Interesting facts about Nikas Safronov - Wife, Children, Property, Earnings


At this time, the visual art ceased to be clear a simple person. Instead of the striking beauty of the landscapes of the brush of Levitan and Shishkin or frightening and fascinating battle canvases of Vereshchagin in honor of all sorts of abstraction and alaepan masculine level of lessons from elementary school.

However, there were still such painters, whose works do not cause disputes about their own grace and beauty. Interesting facts about Nika Safronov - in the material 24cm.

Escape from wife

Among the curious facts from the life of the artist's celebrity, famous for the writing of the artist's celebrities, is worth remembering how even before coming to his wide fame, Nikas Safronov escaped from his wife.

The first choices of the painter was a student from Yugoslavia with unusual for Russian latitudes with the name of Dragan. The girl came from the secured family and studied in Sorbonne, and in Moscow turned out to be a translator, having arrived together with the tourist group.

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Safronov recalled that the appearance of the girl was far from his ideal: Imposed the sparkle-playful restless beauty of Italian or Spanish brunettes, while in the calm blue eyes of his new white-haired familiar place for unrestrained passion. But in it, it was something more attractive for a young man, awakening Azart Steeda, "the virginity, which Dragan, as a decent lady, burned to a wedding.

The desire to become the first man in the life of the Yugoslav Guest turned out to be so strong that Nikas decided to take the girl to the registry office. Then followed the wedding in Paris, on which the parents of the bride spent unimaginable for those times for the Soviet person (in the courtyard stood 1984) $ 200 thousand, and then the first wedding night expected to newlyweds.

Unfortunately for Dragan, who fed to her my sincere feelings, already a week after the first sex, the artist completely cooled to her. After only 20 days after the marriage, the painter satisfied his hunting excitement ran away from a young wife during his holidays on the family belonging to the Ville family and almost immediately filed for a divorce.

True, the permission to terminate was only a couple of years later - Dragans did not want to let go of the head of Lovelaus expecting it.

Lost love

There were many passions in the life of the popular artist. But the famous ladies and one years later recalls his first love - a woman named Margarita.

The Beloved 17-year-old Safronov was the older chosen one almost a half dozen years. They met when the guy suggested her to help bring the bags to the apartment, and then stayed for the night - with this, the novel began, full of experiences, passions, jealousy and mutual reproaches.

There were attempts to part from the side of Rita, because of which Nikolai, then I was still called Nikolai, cut the veins near the woman's apartment. Store in the soul hope that a loved one will have time to come before he himself expires blood, "then everything will return to her places."

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The end of this romantic history delivered the army. When Nikas called for a service in rocket troops, a young man did not forget to write Margarita as much as possible, pouring his thoughts to the paper.

But the woman answered coldly - ridiculed with jealousy, retained confidence that the guy does not serve, but having fun with young girls. What caused Safronov as a result to start building life without her. However, to forget about those gentle feelings that once tied him from the first beloved, Nikas could not.


But another interesting fact about Nicas Safronov has a unique shade of mysticism. In the show of the NTV channel "Secret by Million", the painter admitted that in her young years, he had a familiarity with a kind of girl Elena, to which he posed the strongest feelings. However, to make a proposal of the fusey heart, Mrunitsa and the Charmany, did not hurry: despite the persons who broke the soul, felt - this is "not his man."

And when Lena decided on the last step, demanding to go to the registry office or - otherwise, to disperse, Nikas preferred to break the relationship. Let it be gone and hard, herself to overpower from a man. But the most striking thing happened four months from the moment of parting.

Having arrived again with a former passion, who gave the soul and the heart of the artist a lot of bitter and hard minutes, Nikas realized that he did not understand how he could have loved this woman. After all, it turned out to be not only far from ideal outwardly, but also suffered by Kosonazyche. Yes, and in bed "I smeared with a tree." Not realizing that in the past made to turn on Elena attention, the artist appealed to the familiar who was explained that the man was prompted.

Ovenful children

Naturally, such a loving man, like Nikas Safronov, and children in the world gained decent. The painter himself confessed that before seriously did not pay attention to the offspring as a father. And he did not even take counting how much boys and girls with his genes run through the light. When it still wondered by this question, it turned out a man 30.

Sometimes relationship with the declared children was not confirmed. However, in such cases, Nikas tried not to leave applied without support. Although it is recognized: for the time being (before the announcement of the inheritance), he was little worried about the restoration of family bonds. So he communicated, besides his official son Stefano, just with five extramarital children: Luka, Dmitry, Sasha and Yulya.


Speaking about the extramarital children of celebrities, it is impossible to miss the next interesting fact about Nicata Safronov: the artist decided to leave potential heirs without a penny. And for this, a large female dad had.

Most of the "found", I am sure of Nikas Safronov, remembered it only from mercenary motives, when the artist decided to leave all the property to her beloved, as he himself claims to illegitimate son - Pianist Luke Salzavkin. He had previously managed to prove his own disinterest in Father's finances - never asked anything.

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The musician, by the way, refused the inheritance, advising the Father to convey the state by the state, because he did not want to sue anyone after the death of the parent. Yes, and believed that it is more correct in life to seek independently.

After communicating with the son-pianist and himself, Nikas Safronov realized that he would not want to turn into most of his offspring in the "grandmother with a Moscow apartment", whose death is waiting with impatience. Yes, and the desire to become the cause of quarrels and trials between their own people after the death of the painter also did not find.

Also, it believes Nikas, the property delivered to selfish relatives will be cleared in pieces. And he would like to leave something for culture and art after himself. And only the state is able to turn the property belonging to the artist, in museums, and the paintings are in exhibits available to see the wishing.


And one more interesting fact about Nikas Safronov. Living in Vilnius and getting education in the art institute, the painter was tired of the removable apartments and decided to buy his own. The pictures that for "maintaining pants" then he wrote, income brought insufficient. So in the fourth year, Nikas took an academic vacation and became for eight months a fan derivaler. Earnings impressed - enough not only on the apartment, but also on a motorcycle and several leather.

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