Alexey Delotchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Actor



Russian actor Alexey Delotchenko was a star of television serials and over the years of the career performed a number of memorable roles. A dozen of theatrical projects, musical and literary performances left an indelible mark in the hearts of people who were passionate about the art of people.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Valerievich Delotchenko was born in the Soviet Union, his bright, but the bio-biography began in 1965. Father and mother, who are not known to fans and journalists, most likely, did not suspect that they brought up a national star.

Natural abilities were found in the elementary schools of the secondary school, Lesha participated in the matinees along with other children. At an early age, he was not afraid to sing and read poems in public, as well as equal to communicate with adult respected people.

Being a Leningrad schoolchild, who lived in the Kalininsky district, Delotchenko voluntarily signed up in the youthful theater circle. Pedagogues rented by the room in the local Palace of Pioneers, first trusted the role of a role from several lines.

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The talent of the future actor revealed on the scene of the theater of youth creativity, the leaders immediately decided that Alexey is the main character. Before receiving the certificate, the guy, who loved the hypocrisy, pleased the interested surrounding original actor's game.

Following the wise council, Delotchenko, addicted to Drama, came from the first time to the Institute of Stage Arts. In the walls of the institution that was named after Nikolai Konstantinovich Cherkasov, the young man turned into a master of expression of emotions and feelings.

With difficulty winning a place in the workshop of Arkady Josefovich Katsmanan, the student adopted the experience of famous famous masters. The mandatory service in the army for a guy with sufficient growth and weight has become an exciting adventure in the late 1980s.

After passing the course of military training, Delotchenko returned to the audience and under the leadership of Lev Abramovich Dodina received an acting diploma. By the time the talented guy worked in the theater of the young spectator, replacing the hospitable parental home on stage and stoke up.

Personal life

Natural modesty prevented the artist to spread on the topic of personal life, few people saw photos with a child and legitimate wife. It is known that in his youth, a man fell in love with a student of the theater Faculty and, yielding to a romantic feeling, eventually got a family.

The details of the relationship with his wife Svetlana and the only son Kirill Delotchenko kept secret from journalists and foreign people. Friends in the interview said that the house of the native of Leningrad was at the same time the full bowl and the sea of ​​stormy passions.

Probably, at some stage, the chosen is tired of "pitching", and one Alexey moved to the capital of Russia. Staying in the despondency and depression, he was addicted to alcohol and often looking for an understanding of the company of strange men.

In 2012, Alexei was beaten at the Schabolovskaya metro station, information was leaked to the pages of magazines and newspapers. Then the actor was injured, allegedly slipping when cleaning, damage to the shoulder joints sent him to the hospital.

Judging by reports in Facebook, Delotchenko was strongly suppressed, fortunately, he operated him an experienced Moscow surgeon. After discharge, the man was morally recovered and thanked the Most High for deliverance from Muk.

Theater and films

In his youth, the actor was a member of the troupe of the theater of the Young Spectator, was a star of productions for the youngest children. A creative biography during that period was not related to the cinema and was limited to a dozen frivolous, but bright roles.

At the end of the Leningrad University, Alexey played the chamber philharmonic, and also participated in the productions in the aesthetic center "Family". In the experimental generation theater, under the start of talented directors, the former student compiled the secrets of the profession.

Classic performances for adults also took place in the life of the artist, in the famous Alexandrin theater Delotchenko served several years. The play "The Talk of Tsar Peter and the His Son Alexea" the efforts of the native of Leningrad and colleagues were born.

In early 2000, the Russian unexpectedly left his homeland - immigrated to Germany to reveal the potential. Shortly after the move it turned out that there are own stars there, and the lack of creative work was regarded as an annoying failure.

Having recognized the mistakes, Alexey returned from a foreign business trip and, having weighing everything and against, decided to settle in Moscow. He became acquainted with the head of the studio "Workshop" Grigory Kozlov, a man who had the tradition of an old town on the Neva.

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The director believed in a man who had a rare gift to convey thoughts and feelings to the most worn people. After the role of Petropyrian Petrovich in the "Crime and Punishment" before Delotchenko opened previously inaccessible doors.

In the tandem, art figures put two monospectacles consisting of musical works, etudes and famous poems. Creation of Sasha Black and Joseph Brodsky sounded at the Moscow and St. Petersburg scenes from the mouth of a talented actor in the early 2010s.

The bright theatrical work includes the image of the horstakov in the modern original reading of the Gogol Comedy "Auditor". The project, conceived by Valery Fokin, together with foreign colleagues, among the sophisticated Russian public, called a real extension.

The Leningrad actor filmography included full-length tapes and serials, he became a favorite directors in the late 1990s. True, get the main roles in the conditions of tense competition to the master of living speeches cost incredible work.

Alexey became the investigator of the steppe Markov in Saga about the "Gangster Petersburg", appeared in the episodes of the project "Streets of broken lanterns". Characters who received an imprint of personality and character made fans of Derotchenko hundreds of inephorty people.

There are photos from the shooting remake of the Golden Calf remorse, where the artist of the dramatic genre appeared in a comic amplua. About the millionaire Alexandra Koreiko performed by a colorful man criticism and fans of the screenings said warm words.

Many liked the Siberian project with Anna Mikhalkova and Alla Yuganova, as well as the films "hard to be macho" and "no one will come back" with the participation of the artist. However, in contrast to performances, cooperation with cinematographers did not bring Aleksey honorary titles and state awards.


Tragic death on obscure reasons in the middle of 2014 was thoroughly horrified by native actors, colleagues on stage and close friends. The fact that Devotchenko, who was in satisfactory physical form, was killed in a removable Moscow apartment, wrote the media.

According to official information voiced by the metropolitan investigators, Alexey washed a bottle of vodka psychotropic substances. Suicide was tied with depression due to difficulties in personal life, but for true fans of creativity, these were empty words.

According to rumors, the body of the actor lay in a puddle of dried blood, chairs, bedside tables and cabinets were inserted in the room. However, law enforcement agencies were allegedly deliberately closed the case of the death of the Master of Stage Art and the outstanding reader of poems.

After the funeral and the memories of the grave at the Komarovsky cemetery in the Gogol Center, the evening of the Men's memory was arranged. Veniamin Stukhov, Kirill Serebrennikov and Victoria Isakov became the initiators of the event and authors of touching speeches.


  • 1990 - "Perfume Day"
  • 1999 - "Barak"
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron "
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Film 2. Lawyer "
  • 2001 - "Deadly Power - 2"
  • 2005 - "Golden Calf"
  • 2008 - "Do not think about white monkeys"
  • 2009 - "No one will come back"
  • 2010 - "South Calendar"
  • 2011 - "Yalta-45"
  • 2013 - "My Farm Carriak"
  • 2014 - "heart disease"

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