Alena Verdi - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, plastic surgeon



In June 2020, Alena Verdi, known under the nickname Dr. Frankenstein, was supposed to appear before the court. Justice was looking forward to the patient "Doctor", affected by unsuccessful operations. The news of the death of Ledzhururgoga became news not only for mutilated women, but also for those who follow the development of investigative proceedings.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in Verdi biography knows little. Her real name is Antonina Gorbunov. From the letter that Alena sent Anastasia Ismailo, one of his clients, it became clear that the woman did not have a relationship with her mother.

Alena Verdi in his youth

Judging by the text, the family was more familiar, someone from the brothers or sisters "Doctor" died:

"I'm not worried about the mother - she is accustomed to lose children, two still remained, and I don't need her."

There is no information about the father of a woman. The date and place of birth of Alena remained a mystery (in some sources it is reported that the beautician was born on May 1, 1982 in Moscow).

Personal life

Personal life of the Falsehurgeh remained hidden from journalists. From the text of the previously mentioned letter, it is clear that at the time of the arrest of Verdi turned out to be unmarried and childless. Reflecting in the message about what will happen if it is planted for 6 years, the beautician notes: she will then be 43 years old, "the child does not give birth, the husband does not start, the career is broken." Whether the "doctor" arose novels to arrest, remains a mystery.


According to Verdi, in 2013 she became interested in plastic surgery. At that time, the woman came to relatives in Ukraine and learned about the opportunity to practice in this in the private clinic of Dnepropetrovsk. For six months, Antonina worked as an assistant at the surgeon of this medical center. Later, some time in the same status carried out medical activities in Odessa.

Six months of practice, a woman decided that this is enough to open his own business. The cosmetologist returned to Russia with the intention of plastic operations. At the same time, she understood that starting work without a diploma of medical education, certificates cannot.

Grief desire to embody a dream to life, Antonina did not enter the medical school, and found a company offering fake documents on higher education. 150 thousand rubles. "The doctor" received a diploma in the name of Alena Verdi. It has been reported that she graduated from the National Medical University. A. A. Bogomolets in the specialty "Educational".

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There were also indicated the training time - from 1995 to 2005. The woman did not embarrass that the documents came to another name: she was sure that no one would check the accuracy of these data. In 2014, Alena moved to Moscow, where the internship began in the capital clinics. Then settled in "Nicomed", a clinic of plastic surgery, located in Balashikha. In this center, the duties of the "doctor" included preparation of epicrosis for customers.

In 2015, the cosmetologist moved to Krasnodar, where I found a vacancy in the private clinic of beauty. However, it turned out that a diploma confirming the end of an internship or the residency is required to work in this medical institution. Having experience in the extraction of "linden" certificates, a woman again ordered what was needed. In addition to buying a diploma, it has undergone a number of certificates.

After that, Alena as the "famous" Moscow doctor was invited to the Center "Aesthetik-Honey". Here, the "doctor" made operations: at first it was pricks of beauty, later and more serious procedures. In parallel, the woman led an active advertisement of its own activity - its accounts appeared in social networks, page in "Instagram".

On the streets of Krasnodar there were shields from the photo "Plastic Surgeon", articles were published in the media about the services of its cosmetic cabinets. For private work, a woman rented a room on the street 40 of the victory, acquired a couch, medical instruments for him, as well as bought certificates. In addition, the operations were carried out not only in these cabinets, but also at home at Alena.

In the period from 2015 to 2019, Dr. Frankenstein conducted a large number of plastic procedures, many of which caused complications in patients. To date, the history of the four victims of surgical manipulations of the cosmetologist are known. Among them, Anastasia Ismailov, who applied to Verdi for carrying out abdominoplasty.

After the woman began with incessant pain, to get rid of which even potent medicines did not help. The patient appealed to a specialized clinic, where she had a 10-hour operation, correcting the mistakes of Alena. Later it turned out that additional surgical interference was needed on the affected spine.

Another client of Christina Surin decided to fix the shape of the nose. After the manipulations of Verdi, her breathing problems began. It turned out that during the operation, the "doctor" removed extra tissues. Evgenia Lanova, having passed the procedure of blepharoplasty, could not fully cover his eyes. Many patients of the cosmetologist, as later found out the investigation, remained disabled.

Because of the unprofessional actions of the actions of the false gurwhir, women received not only physical ugliness instead of long-awaited beauty, but also lost their work, parted with their husbands, could not get pregnant. According to the recognition of the clients of Alena, he often invited them to his home, where he was lubricated, cuts, stirred wounds in the kitchen.

In 2017, in the clinic "Aesthetik-Honey", the Lady died shortly after the end of surgery. The cause of death experts called hemorrhagic shock. This incident made the hospital management check the employee documents. Then it was revealed that the "doctor" did not have medical education.

According to the results of the criminal case, Dr. Frankenstein did not suffer punishment, and was separated by the payment of a fine of 150 thousand rubles. It was fired from the clinic, but Alena continued to engage in "aesthetic medicine." The police began to receive complaints from women affected by the hands of the doctor.

In early April 2019, Verdie detained and sent to the SIZO for 10 months. After the specified period, it was placed under house arrest. At the same time, Alena did not comply with the rules, left the apartment. Alan Mamaeva drew on this, an expert on protecting the rights of women affected by unscrupulous surgeons. Football player's wife noticed the fresh photo of Verdi in "Instagram" during a visit to the beauty salon.


In June 2020, a trial was held over a cosmetologist with sentencing. However, on May 30, it became known that the "doctor" found unconscious in the apartment. Alena was taken to intensive care, connected to the IVL apparatus. The doctors found out that the cosmetologist was crowned at the dose of insulin, and also accepted other drugs and alcohol.

Since the work of the brain was damaged due to the overdose of drugs, the woman fell into the hypoglycemic to whom. The condition has worsened rapidly. June 15, without coming into consciousness, Verdi died. The death of the falsehurgeh caused a public resonance, rumors appeared on the network that "the doctor" "helped" to leave, there were no death and others.

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