Series "Assistant" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


"Home" in the spring struggle for the hearts of the fans of romance does not stop, continuing to please the constant audience of new premieres as part of the Love Storsith line, which started on the channel in early March. The next novelty was the mini-series "Assistant", the release date on the air fell on April 14, 2021.

Briefly about the plot of exciting melodramas, actors-performers of major roles and about interesting facts associated with the picture - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Approaching the 30-year-old threshold, a person involuntarily begins to think about the lived life, exploring its own achievements accumulated to this county age. And for many unmarried women during this period, their own loneliness becomes a frightening problem, a natural tragedy, forcing himself to drive himself into despair of often unreasonable thoughts: something is wrong with them.

So in the life of 29-year-old Anastasia, the main character of the film, about whose misses and tells the series "Assistant", there is such a period of rethinking. And the young woman is forced to admit that with personal happiness in her case the case did not ask. Despite even an attractive appearance that men are not ignored, sociable and wonderful character, Cavalers one by one leave the girl, switching to her girlfriend.

And now, in order to finally not be mired in hopelessness and longing, the heroine will deal with himself, find out what caused failures on the love front, and what does she really want from life. And then learn how to trust the opposite sex again, whose representatives repeatedly betrayed Nastya.

Production concerns for the creation of the series took his shoulders headed by the general producer of Viktor Mirsky Ukrainian Group of Companies, specializing in the preparation of all kinds of film and teleconctor and familiar to the Russian audience on such projects as "Hunt for Vervolf", "Ballada about Bomber", "Female Doctor", "Nyukhach" and "Red Queen".

Among the producers, a well-known Russians from among lovers of meloders duet Irina Bosova and Marina Hripunova was noted. In the started spring of 2021, the "Home" lineup of Prime Minister Love Storsis has already been presented TV series, to create which women put a hand: "In the still waters", "after winter", "First Love", "Lynx", "Rehabilitation" .

The artist-director of the project was working on the "cuckoo" and "milkmaid from Hatspetovka" Victoria Bigunov. The director's place took Maxim Mehled.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the 4-serial film about the personal crisis, the search for themselves and the found of happiness performed the following actors:

  • Daria Legeda - Anastasia, after graduating from the university, deciding, despite the uncertainty in his own talent, to go in the footsteps of the mother and the Alma Mater remained in the walls. Working the teacher's assistant, a 29-year-old woman is building plans for the protection of the doctoral dissertation and the further scientific career, but much more is worried about the problems of a personal nature, because the cherished desire of the heroine becomes his wife and mother so far remained unfulfilled.
  • Dmitry Gritsai - Victor, who met with Anastasia and worked in the laboratory under the start of the mother of the heroine. The young man offered Nastya to go along with him in the United States, but received a refusal. After what happened by his fault during the next experiment, the incident accused his mistake to the manager, referring to the fact that the mother of Nastya as a scientist had already been "departing" and should free the road to new talents.
  • Alexey Khilsky - Nikolai Gorsky, the new Vice-Rector of the university, in which the heroine is working, immediately seeking attention to the charming Nastya and began to seek its location. When the fortress of the female heart fell to the feet of the conqueror, it turned out that with the rings and Mendelsson, the newly connected cavalier was not in a hurry, for they would always be nearly crowned with the flag of the Winner of the Forps.
  • Olga Radchuk - Alla Konstantinovna, Nastya's mother, a talented teacher and a scientist, conducted in the university laboratory experiments on creating a promising type of fuel. Despite the pride for the success and achievements of the daughter, the woman is much stronger than their own studies, the fact that Nastya has not been able to make a family for 30 years.

Also, the series was filmed: Vasilina Palamar, Dmitry Owl and Eugene Nechiphenko as Polina.

Interesting Facts

1. Maxim Meheda, who shot the series "Assistant", is known to the Russian audience, first of all as the director of projects "under the laws of military time", "Dress from daisies", "With mysterious circumstances" (with Pavel Mikikov, Cyril Pletnev and Valery Zolotukhin in Main roles). Moreover, in a pair of the series of the last cinematographer, the episodic roles also played, and the 2nd season of the first (as well as the painting "Alien Life") wrote a script.

2. Daria Leghead's Nastya, before becoming an actress, managed to demonstrate other talents: engaged in athletics and dancing, fond of vocals and sang under the pseudonym Dasha Doris for some time, winning prizes at various contests of young performers. The first role of the artist played in 2015 in the TV series "Immorter", and by 2021 in her filmography already gained about 30 works, including the show "Dog 2" and "Female Doctor".

3. After the appearance of information about the date of the premiere of the premiere on the TV channel "Home" a lot of viewers stated that they would love to get familiar with the novelty. However, there was enough and those who criticized the series "Assistant" for a primitive template plot, once again coping the most common moves and ideas characteristic of the genre. Also, critics expressed doubt that the actors chosen on the roles are able to cope with the tasks set and play reliably.

Series "Assistant" - trailer:

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