Interesting Facts about Kirill Tourichenko - "Ivanushki", Baranovskaya, Relations, Girls


The young of the "Ivanushka" does not scare angry rock, hung over the group. He could take the place of Sergey Lazarev in Smash !!, after participating in the show "The Last Hero" philosophically relates to clothes and "goes left", in parallel with a solo project. Other interesting facts about Cyril Tourichenko - in the material 24cm.

"Sedovshchyna" in "Ivanushkah"

"New" from Ivanoshek was to join the team already held, where Igor Sorin and Oleg Yakovlev sang before him. Therefore, at first, the public accepted Kirill Turuchenko wary.

In social networks, a young man wrote nasty. There were moments when one of the group fans threw ice cubes at the singer during the execution of the song "Tuchi." By the way, and among the musicians, a tradition remained, where the participants of the team flew the business class, and the rest were placed in Economy.

Tourichenko admits that he had to sit in the plane in the neighboring hall away from the members of the group, the truth about this fact did not apply to the singer, and the colleagues respond positively. Later and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonts will appreciate the appearance in the Tourichenko team and says that the "third breath" opened in the group.

Although one day there was a conflict for a place in the plane between Turichenko and Grigoriev-Appolonov. It so happened that the ginger "Ivanushka" got a place in the aisle and he began to ask a young colleague to give the chair comfortable. Kirill refused and even ignored the weighty argument that Andrei flies by the window of 20 years, because the team accepted during the flight of soloists to place at the porthole.

Expandable Grigoriev-Appolonov called Kirill Andreyev to say: "So, everything! This is not what we were looking for. " By the way, when there was a breakdown of musicians, Kirill Turichenko sang in the group for the 7th year. Then the young musician reacted to the situation with humor and, despite the sometimes sometimes emerging, Cyril was able to fit into the team and supports friendly relations outside the scene.

Roman with Baranovskaya

In interesting facts about Kirill Turbachenko include the fact that he was against the background of colleagues who exchanged the fifth ten, the youngest soloist attracting the attention of the girls. Meanwhile, the singer shares reluctantly and speaks about three serious novels, not detailing the details.

In 2014, the Ukrainian singer Tina Karol frankly told about the novel with the soloist of Ivanoshek, who lasted two years. And at the beginning of September 2019, at one of the events of Kirill Turbachenko, they saw the Baranovskaya hugging with Yulia. A couple sat at one table, gently stole and kissed.

At that time, rumors about Julia and Kirill have emerged from the beginning of 2019. In "Instagram", Baranovskaya posted a photo in a wedding dress and periodically intrigued subscribers by publications, in which he admitted that in her life "love was inadvertently granted." It was rumored that the families of Yulia Baranovsky and a new chosen one were acquainted.

However, in mid-September, the director of the Artist denied the information about the novel. And in June 2020, Kirill Turichenko admitted that he has a girl and this is not Julia Baranovskaya, with his friendship.

A month ago, in his microblog, the singer posted a video from a street photo shoot, where he posted with a girl. As it turned out, Daria was a companion of Cyril, a co-founder of the Numero.Jewelry jewelry brand, which in the publications of Instagram also sends hearts to the Solist "Ivanushki". In the comments, fans congratulate young people and say that they are a beautiful couple.

Festive Vinaigret

Kirill Turichenko celebrated his 34th birthday to Bali, where Julia Baranovskaya prepared for the singer Salad Olivier. The musician was touched by attention and is even puzzled by the fact that the TV host managed to find boiled sausage on the island. Having accepted a gift, Cyril promised that in Moscow for guests of the celebration himself will damn Vinaigrette.

Interesting facts about Kirill Turgas should be supplemented by the fact that the vocalist kept the word and the guests were made by the Salad Taz, which was divided between those present on the festival.


The mood of the singer is changing quickly, and the quarrel leaves the soul. Sometimes Kirill is coming and builds around him "Fortress", preferring loneliness. But if a person falls into a circle of proxies, he will turn out to be under reliable protection. The soloist "Ivanushki" was repeatedly recognized, which is also quite self-critical and sometimes lazy. And Kirill sentimental.

In the show "Mask", the performer hid in the image of a rhino and managed to hold out on stage 10 issues, although the notes characteristic of the vocalist were wrinkled at the start. The artist expose perceived emotionally and gratitude, barely holding back tears of joy.


Recently, in an interview with Kirill Turichenko admitted that she was ready to marry and the emergence of children. Enviable bachelor from Ivanushki like well-groomed girls. At the meeting, he primarily draws attention to the hands, hair, eyes and ladies lips. And in personal qualities appreciates the sense of humor.

The most romantic of "Ivanosha" is ready to care for his beloved woman and provide her signs of attention. But the presence of a stamp in a passport for Cyril is not fundamentally: the singer considers a serious wedding.

In interesting facts about Cyril Turgas, it should be included that girls who dream only about shoes or nightclubs are not attracted by, as well as the young ladies, feeding their own price. And the star of drinking or drunk women is completely unpleasant, since the "under the degree" ladies become unguided.

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