Curd Easter Recipes - Unusual, Tasty, Simple, Baking, In the Oven


On May 2, 2021, Orthodox believers will celebrate the Sunday bright Christ. By tradition on this day, the family is going at the table to share joy, exchange sincere warmth and evaluate a delicious recipe for cottage cheese Easter. Fresh ideas and original flow of symbolic dishes from cottage cheese - in the material 24cm.

1. Easter "Tiramisu"

The strict ingredients of the Italian dessert "Tiramisu" was the cookie of Savoyardi and coffee. It is they who also diversify the traditional Easter dish by adding a piquant barcode. If there is no required cookie in the store, called the "Ladies' Dame", then it can be baked from eggs, flour, sugar and sugar powder on the eve.


  • Ground coffee - 90 g;
  • water - 450 ml;
  • Cookies "Ladies' fingers" - 210 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 2.1 kg;
  • yogurt - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • condensed milk - 270 g;
  • Creamy butter - 180 g;
  • Alcohol for impregnation;
  • Cocoa for finishing.


1. Will the specified amount of coffee.

2. Unlock the dual layer of gauze.

3. Mix the blender cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar. Must happen a homogeneous mass.

4. Connect the oil and condensed milk to the room temperature, and then beat.

5. Connect the mixtures obtained.

6. Start molding the dish. Place the workpiece at home.

7. From above stacked cookies in coffee. Drink can be aromatic with alcohol if it is not supposed to post a dish on a children's table. Do not be afraid to crumble cookies. When wetting Savoyardi should take the space provided to him.

8. Plide the resulting cocoa powder.

9. Repeat the action starting from paragraph 6.

10. Turn the edges of the gauze, close the curd billet and put the cargo on the form.

11. Remove Easter for the night in the refrigerator. During this time, the dish will lose a little liquid and it will be more dense.

12. Before serving on the table in the spirit of the Italian dessert, suck the cocoa powder.

2. Curd Easter with boiled condensed milk

A simple and unusual recipe for cottage cheese Easter with boiled condensed milk will be under the power of a newcomer in the kitchen. Boiled condensed milk can be found on store shelves, or use the grandmother's advice: cook the jar of 2.5-3 hours in a water saucepan, not forgetting to top up the liquid so that the bank is covered with 5 cm water and did not explode during the cooking process. Do not forget the important rule: you can open a welded bank only after it has cooled.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • Creamy oil - 100 g;
  • Dried fruits, candied tuts, nuts to taste.


1. Creamy oil on the eve on the table. By morning it will become soft.

2. If you plan to add raisins, we rinse the berries, pour boiling water, rinse again and leave to dry.

3. Cottage cheese can be pulled through a sieve.

4. Mix all the ingredients except the filler, blender.

5. Add the remaining ingredients and mix.

6. Lay out the mixture in the form and put under the oppression to the cool place.

3. Curd Easter with Cherry

Interesting berry delicacy without baking will require a little more effort than previous recipes. In the spring, frozen berries without bones are usually used. If you are lucky enough to get fresh berries at this time, the kernels should also be deleted. The amount of sugar is scheduled approximately and depends on the degree of "kissing", which is expected from the cherry. Optionally, traditional candied or raisins can be added in the dish.


  • Cherry without bones and cottage cheese - 350 g;
  • butter creamy - 150 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g.


1. Lay out the cherry in the pan.

2. Pull the berries with sugar.

3. Without adding water, put on fire.

4. After the syrup reached the boil, make fire less and boil until thickening for about 7-10 minutes. In the process of cooking, do not forget to stir berries;

5. Welcome cherry.

6. Blend the oil, sugar and cottage cheese blender.

7. Add a cherry mixture to the resulting mixture and sweep again.

8. Enter the filler.

9. Lay out the mass of the Passover and put under the oppression.

4. Puff Easter with fresh fruit

The original recipe for cottage cheese Easter can be made of fruits that are sold in stores all year round. The grapes without bones, nectarines, bananas are suitable. Thanks to the overseas fruit, the dish acquires an aroma and becomes air. For this recipe, it is also important to correctly calculate the cooking time, since it will be necessary to withstand the left clock.


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • Cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • Gelatin - 2 bags;
  • kiwi - 6 pcs.;
  • grape juice.


1. Connect sugar, cream and ½ package gelatin. Stir the mixture and heat the stove, but do not boil.

2. Enjoy the resulting mixture.

3. Connect the mixture and cottage cheese. Remove the resulting mass by 6-8 hours in the refrigerator.

4. Connect the grape juice and gelatin in proportion indicated on the package. Heat the ingredients by continuously stirring, but do not boil.

5. Start the assembly of the dish. At the layer of cottage cheese, lay out the chopped fruit and pour the obtained jelly. Place the form half an hour in the refrigerator.

6. Re-add a layer of cottage cheese, fruits and pour the prepared grape juice. And again the dish should stand 30 minutes in a cool place. Make so few layers. And after the dish, it is entirely sent to the refrigerator for another 10-12 hours.

Puff Easter with Fruit

5. Curd Easter in the oven

This recipe for cottage cheese Easter is preparing from simple ingredients and does not take much time on cooking. In addition, if we fear to give the children a product from raw cottage cheese, the baked festive delicacy, together with Kulich, will become an excellent alternative for the children's table.


  • Cottage cheese 15% fat and above - 400 g;
  • Egg - 8 pcs.;
  • Creamy oil -70 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanillin - ½ tsp;
  • Raisin - 100 g


1. Wipe cottage cheese through a metallic sieve.

2. Connect cottage cheese and sugar.

3. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar.

4. Add a softened creamy oil to the mixture.

5. Wear eggs to lush white foam.

6. Enter the ingredient to the mixture.

7. Fill with silicone or oil lubricated metal forms.

8. Place Easter in the oven preheated to 180-200 ° C.

9. Bake in the oven 40-50 minutes to a golden crust.

10. Serve on the table cooled and decorated with powdered sugar or icing.

Choose a recipe for cottage cheese Easter and prepare it with good wishes. Decorate a ready-made dish by Easter decor. By tradition, Easter is eaten with festive baking, but independent use of dessert is allowed.

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