The series "Non-Fate" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts


The release date of the detective melodramatic series "Non-Destiner" on the TV channel "Russia-1" - April 17, 2021. The main heroine of the picture fate has prepared a lot of tests, disappointments and shocks. Will the mother be able to return the confidence of his children after a long separation and whether it will be possible to restore justice years later - learn the audience in the final.

In material 24cm - more about the plot of ribbons, how they filmed this movie, what actors are involved in it and what role they played.

Plot and shooting

The shooting of the series was held in Moscow and the Moscow region in the middle of the summer of 2020. The picture company "Studio 4" was engaged in the production of paintings. As locations, the audience will see the streets of Queen, Pushkino, Turovo. Alexander Surkov became the operator, and Alexander Samoilenko, David Tkebuchava and Konstantin Dydyshko, were produced by the project.

In the plot of the tape, Dina Metzovov was condemned for the crime that she did not accomplish: the murder of the spouse. After 7 years, heroin managed to achieve justice and to get out of freedom. But during this time, Dina's children were in the family relatives of her husband. The son and daughter are afraid of a real mother and not remember anything about it. Zolovka does not believe that Dina is not to blame for the death of her brother, and is not going to return the criminers of children who already consider relatives.

Investigators of the prosecutor's office begin to re-investigate a crime of 7 years ago. Major Vistula will collect together all the details of the events of past years to get an accurate picture of the crime and find a real criminal.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the TV series "Narrow Destiner" performed:

  • Ekaterina Guseva - Dina Motsov, convicted of the murder of a spouse;
  • Daria Rotarynova - Lisa, sister of her husband Dina;
  • Alexander Samoilenko - Paul, Lisa's husband;
  • Kirill Grebenshchikov - Visals, investigator of the prosecutor's office;
  • Marina Kondratieva - Nina;
  • Konstantin Dydyshko - Dina's lawyer;
  • Daria Volga - Olga;
  • Artem Bajutin - Yura;
  • Anastasia Pushkin - Nina.

Also in the picture other actors were filmed: Elizabeth Pinggin, Peter Kislov, Maxim Mityasha, Elena Alferova, Ekaterina Finevich.

Interesting Facts

1. In the credits it is indicated that Sergey Naughty became the director of the TV series "Naughty Fate". However, in the world of cinema, he is known under a different name - Sergey Ginzburg. He removed such films and serials: "Step", "Zorge", "Son of the Father of Peoples", "Life and Adventures of the Japanese Bears", "And still I love ...". In addition, Sergey Ginzburg worked as an actor (starred in many of his projects), producer, shot commercials, game shows and documentary tapes.

2. The series has a different name - "Innocent Sacrifice". There is also a Mexican television series "Non-Fate", which went on screens in 2005. In the center of the plot is a beautiful girl who kidnapped criminals. The heroine manages to escape with a random acquaintance, which penetrates it sympathy.

3. Actress Ekaterina Guseva briefly told in an interview about the shooting in the project and about the character, which she played in the TV series "Non-Fate": "Biathlonist. Trainer. In past. They planted for the murder, after 7 years they justified, released, came out - the children did not recognize. Serious history ... not sugar. "

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