TV series "Open Door" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Home, Facts, Trailer


April 20, 2021 - the release date of the melodramatic series "Open Door" on the "Home" channel. According to the plot of tape, family idyll Svetlana and Victor collapsed in one moment, the main characters have to fight for the right to be happy, using all the ways and methods for this. Whether the main heroine will be able to keep marriage and return love and calm in the family, the audience will recognize in the finals of the paintings.

In the material 24cm - interesting facts about the TV series "Open door", actors and roles that they executed, director, filming and plot.

Plot and shooting

The series "Open Door" was filmed in Veliky Novgorod in the fall of 2020. The production of painting was engaged in the film company "Gamma". The director's chair went to Cyre Angelina, Igor Krogov became the operator, and Marina Ikvkin was casting director. The producer was performed by Marina Khripunova, Irina Bosov, Victor Budilov, Tatiana Ogorodnikova, Galina Lifanova and Irina Romanova. Alexander Egorov was engaged in decoration of the project.

On the plot of the film Svetlana is happy married to Victor, who fully provides his wife and daughter. Light devotes free time to their hobby - creates models of outfits. The daughter of Irina is surrounded by the concern and attention of the parents. But once reigned idyll in the family destroys the brother of Sveto Boris, who lives with his sister's family in their home. Boria leads home beloved Jeanne, in which Light recognized the childhood friend. Uninvited guest begins to envy the happiness of a long-standing friend, and a plan is born in her head, how to change the situation in their favor. Svetlana will deal with happiness, family and love.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the TV series "Open Door" performed:

  • Violetta Davydovskaya - Svetlana, the life of which collapsed after the birth of childhood girlfriend in her house;
  • Evgenia Yarushnikova - Jeanne, Beloved Brother Sveta;
  • Sofia Petrova - Irishka, daughter of Sveta and Victor.

Also in the film filmed: Andrei Gorbachev, Denis Puzyan, Anton Sychev, Samvel Men, Olga Onishchenko, Denis Kirillov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of Kira Angelina is known in the world of cinema as the author of such films and TV shows: "Blind turn", "My Alien Daughter", Zorkko is only a heart, "other people's love". In 2021, Kira Angelina is working on the "Crime Formula" projects and "rewrite love". On the account of the director more than three dozen filmmaster.

2. The removal process of the "Open Door" series began in September 2020 in the village of Radiono Novgorod region. Here the authors of the project found a house in which the main characters of the paintings will live. According to the plot of tape, the action takes place in an unnamed provincial town, in which life does not stand still and boil passion, and the inhabitants are familiar with each other.

Shooting continued until mid-October. As locations, cinematographers chose streets and courtyards of Veliky Novgorod and its surroundings. In the frame of the audience will see Novgorod parks and squares, medical facilities, cafes, shops and hotels. In addition, shooting took place on the embankment Alexander Nevsky, in the Kremlin Park.

The Government of the Novgorod Region, the Regional Ministry of Culture and the regional Film Commission contribute to the filming of films and serials in the region. Residents of the region who are interested in film filming can also participate in the creation of new projects. Requests and suggestions for Novgorod residents appear in the community in Vkontakte and in urban Internet resources.

3. Director-director Kira Angelina told in an interview about the work on the project: "We declare that everything is fine in the family. Everyone is happy with everyone, business successful, wife - beauty, the child pleases. But, as always, in classical drama, there is some peripetia that this paradise is ruins. And the heroes begin to suffer, suffer, make mistakes, offend each other. "

4. Evgenia Yarushnikova told about the filming in the TV series "Open Door", which took place on a small homeland Actress: Celebrity parents live in Strey Russa. "My heroine is a negative character in this series. But for me she is a very difficult person in terms of fate. She is not so unequivocal, so she reached what makes in life. She is completely far from me, and that's fine when you can try to get born in another person, try to understand the psychology of his behavior. She has a sophisticated fate, but it remains behind the scenes. An interesting character, "the artist shared the leading role.

Evgenia Yarushnikov also stressed that he had pleasure from filming, despite the rich schedule and early rises in the morning. "My partners are great actors, people. Stunning cast. Stunning team, "added celebrity.

5. The project creators promise that lovers of love intrigues and adventures are pleased.

Series "Open Door" - Trailer:

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