rumors about their novel. Also on the Internet there was information that the tattooed celebrity, externally, is surprisingly similar to the colleague on the workshop of Oleg Romanenko, there was a heart lady named Emily.

Ksenia Hoffman, calling Milohina, of course, was not kept from questions about his destructive habit. This is an interlocutor (according to some data, its height is 172 cm at a weight of 65 kg) assured the interviewer that now with all forbidden.

In March 2021, Danya said that he broke up with Gavrilina, but he does not intend to inflate this topic. He hinted about the new chief.

Blog and creativity

The first video in Tick-current Danya began to post the summer of 2019 in Anapa, where he worked as a waiter. Interest in the Internet and the desire to earn there turned out to be so big that he went against the opinion of the guardians and, putting everything to the con, ventured to go to Moscow.

Gradually, a popularity has been popular for the young man thanks to the unnecessary video, who, according to the author, the main topic as such and not.

"Start take off for yourself, and it doesn't matter what friends or people who will look at this video. Turn your flaws into the raisins and never ask anyone, you like it or not, just take and do. No one will understand how cool you are while you do not recognize this in yourself, "the celebrity is advised by novice bloggers.

Daniel easily subscribes to any "moving", for example, along with Little Big launched the Challenge #UnovisionChallenge or participated in the "Battle" against Egor Ship.

Milochin admits that publicity helped him get rid of a number of complexes and opened new opportunities. To criticism, he belongs to philosophically - what has previously neglected, now he is fun. But on this creative search for yourself, the guy did not end up, and in the 2020s he decided to try his hand in music.

Danya Milochin now

In 2020, Danya was carried away by the song creativity. In the spring, the fans met first with a shallow single "I am at home" ("Guess, where am I? I'm guess. Guess I? I'm normal"), a clip on which on the Yutiub-channel Dream Team House has scored 6 million views. Views. Views Then there was a turn of the self-critical composition "You are with me" ("I'm a tip").

June started for Milohina fans from positive news - their favorite recorded a joint track with Timati and the trick, and then went with them to the first channel in the "Evening Urgant".

In January, 2021, journalists of the program "Let them say" managed to find the biological mother and father of the Milohina brothers. Ilya agreed to see the parents on the air of a talk show. Love is careful, mother of bloggers, said that because of the material difficulties and difficult circumstances could not leave children, which regrets now. Father also asked for forgiveness from his son and even got up to his knees. Ilya him admitted that he did not hold evil on his parents and had already forgiven them.

But Danya refused to meet with relatives.

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