Simon Osiashvili - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Composer 2021



Simon Osiashvili is a poet songwriter who created the penetrated poems laid on the music. The author's lyrics is close and understandable to many: he writes about eternal values, that he touches and worries people regardless of time. The work of the Creator has repeatedly honored the awards, the most valuable of which folk love became.

Childhood and youth

Songbook was born on December 4, 1952. Parents met on the front. At the end of hostilities, the spouses left for Georgia, from where he was a family father. Here, in Tbilisi, his older sister Sullamif was born. Later, the family moved to the Ukrainian Lviv, the mother's motherland, where Simon appeared on the world.

Perhaps love for music Author of poems inherited from the parent - that during the war he became a singer of jazz orchestra of the Primorsk army. In the youth, Osiashvili did not think about the career of the writer. After school, the teenager became a student of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, he studied at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, and after he worked as a programmer.

Personal life

Personal life in Simon's biography turned out to be filled with and joyful, and dramatic events. The first wisp of the writer became the singer Svetlana Lazarev. Acquaintance occurred when the author began working with a Blue Bird group, which she performed soloist. A bright novel broke out between young people, and after the wedding took place.

However, time passed, the singer was at the peak of the career and did not plan to give the poet of children. It became a stumbling block in their relationship, and the couple divorced. Osiashvili found his ideal in Tatiana Lukina. Charming, tender, home, she became his second spouse. From the first marriage, the woman had a teenage son.

Behind the heart of the beauties, the author had to compete. At that time she was married to a businessman. He, having learned about the enthusiasm to the beloved by the poet, dissuaded her from the wrong step, ran away that life with a creative person would not bring happiness. However, Tatiana decided differently.

The couple lived in love and harmony for several years. History retained photos of happy spouses. Therefore, especially shocking and tragic became the news of the suicide of a woman in 2004. According to the memoirs of Simon, the day before the terrible event, the spouse returned from a meeting with his friends, was calm. Waking up at night, Osiashvili did not see his wife nearby. Tatyana man discovered in the bathroom, but it was too late.

Then it became known that Lukina had already tried to reduce the scores with life in the first marriage. The happening shook the poet, he even appealed for help to psychologists. Over time, the spiritual wound has dragged, and the songwriter opened with a new relationship. The chief of the man became Tatiana Koropovskaya.


At a young age, Simon never composed poetic creations. One day, a young man accidentally read in the story of Veniamina Stormov, a poem of a unnamed author. It fell into the soul of the guy that he first constantly read the lines likers, and later I tried to write. It was so fascinated by Osiashvili that he decided to throw the work of the programmer and entered the literary institute.

Vladimir Migulya became the first composer with whom began to cooperate. The musician drew attention to the thin, piercing lyrics of the young author and suggested writing poems on the finished melody. Simon quickly came up with the text, the composer was satisfied. True, for the new song Migul, still invented another melody.

As a result, it turned out the Life Hang, who performed Sofia Rotaru. Then there was a long and fruitful cooperation with the composer and the performer Vyacheslav Dobrynin. Together they recorded such hits as "grandmothers-old women", "drop in the sea" and others. But perhaps the most bright and recognizable in the work of the singer became the track "Do not rash to me salt on the wound."

In an interview, the author admitted that when the song was almost ready, Leonid Petrovich Derbenyev, the well-known Soviet poet songwriter, expressed doubts about the phrase "Do not say Navrzend". The man argued that in Russian, such a semantic combination is impossible.

Simon remembered the lines from the poem of Boris Pasternak, where it was said to "write about February," having parry that if you could "write a swarrow", then permissible and talk.

Simon Osiashvili and Svetlana Lazarev

The composition of the "expensive my old people" became bright in the author's discography, the music to which Igor Sarukhanov was created. He became the first performer of the song. Osiashvili called this work the fastest in his work. After his first line of a future hit appeared in his head, a man ended up a work in a couple of minutes.

When Sarukhanov read the text, was shocked by his depth and mentality. I also rapidly invented music for words. Since 1986, Simon has become a permanent laureate of the "Song of the Year" contest. His works "Winter Garden", "You are not an angel", "Winter Cherry" became "folk". In the early 90s, the writer wanted to try himself in the new role - singer. Colleagues according to the creative workshop discussed him from this venture, but the author decided to risk.

So the public heard the hits in the performance of the songwriter "Put me a head on the shoulder", "God for me", "lovers" and others. These creations have become popular among listeners. A man also made a songwriter for several films. Osiashvili works entered the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Gregory Leps and other Russian pop stars. The poet him managed to release his own album.

Simon Osiashvili now

In early March 2020, on the shooting of the transfer "Well, all together!" There was a conflict between Osiashvili and Sergey Lazarev. The reason for this was the criticism by the poet of the song, which the participant chose to execute. Hit was in English, and it did not like the wrister.

Lazarev could not restrain himself with a stormy tirade. After that, in the "Instagram" of the Eurovision finalist, a post was emerged that he was emotional, but could not but respond to the injustice to assess the performance of the contestant. According to the singer, Simon Abramovich was supposed to celebrate vocal data, the girl's artistry is regardless of the choice of the song language.

In the same month, the poet participated in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". In the program, a man told about life and work and even, being a Georgian by nationality, prepared a traditional dish. Now he continues creative work, he writes songs, performs with concerts.


  • "Put me a head on my shoulder"

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