The series "Incredible" (2021) - the release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The more heroes with the prefix "super", good and different, the higher the audience interest in the product and more income. So it was considered the leadership of the American HBO TV channel and launched - after a long expectation of superherochy fans - the series "Incredible", which was announced back in 2018, whose release date came on April 11, 2021.

Briefly about the plot of a new fantastic story associated with the show of interesting facts and actors participating in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Older superheroes, rudely generated by MARVEL and DC comic comic, are pretty contrary to large and small screens, the main mass of the audience (not counting the degrees of franchises) was bored. So, it's time to create new ones, more than satisfying the interests of the next generation of viewers.

Than and engaged in HBO, invented five new heroines with fantastic abilities, and to maintain interest from potential fans moved by the action of modern urban landscapes in the scenery of the Victorian era. And the task of these freshly strange incarnations of wonder women put the classic - save the world from the evil threatening to him, painting along the way with diverse villains.

The show was created with financial support directly from the HBO channel, also speaking by the customer of the series, and the producer company Mutant Enemy Productions, from the latest projects of which Russian audiences are most familiar with the "Agents".

Executive producers are Bernettet Colfield, who worked on not so long ago by the "Game of Thrones" and the legendary "secret materials", Jane Espenon ("Once in a fairy tale") and Dag Petri (Sorvigolov). They also joined the Showranner of the project Joss Odon.

Actors and roles

In the series about women with superpowers, the main roles performed the following actors:

  • Laura Francis Donnelli - Amalia Tru, a impulsive heroine with a pile of internal problems, his own recklessness representing a threat to the highest layers of the British society of the middle of the XIX century.
  • Olivia Hai Williams - Lavinia Bidlowow, a rich and lonely lady aged, distinguished by the striking mind and volitional qualities. It contains a orphan suites in which some heroines live.
  • Ann Skelli is the pious best friend of Amalia Tru named Pensa Ejer, which has become one of the first people who have acquired mystical power. It seeks to do humanly correctly, and not guided by exclusively rational considerations.
  • Amy Manson - Malady. After the torture, which the woman was subjected to doctors in attempts to find the source of her mysterious strength, went underground and headed the shaky of criminals.
  • Rochelle Nale - Annie Cairby on the nicknamed bonfire, a professional mercenary, whose force was power over the fiery element.
  • Eleonor May Tomlinson - unlucky singer Mary Brighton, which even parting with her beloved and torn wrapping. However, the future is preparing for the girl new tests.

Also in the series were filmed : Denis O'Har, Nick Frost, Zakari Momo, Ben Chaplin and James Norton as a young aristocrat named Hugo Suen.

Interesting Facts

1. Running the series "Incredible" Joss Odon is known to the general public on such projects as "Avengers", "Avengers: Era Altron" and "League of Justice". However, the greatest respect in the fan medium cinematographer deserved thanks to two shows: "Buffy - Vampire Fighter" and "Firefly". The latter, despite the fact that was completed after the 1st season, gained a cult status not only in the United States, but also beyond.

2. The shooting was started in the summer of 2019 and passed in London, where the main locations were the area of ​​the Troitsk Church and its surroundings, as well as the area where the new Wimbledon theater is. After a couple of months, cinematographers were relocated to the CENT's County, on the historic shipyard of the city of Chathema.

3. "Incredible" - in contrast to the case with Avengers, in the reality of the series, this definition is not self-inflating a group of persons with supernatural abilities. This designation is more reflecting the attitude towards the very fact of the existence of subjects endowed with the inhuman forces of entities.

4. First, the genre of the press of the press marked as steampunk. But it is more correct to attribute the show "Incredible" to Gaslamp Fantasy, which is sometimes poetic translated into Russian as "fantasy gas lamps". Under the SIM, the definition is hidden by a number of features inherent in works in the non-aiticorian stylist, which is a mixture of steampunk elements and mystics with the addition of insane geniuses, pompous of the Glavgadov, adventurers of all the masters and heroes with dubious morality.

5. Reviewers when familiarizing with the material saw similarity with another project Joss Wysson - "Buffy - Vampire Fighter". Drew attention to both the borrowing of ideas and for identical filing with a close visual component, which makes a new HBO show more similar to the expensive British restart of the old American series than on the original work.

6. The visual part of the presented HBO series also caused a lot of questions. "Incredible" places are unnecessarily bright and allay, and sometimes excessively gloomy. Moreover, the last effect is achieved primarily with the help of light filters, which looks back and unnatural on the screen. Also deserves unflattering reviews and unnecessarily "sterile" London of the middle of the XIX century, looking frankly doubtful and unreliable.

7. Despite the fact that there were such audiences who are waiting for the premiere with interest, most of the audience is inclined to believe that HBO in attempts to follow the last film and televoode finally likened Netflix, eternally suffering from the illogical of the plots, and therefore should not be expected that The series "Incredible" will conquer the audience hearts. Unless they belong to teenage girls. Although for the last shows, critics consider, will seem excessively pompous and tedious.

The series "Incredible" - Trailer:

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