Julia Tsvetkov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Activist, LGBT, "Instagram", Arrest 2021



The name of Yulia Flower has now turned out to be the focus of those who share the ideas of same-sex love and feminism. Director, designer, the author of several communities in social networks in June 2020 was charged with the spread of pornography. The reason for this was the drawings of the artist, demonstrating the public from various sides of female physicity. Single pickets in different parts of Russia passed in defense of activist.

Childhood and youth

Tsvetkov appeared on May 23, 1993 in the town under Komsomolsky-on-Amur. At birth, the girl was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and offered parents to abandon the child. However, the pair did not follow the persuashes of doctors. The baby handed over, engaged in physical education, which made it possible to forget about the terrible disease.

According to the mother, in 8 months, Julia spoke, and in 2 years he read the poems on heart and taught English. Mama Anna Haysereva led in the city of a children's studio, where her daughter came. When the future artist turned 9, her father died. In school, classmates constantly joined the girl for "unworn" on them.

At that time, all local newspapers wrote about the flowers: the schoolgirl led on television the children's program "Amur star", taught foreign languages. At the age of 12, the schoolgirl organized fashion shows, and at 13 there were five personal exhibitions. After graduating from 9 classes, the girl began to teach English in the studio of the mother.

Later, she became "closely" in the city - at 17, Julia moved to Moscow, and then to the UK. In the West, she wanted to engage in director, was going to enter the London School of Cinema. However, Anna's disease made returning to Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Personal life

About the personal life in his biography, the girl does not seek to tell the public. In an interview, Julia reported that her family consists of her with her mother and two cats. Supporting LGBT movement, the artist noted that it could not accurately determine whether she was a lesbian or a bisexual. Journalists managed to find out that in his youth in the flower there were unsuccessful abusive relations with a man. After parting with him, the artist thought about the rights of women.

Creativity and activism

Interest in the ideas of feminism pushed the girl to the creation of the Komsomolka group in VKontakte. The community learned in Komsomolsk-on Amur, and threats from less "progressive" residents of the city fell in the direction of Julia. The police began to come to coming complaints containing the accusations of the flowering in inciting hatred towards men and the propaganda of non-traditional family values ​​among children.

The designer was working with children in the studio of the mother, and when some of them had grown, decided to create theater-based theater "Merak" for them. At first, he thought as a place where performances in English would be put in English, gradually setting adopted a Russian-language character.

Interest in the female question, the attitude towards a woman in society pushed the creation of a group of "Monologists of Vagina", which appeared in Vkontakte. Here the activist placed paintings, not physiologically accurate, but resembling the outlines and forms of female nature.

In addition, a project appeared on the network, which Tsvetkov called "a woman not a doll". Here, the artist presented a number of bodipositive illustrations. The images, according to the girl, were to remind society that the French representatives are alive, with imperfect bodies subject to age-related changes.

Julia stressed that public stereotypes do not allow a woman to take himself as it is - with scars, stretching, extra kilograms and others. Also, the topics of masturbation and regular cycles have risen.

Criminal case

In March 2019, an administrative case was held at the feminist under the article on the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among juvenile. The reason for this was the play "Pink and Blue", in which the roles performed the young actors of the Merak Theater. According to Yulia, the production revealed the topic of gender stereotypes, bulling and other social problems.

The name of the project, as Tsvetkov said, did not affect the topic of non-traditional orientation. It reminded that society imposes certain attitudes to people, for example, that girls are customary to wear pink-colored things, boys - blue. The girl wanted her creation to imagine the "Color of Shafran" at the Festival of Athivistic Art of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Youth House.

The establishment of the institution first agreed, but a week before the presentation banned the presentation. The statement became interested in law enforcement agencies. The children participating in the project were called for interrogation. The festival did not take place, and the theater studio was closed. Nevertheless, Julia continued creative activities, removing the "blue and pink" on the camera in the usual rehearsal hall without scenery and light.

In addition, the artist read lectures on the gulag, LGBT, which led to challenges to the police for preventive conversations. In early November, the girl recovered in St. Petersburg to present a video of the performance of the performance on the feminist festival "Eva Ribs". Upon returning to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Julia was met at the police station.

She was charged with the proliferation of pornography. The reason for this was the materials placed by Flower in Vkontakte, in the community "Monologists of Vagina". In the children's studio, they conducted a search, suspectedly planted under house arrest.

Julia Tsvetkova now

On January 15, 2020, the court decided to prolong the punishment of the artist for another 2 months. Soon another administrative case was initiated about the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations. It happened after the girl posted a drawing on the network with the image of two same-sex couples with children and signature "Family where love is there."

On March 16, the court removed the restrictions on the movement of the suspect in the city and took from it a subscription of the unseen. In early June, LGBT activist was charged with the spread of pornography.

According to preliminary data, it faces from six to nine years in prison. Promotions of support were held in support of the girl, petitions were prepared, requiring its release. In "Instagram" appeared posts and photos with Hestegom "Freedom of Julia Flower".

The Memorial Human Rights Center recognized the feminist political prisoner. And in November, she was awarded the "Women of the Year" award from the magazine Glamor as a feminist movement.

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