The first wives of celebrities are Russian, what they look like, the relationship, divorce


Find a soul mate - Netrivial task. Some do not at all cope with it. Yes, and in achieving this cherished goal, family happiness is obtained from the first time. If you are not lucky. And the stars are no exception: they have a personal life too far not immediately. The more interesting fans to remember who idols were left behind in search of their big and unique love.

About what they do and what the first celebrity wives look like, in the material 24cm.

Maxim Vitorgan

On the peripetia of the Son of the Son of the famous Soviet actor Emmanuel Vitorgana Maxim and his last spouse Ksenia Sobchak, who ended with a divorce after the treason of "secular lioness", a couple of years ago, a century from each iron. Not too much at the same time focuses on the fact that the artist has no first experience of unsuccessful relationships.

And the woman who Maxim called the wife for the first time, let the official registration of the pair, did not pass, became his colleague in the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator, in which the Vitorgan Jr. settled after the end of Hitis, - Victoria Verberg.

As the artist recalled, the novel began with the repair she did in his apartment. Men's hands were required - with most tasks, Verberg itself was just not to cope. Maxim invariably called to help. And in one such visit at all, it remained overnight, after which it did not leave for a very long time.

And the in love of the actor was not embarrassed by the fact that the lady who conquered his heart was almost a dozen years older than a dozen years. Yes, and Victoria herself, first of the time meditating, whether she needs these "multi-time" relationships (after all, a young spouse sooner or later someone else would prefer someone else), he soon simply surrendered to the passion that covered her entire soul when a high green-eyed handsome was by name Maxim.

However, the fears of Victoria, as life showed, were not in vain - the vitargan went to another woman. There were not even two children who left Maxim, who left his first wife, is the daughter of Polina and Son Daniel. However, although the parting was not easy, subsequently former spouses for the sake of children managed to blame.

Danil Kozlovsky

About the relationship, when your favorite girl is older than you, does not know the other Russian actor - Danil Kozlovsky. After all, the first wife of the celebrity became Ursula Magdalena Malka, born five years earlier than his future spouse.

Young people met in the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art. Ursula came to Russia to continue their studies after it was expelled from the Polish theater school for violation of discipline. Relationships from the couple began only at the end of the fifth course - young people got together during the rehearsals of the play "Warsaw Melody", and after a few months they realized that he had no longer wished to stay without each other.

Family life gave a crack three years after marriage. The was the passion disappeared, Danil and Ursula gradually cooled to each other and ran away, although they still did not rush to submit for a divorce. Such developments of events fans and journalists have invariably found the most unsightly causes.

For example, a version has repeatedly emerged that Kozlovsky his wedding with Malk just wanted to take revenge on the former Passion - Elizaba Boyarskaya: Dad girl did not approve the candidacy of Danil for the role of the groom, because of which celebrities were separated.

Also, such a motivating factor for parting, as a professional jealousy, is also commonly called: unlike the spouse, Ursule Magdalene failed to achieve large heights on the acting field - neither theatrical stage, nor in cinema.

Malka herself called the main reason that the spouse often did not happen at home because of the filming. Modestly hinting that her younger husband was the "appetizing cake" who wanted to try many. And to keep the temptations to the very "dessert" at such scenaries - unrealistic.

Maxim Matveyev

Not the first time he got into the "bullish eye" and Maxim Matveyev, before the meeting with the fate of the fate of Elizabeth Boyarskaya managed to acquire the family.

The first wife of the celebrity became the actress Jan Sexte, whose relationship began to be so rapidly developing after the joint participation in the "forty-first" performance on the story of Boris Lavrenev, which soon a couple had a hurry on the registry office - to listen to the wedding march. Unfortunately for spouses, the marriage lasted for a short time - just a year. After that, the Maxim broke out a novel with Boyarskaya.

The latter, however, is not surprising. After all, the spark of mutual sympathy ran between future star spouses even before Matveev married Sex. On the samples in the picture "1612", where Lisa and Maxim met for the first time.

Fortunately, after Matveyev and Yane, who was not easy for both parting, who later became the spouse of the composer Dmitry Marina, managed to establish relationships - now the actors are friends with families.

Nikolay Baskov

But from the "Golden Voice of Russia" Nikolai Baskova collapsed not on his initiative. The first spouse of the famous singer Svetlana, the daughter of the detainee in March 2021 on suspicion of bribery of the entrepreneur Boris Spiegel, after seven years of living together was filed for divorce.

