Ken (doll) - pictures, house, cartoons, Barbie husband, history, prototypes


Character History

Ken is the famous Barbie boyfriend, which appeared in children's stores in 1961. A fashionable guy with a stylish haircut gave way to his girlfriend and even twice starred from production due to reducing profitability.

History of character creation

The famous Barbie doll was created by the American company Mattel in 1959. The incredible popularity of the toy contributed to the further development of the brand. Soon she had friends and relatives.

It is not surprising that at a certain point, reflections appeared that it was time for the debut of a character, which would give her husband a blonde beauty. Mattel was originally planned to the boy's hero. Studying experience and features of the industry, the leaders understood that such investments rarely pay off.

But the incredible popularity of Barbie has become an impetus for the experiment. And it was obviously - girls who fell in love with a long-legged blonde, dreamed of locating a date that it would be impossible without a groom.

However, the handsome man appeared did not justify hopes. Sales of Ken did not even approach the planned financial plans. In 1968, Mattel decided to stop the release of toys.

Nevertheless, the character did not go to the fly. Soon the company's leaders found that this hero became some kind of insurance for blonde from attacks of critics. His presence in the life of a busy career of the girl was cut off unnecessary questions about feminism.

In 2004, the boy's doll again brought out the range of the brand line by the range. This time you also tied up with the history of the gap perfect at first view of the pair. In fact, Mattel was guided by economic reasons, calculating profitability.

But in 2006, the guy was on racks. Moreover, I marked my return by post in the social network "Facebook", where he asked the former lover to start all over again.

From the moment of his debut, the character managed to try on dozens of professions - an athlete, dancer, superstar, rescuer, football player and even military. Repeatedly changed the appearance and design of the doll.

In 1961, the figurine of the groom could only turn his head to the right and left. Initially, the character had flock hair and a vanity physique.

After redesign, buyers appeared smiling blondes with snacks on the cheeks, with her hands and legs, drawn muscles. Related goods have been on sale - clothes, decorations and underwear.

In 1972, Ken appeared, who already pronounced the recorded phrases. He became the owner of long hair and wore the broken pants. After 10 years, the guy pleased the little fans with his appearance in the suit of the groom - however, the case did not reach the wedding.

In 1983, he was allowed into the production of the African American young man. Next, the character tried out the images of the rock star, doctor, swimmer and pilot. In the last decade of the 20th century, the boyfriend of the long-legged blonde began to read rap and ride a skateboard. And I decided to become a real prince with a beard, which was easy to shave.

Image and biography of Ken

Unlike a popular girlfriend, the guy did not get an expanded biography. His story began from the moment of meeting from Barbie.

They met on the set of advertising and immediately fell in love with each other. The attachment in the first years was so strong that their names became nominal. Thus, the expression "Barbie and Ken" was used to the pair, which were striving for ideal relationships.

The girl even put a beloved portrait in the house, and then recorded an album with songs about the power of feelings. These guys and days could not stay without each other, becoming an example of an American family with traditional hikes on picnics, parties and gyms. And even acquired pair costumes, emphasizing mutual attachment.

However, with the time of the groom began to lag behind a sudden companion. The more Barbie's popularity grew, it was more difficult for him to stand in the shade. This led to the fact that the guy appeared in the life of the blonde only when this was required by the situation. For example, to accompany the passage to the secular reception or to bring to the next mod.

The chosen one sought to create his own image, preferred noisy parties with friends, wanted to build a successful career. There was a time when she even forgot about the boyfriend.

At the same time, the heroine was dreaming about the wedding. The guy understood that he became an integral attribute of her beautiful life, "husband for an hour." This position, the young man did not suit, and he repeatedly expressed that he was not going to associate himself with marriages. The girl with the hope of having fun of the wedding dresses and waited for the wedding rings.

All collapsed in 2004. Tired of unpromising relationship, a blonde careerist announced a break. The novel who lasted more than 4 decades, finished existence. The guys decided to stay with friends, and the failed groom noble left the accurate property, including a joint house, the former bride.

For 2 years, the guy has hidden from the attention of the press. His return happened in 2006, but a platonic relationship was preserved between him and Barbie. However, first love does not pass. In 2011, the couple officially reunited on the eve of Valentine's holiday.

Ken in cartoons and games

In 2010, the character appeared in the cartoon Pixar Studio "Toy History: Big Escape." In this picture, the hero appeared by a beautiful handsome woman who could boast a gorgeous home and a luxurious wardrobe.

However, his amplua in the animation film was not so brilliant. Initially, Ken served the villain of Lotso. When he met a glamorous blonde, his life sets began to change. As a result, the young man decided to end the dark past. But the toys did not believe him, and the blond doll even announced that everything was terminated between them.

At the end of the cartoon, after the adventures of the heroes ended positively, the couple reconciled and even played the wedding. Handsome groom voiced actor Michael Kiton.

In 2012, a cartoon series called "Barbie: Life in the Dream House" started in the United States. Ken appeared here in the usual image - being crazy about the girlfriend, he obediently performs her whim.

In video games for children, the character is often given to secondary roles. While Girls with Eustice prepare Barbie to another date, in love with her guy remains only to stay in anticipation of blonde beauties.

Interesting Facts

  • Mattel presented Ken from the country of the rising sun to the 50th anniversary of the doll. The young man is dressed in a traditional Japanese suit, wearing a hairstyle of a samurai and holds the sword in his hand.
  • Rodrigo Alves moved more than 50 plastic operations to achieve similar to the ideal man. But the title of "Live Ken" received American Justin Dzhadlik.
  • Barbie's friend's creator called the boy's doll in honor of his son. The information that the Toy's prototype was the spouse of Ruth and part-time the head of Mattel Handler Elliot, was not confirmed by anything.
  • Due to the glamorous appearance of a male character, journalists often accused him of a non-traditional orientation.


  • 2010 - "Toy Story: Big Escape"
  • 2012 - "Barbie: Life in the House of Dreams"

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