Participants of the show "Hunger" - Russian, what they look like, what are the fate


Show TNT "Hunger" excited about 2003 not only Russian spectators, but also the public of Berlin, in which the shooting took place. In the plot 12 guys and girls had to hold out 100 days in a foreign country and try to feed themselves without money. What are the participants of the "Hunger" show now and how their fate has developed after the project - in the material 24cm.

Alexander Konstantinov

The organizers of Realvest kept the promise and continue to pay the fee to the winner of the show "Hunger" Alexander Konstantinov, who still receives $ 1 thousand every month.

After participating in Reality, Konstantinov ordered prizes with benefit and paid for his studies at the Schukinsky Theater School. Then the talented young man was invited to the Ovgeny Vakhtangov Theater Snaps.

The cinematic debut of the actor took place in 2006 in the TV series "Code of Honor". Now in Kinokarier Konstantinova more than 70 works. About how a former project participant looks like, can be judged by the TV series "IP Pirogov", "Tech", "Psychologies".

Show "Hunger" changed the worldview of Alexander: he became a vegetarian and carried away by sports. For reality, he met the future wife of Karina Sabirzyanova, who gave her husband twins of the climate and Olivia, and later - daughter the theone.

Alexander Komom

Participants of the show

Above the shoulders of Alexander Komov at the time of filming remained the profession of producer he received in Gitis. He explained his participation in the project by the desire to become noticeable to the directors and get roles in the movies. However, the participant of the show "Hunger" did not achieve. In his career only episodic roles. And later Coms disappeared with radar. Nothing is known about his fate.

Vlad Abramov

Participants of the show

Independent Vlad Abramov spent 70 days on the show. The participant was in the project after a long search of himself first at the pedagogical school, which he threw after the first semester, then in the theater university, where the points did not rebel.

During the show, Vlad argued that in his native Vladivostok will not return. However, fate presented a surprise. After the project, he worked as an assistant director of commercials, but the career did not work out. Abramov returned to Vladivostok, where he planned to become leading at the local radio station.

Igor Kamaev

Participants of the show

Then the 3rd course student of the Oil and Gas University, Igor Kamaev, was the only one on the show by a member associated with marriage. Igor planned to become the publisher of his own Almanach for earned money, and the remaining amount to spend his son to toys.

The participant lasted on the project 32 days, and after returned to his hometown. The fate of Kameaeva has developed safely. He is married, Grow heirs and works at the agency for the organization of holidays.

Nikita Golubev

Participants of the show

Nikita Golubev came to the victory of victory. However, Fortuna smiled at Alexander Konstantinov. After the Show, Nikita graduated from the Medical University and received a specialty pediatrician.

Nikita is engaged in creativity by choosing an unusual direction of Street Art. Under the nickname Proboynick Golube creates drawings using dirty car bodies as canvas. Another directions of the ex-participant "Hunger" became animation and creation of prints.

Personal life at the celebrity also developed well. Nikita is married and raises two children.

Zuriko back to

Participants of the show

Barate and Veschak Zuriko Back, born in prison, thanks to the project found sister. On reality, he spent 20 days and was expelled to solve the creators of the project, which feared for the mental health of the guy.

Six months after the show, the participant could not even listen to the word "television". Then back to say that thanks to the real estate I was able to understand myself deeper. After the self-analysis Zuriko came to the conclusion that he should live ordinary life.

Karina Sabirjana

Participants of the show

The most beautiful girl of the project Karina Sabirzyanov immediately faced Alexander Konstantinov. A spark ran between young people, but the guy of Karina intervened in plans, which flew to Berlin to make an offer. From surprise Karina agreed and left the project a month later to arrange a personal life. Later, the participant admits that unhappy in marriage.

Karina broke up with her first husband, and then married Alexander Konstantinova. Happi-end this story is known to everyone: the spouses are happy and raising three children.

Yana Golubyatnikova

Participants of the show

On reality "Hunger" Yana Golubyatnikov came in the hope of winning the main prize and get the profession of the singer. The most silent member of the show "Hunger" went halfway, allowing ridiculous oversight in the supermarket, when he pulled a souvenir mug and she screamed demonstratively.

Now Yana is Muscovite, which is engaged in the organization of the holidays. The girl continued the vocal career and also works as a DJ, considering his calling "to create an atmosphere of a holiday and fun." Golubyatnikova married, raises two children.

Lyuba Gaikovich

Participants of the show

Lyuba Gaikovich, who, the audience was remembered as the most frank party show. Having a stripper experience, Lyuba earned this craft on the project. And in general, the cameras did not hesitate, surprising fans in the style of "Nu".

Lyuba left the project almost at the equator, holding out 42 days. On the wave of spectator interest, Lyuba became the most discussed person in the forums on the Internet, and then fastened the popularity of shooting at Playboy. In 2012, Lyubov Gaikovich gave birth to a son from a man, in relations with whom was located.

For a while, love disappeared from the screens, and at the beginning of 2020 appeared in the show "Reboot". As it turned out, the ex-participant had problems with alcohol. Gaikovich also admitted that "lives one day," but dreams of starting all over again.

Nastya Rubtsova

Participants of the show

Nastya Rubtsova was the only participant in the show "Hunger", which owned foreign languages. She agreed to participate, because she was borrowed debt of $ 1 thousand.

"Hunger" turned out to be a test for Nastya, and supported a girl while finding a psychologist who worked for the scene. After disposal, Nastya answered his patron to his patron. The further development of events is unknown, since Rubatova leads a solitary lifestyle and does not come to communicate with journalists.

Natalia Syutkin

Stylist Natalia Syutkin remembers the fans of the show as one of the bright participants. It had a stormy novel with an emigrant Edik. To add an acuteness of reality, the creators offered to beat the plot in which Natalia led Edica from the family. The beloved even spent on the set of a day, but these frames did not enter the project.

After the show, Natalia returned to his native Tyumen and the first time was afraid of close attention in public transport. On how Natalia Sutkin looks like now, you can judge the account in "Instagram". The participant of the project calls its work with a beautician "Kaifova" and happy to educate the daughter and son, which has already become a man.

Ksenia Kozlov

Participants of the show

Ksenia Kozlov also got into the finalists of the project. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the participant of the show "Hunger" is recognized that it was not ready for glory. After life, the girl did not return to the camera and was restored for another 3 months.

Soon, friends introduced her with a future husband who did not follow the show, and therefore the relationship began with a pure sheet. Ksenia was educated at the Academy of Painting and became a member of the Union of Artists. It works in the style of realistic painting, and also makes cartoons to order. Now Ksenia brings up with her husband three children and protects personal life from prying eyes.

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