The woman accused her husband that he did not appear at home because of permanent employment and does not fulfill the duties of his father (although they rumored that the artist was simply not interested in Svetlana as a woman). This was explained by the fact that after parting did not allow Nicholas to see the son of Bronislav. However, from these relations between the Basque benefit, Boris Spiegel, who was engaged in producing a star, seriously highlighted the growing popularity of his son-in-law.

Sergei Shnurov

The chief "philologist" of the Russian music scene, which is not shy in his works to actively use the "mighty part" of the native language, Sergey Shnurov is a four-time "intelligence". So experience in building "family nests" from the star does not occupy.

And Sergei's first wife became Maria Ismagilov, with which the future artist met during the years of study at the Philosophy of the Faculty of Theological Institute - there the musician was brought in search of self-determination in the realities of the post-second collapse of moral landmarks and moral coordinates. It didn't get to finish their studies - the daughter was born, so I had to look for a job, forgotten not only about education, but also about your own passion for music.

The last artist returned when Seraphim grew up and went to kindergarten. What seriously upset the wife who sled from the texts that her beloved man sowed. Deciding that the influence of the father would not teach a good girl, Maria filed a divorce and banned the cord with his daughter to meet. After years, Sergey and Seraphim, however, the lack of communication was filled with interest.

Garik Kharlamov

The Garik Harlamov recently broken with Christina also passed the divorce procedure for the first time. Previously, the Comedy Club resident was already married. The first spouse of the artist after a four-year period of informal relations was Julia Leshchenko, who worked as a managing in one of those Moscow clubs, in which the participants of the humorous show began to speak.

After registering the Union lasted three years, and then the pair broke up because of the new Bulldog novel with Christina Asmus, pretty "winning" on the topic of the property section in court. They said that the reason why Garik Harlamov began to pay more attention to actress than a legitimate wife, it became that Julia did not give birth for seven years. However, as practice has shown in the case of Asmus, the child of the artist is also hardly kept.

Dmitry Tarasov

The debut experience of family life for the football player Dmitry Tarasova, who later became her husband first Olga Buzova, and then model Anastasia Kostenko, became marriage with Gymnast of Oksana Ponomarenko, who gave birth to the beloved daughter Angelin. Love lasts long: Tarasov went to the leading project "Dom-2", and about the former family forgotten - they say, the arrears of alimony in favor of the first daughter at the football player exceeded a tette of millions of rubles.
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And Oksana, tolding with the sport, learned on a sociologist and settled to work with a male master in the beauty salon.

Evgeny Plushenko

Figure of Evgeny Plushenko is now married with Yana Rudkovskaya. And the first wife of the champion in 2005 was the daughter of an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg Maria Ermak, who gave birth to her husband in the 2006th Son of Egor. The latter circumstance, by the way, did not keep the family from the destruction - Plushenko, who understood that he was hurried with the choice, left the spouse before the child appeared.

The reason for the disadvantage was different views on the future. Evgeny Grezil about the Olympic gold and did not agree to go on the desires of the second half, having dreamed that after the wedding, the beloved, who constantly disappeared at the fees, will leave the sport and quit the family business.

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By the way, we didn't get a divorce from Plushenko for two years: the wife hid the passport while there is still a legitimate husband, refused to sign the paper and walked onto other tricks. But in the end, it was still surrendered. Unlike the marriage Evgeny and Rudkovskaya, the second attempt to build a happy family from Mary again fell.

Kirill Safonov

Actor Kirill Safonov, married to the singer Alexander Savelyeva, made his debut as a family man with a woman named Elena, with whom a good ten years lived in marriage. Moreover, the relationship was kept so long, despite the permanent quarrels against the background of the financial problems of the 90s and the forced lack of a husband because of numerous part-time products. Still, the parting turned out to be inevitable.

Some time after the divorce Elena went to Israel, where he died in 2018. The cause of death was alcoholism.

Mikhail Efremov

Mikhail Efremov, serving the sentence in the colony, was also married and divorced repeatedly. And this matrononial epic began with the first wife of the celebrity, which became still in the student of the actress Elena Goljanov. Moreover, the special love between the spouses submitted to divorce a month later was not - Mikhail simply helped through a fictitious marriage to the provincial girl to entrenched in the capital.

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