Irina Gunnenkova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Alexander Domogarova 2021



Irina Gunnenkova leads a closed lifestyle, but still remains popular in the press and network, because it is the second wife of the Russian actor Alexander Domogarov and his mother Sasha's son.

Childhood and youth

Irina Anatolyevna Gunnenkova was born on June 17, 1963. About parents, place of birth and early years in the biography of a woman's information. In the youth, Ira dreamed of becoming an actress, for the sake of this, he entered the Leningrad State Institute of theater, Music and Cinematography (Ligitmik) and settled on a part-time job in the theater. But her dreams about the scene were not destined to come true.

Personal life

Gunenkov worked behind the scenes of the theater of the Russian army, when he met Alexander Domogarov. Then he was not yet a famous artist, but possessed bright appearance and charisma, which was difficult to resist.

Irina Gunenekova and Alexander Domogarov and Son

True, the girl was also not so simple. She was considered a real beauty, possessed big dark eyes and a crucible luxurious hair, because of what she had no penal from fans. Therefore, when a married guy began to take care of her, she did not hurry to respond to him.

Yet Sasha managed to conquer the heart of beauty, he left the spouse, who did not give him the son of Dmitry not so long ago, and settled together with Irina. Soon young people played a wedding, and the husband wished the chosen to devote himself to care for the family.

At that time, Gunenekova was already in love with the ears in love with Domogarov, so agreed to sacrifice acting and took up the arrangement of life. In 1989, she gave birth to the Son Alexander's beloved son, who was named after the Father.

The first years of married life were not at all like a fairy tale. A novice artist in the theater paid little, so I had to buy cheap products on the market. To drink a son with homemade goat milk, mother went to the village, where the giving of the parents of the spouse was located.

Despite this, Ira continued to love the artist, was his support and support. They lived in marriage for almost 10 years, and with the appearance of the family seemed exemplary, but then Gunnenkova did not yet know that the chosen was another - the actress Natalia Gromushkina, with which he worked in the theater.

About Alexander's novel, a woman learned from the press. She tried to do wisely and keep marriage, but a man insisted on a divorce. They managed to stay friends, and even after parting, Irina was next to the former beloved. She cared for his sick mother and began his wife with a new wife, which gave her a gentle nickname.

Irina Gunnenkova and son Alexander Domogarov - Junior

In one of the interview, the actor admitted that the number of the former spouse stands with him the first in the fast set, so that in case of unfortunately they called it. They continued to see and celebrate the holidays together, so the divorce almost did not affect Sasha.

Personal life The woman did not arrange, deciding to devote himself to the only son. In the upbringing of Gunhenkov preferred a rigor, it was she insisted that the young man studied English and engaged in figure skating. Alexander also tried to participate in the life of the heir and took him with him on performances.

It is not surprising that Sasha also became interested in the actor. Parents discourage the Son from the choice of this profession, but on the contrary, supported his aspirations. True, he still at the very beginning of a career said that he did not want her mother and father to attend his performances, as it prevents concentrate.


In the theater of the Russian army, Gunhenkov worked as a costume, but after marriage refused not only from acting, but also from the career in the theater sphere. Later she settled to teach to school.

Irina Gunnenkova now

In 2020, the former wife of Domogarov still supports the contact with the actor, but remains an unemployed person. Now she avoids interviews and does not share a photo.

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