Valentine Pleek - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Director



Valentin Nikolayevich Pleek was a Soviet and Russian director who worked at the Moscow Theater of Satire for fifty years. Dozens of famous actors who embody the original ideas, got from the hands of a man into the world of art Happy ticket.

Childhood and youth

Valentine Pescheck appeared in August 1909 in the family of representatives of Jewish nationality, which settled in Moscow. At the beginning of the 20th century, others did not suspect that, thanks to the natural gift, he would become known in the country.

Father of the future director Nikolai Matveevich Ginzburg belonged to the old clan of the prosperous merchants. In his youth, he was combined with a marriage with the daughter of Morduha Berkovich Brook, a leaving of the creative intelligent circles of Novgorod-Seversky.

Fanny Matveyevna Brooke Ginzburg created a comfort in the house, life was cloudless and happy until the spouse died. Woman recovering from the tragedy, the second time got married, hoping that a mentor and friend will appear from the last marriage.

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The boy ambiguously perceived the fact of the presence of a stepfather, he preferred to spend time in the company of neighbors and friends. In early childhood, Valentin Plekku ran away from the adoptive parent and was brought up in a boarding school with children from insolvent families.

In the years of study in the State Communication Secondary School, the representative of the Jewish kind showed creative talent. Teachers and classmates were 100% sure that the painter, writer or musician will be released from it.

At the end of the seven-year, the smart and capable teenager decided to join the "Artist" of artists and entered Vhutemas. Professional interests were replaced after acquaintance with the Soviet drama, in his youth, the pilot went to performances a week several times.

The Vsevolod Meyerhold forced Play Play Plans for the Future: Valentina was lucky enough to find a place in his experimental workshop. After listening to the stage of the stage speech, the young man decided to move further, in the end the theatrical director became a vocation and fate.

True, at the initial stage of the professional creative career, the pilot was a statist of plays based on books. During this period, he became interested in poetry Vladimir Mayakovsky, having loved the Soviet futurist for a bright and figurative language.

Personal life

In the personal life of Valentina Nikolayevich attended many women. Tatiana Egorov in the scandalous edition published links with a number of actresses. The "writer" criticized said that the man hidden relationships with mistresses in the shadow of theatrical kulis.

Nevertheless, the posit of the press became a novel with Tatiana Vasilyeva, as a reward received a dozen paramount roles. After acquaintance with the director, no one famous statistics became a loved one.

The official wife of Zinaida Plek was trying not to respond to treason, later the guests discussed by guests and the authors of the TV show "Let them talk." Marriage with a great man dedicated to the life of the Satira Theater, the permanent companion considered the highest possible awards.

The life of the woman proceeded in the comfortable Moscow apartment, which, according to the envious, the director received a dishonest way. It was believed that the merits of men in front of the world of high art and state awards were at all at all.

Valentin Nikolayevich, who disappeared on performances and rehearsals, brought up the son of Andrei Plek, born in the late 1930s. The young man who was educated at the Faculty of Journalism became the author of journalistic and biographical works.

Theater and films

In his youth, the ability did not manage to realize the director's ambitions, he left Meyerhold troupe, worked as an actor for several years. In the theater, organized by Valentin at the Soviet "electric felt", the first independent deculations appeared.

In the late 30s, a meeting with the playwright Alexei Arbuzov, after which the creative studio appeared in Moscow. The name of the former orphanage became known to the general public after the premiere of the performance called the "City at Zare".

The arrival of the German fascist invaders into the territory of the country of Soviets was reflected in the life of the pilot and slowed down a career growth. In the Drama Theater of the Northern Fleet, the representative of the Jewish kind for the first time in his life was proposed by a responsible guidance station.

After the surrender of Germany, the pilot returned to the capital, he worked in the All-Russian society aimed at anti-Western struggle. Dismissal for unknown reasons in the early 1950s positively affected the further creative destiny.

The unemployed director was sheltered in the famous Satira Theater, there he set the Pieces of the "Pages of the past" and "Klop". After the time, the pilot headed the team of outstanding personalities, and life became similar to a multicolored kaleidoscope.

The appointment of a man noted bright, but scandalous ideas that have been subject to discussion and themes of newspaper articles. The performances "Vasily Terkin on that light" and "And Whether Ivan Ivanovich" looked and rated by Soviet spectators.

Merit of Valentina Nikolayevich as an artistic director is considered to be the discovery of owners of glorious theatrical names. Andrei Mironov, Alexander Shirvindt, Tatiana Peltzer and Anatoly Papanov with a light hand of Meyerhold Student became stars of those times.

In addition, talented young directories Evgenia Radomyslensky, Mark Zakharova, Nikolai Pogodin and others were invited to the theater. The premieres shown on the stage in the 1970s, enjoyed respect and love of people of mature and young.

The main masterpieces of the Plek himself are now considered to be the "Auditor", "three-chic opera", "crazy day, or marriage of Figaro". A number of producer producers became artistic films, which have entered over time in the Gold Foundation of World Cinema.


3 years after the celebration of the 90-year-old anniversary, the director conceived the setting of the comedy play "servant of two gentlemen." The news of sustainable death due to an unnamed disease in August 2002 shocked the Russian people.

The farewell ceremony for the tradition was held on the scene of the Satira Theater, on the last path of the head, hundreds of people were applause. The grave at the Vagankov cemetery touching speeches said the spouse of Zinaida Pavlovna and the company of the nearest friends.

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Over time, in the house on a large armor street, which has become a theater museum, opened to visit the apartment, which was owned by the director. The exposition from the works of painting, household goods and photographs in the ranks of the sophisticated Moscow public caused a real extension.

Then in the film "Valentine Plek. In search of lost optimism, "Journalist Denis Chuvayev told about the life of the Creator. Colleagues by profession, participating in documentary filming, said that Khudruk was faithful to the theater.


  • 1959 - "Nude with Violin"
  • 1962 - "Apple of Deference"
  • 1973 - "Mad Day, or Marriage Figaro"
  • 1974 - "Little Comedy of the Big City"
  • 1975 - "House where hearts are broken"
  • 1978 - "Tablet under the tongue"
  • 1982 - "Auditor"
  • 1986 - "Raven"
  • 1987 - "Gluhahar's nest"
  • 1989 - "Suicide"


  • 1950 - "Not Your Case"
  • 1953 - "Banya"
  • 1955 - "Klop"
  • 1957 - Misteria Buff
  • 1966 - "Vasily Terkin on that light"
  • 1969 - "Mad Day, or Figaro Marriage"
  • 1972 - "Auditor"
  • 1977 - "Run"
  • 1980 - "Trigroshova Opera"
  • 1984 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1991 - "Perfect Husband"
  • 1994 - "Taming of the Shrew"
  • 1994 - "Suicide"

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