Interesting Facts about Elizabeth II - Prince Philip, Phobia, Corgi, Wedding


The Queen of Great Britain celebrates his birthday twice a year: April 21 in the family circle and in June. Her Majesty was filmed on the cover of Tatler magazine, prefers the clothes of bright colors, so as not to merge with the crowd, and wakes up under the sounds of a habit, which plays 15 minutes under the windows of royal orders. Other interesting facts about Elizabeth II - in material 24cm.


A few major attempts on the Queen are known, among which two, where Her Majesty showed itself as a lady brave, devoid of sublimation.

It was in 1981. Celebrations about the traditional Trooping The Color ceremony. Suddenly, for those present at the parade in the direction of the queen shot. Later it turned out that the attacker was a 17-year-old teenager who wanted to be glorified. By the way, the young man fired idle. In interesting facts about Elizabeth II, it should be added that the royal feature was then not stuck, straightened the peacock feathers on the hat and continued participation in the festival.

And a year later, in 1982, a man in the quarters of the queen is freely penetrated. Events are interpreted in two. According to one version, a criminal who violated the queen, was Stringer-psychopath Michael Faigan. The queen, as soon as he saw an outsider, screamed and ran out of the room, accretened, as the criminal claimed, small naked heels.

There is also the assumption that the same Michael Faigan, disappointed with parting with his wife and in search of a consolation, freely walked around the guard, penetrated into the palace and went to the bedroom Elizabeth. It is concerned that the alarm has worked, but the security found that it was a joke.

10 minutes' severity violator talked with the queen and was intended to continue the conversation for the cigarette. Elizabeth II called Lacey and asked to bring tobacco. Only here everyone was spun and caused security.

Lunch with gagarin

Elizabeth II is capable not only on a conversation with a stranger, but can also disrupt the rules of etiquette if the interlocutor is pleasant.

In July 1961, Lunch in honor of Yuri Gagarin took place in the Buckingham Palace. There are quite a few rumors and legends around that reception, to prove the believableness of which it is impossible, since the journalists did not allow journalists.

It is believed that the first cosmonaut during the tea party pulled the lemon from the cup and sent it to his mouth. Invited guests frozen from surprise. And the Queen saved the situation and repeated the ritual of Russian tea drinking for Gagarin, swallowing the lemon and stating: "How tasty". Since then, the tea ceremony "Instrupping" with lemon is called "Gagarinsky".

And another confusion occurred under the table, when Yuri Alekseevich was inadvertently naked her high feet. The queen this gesture was not embarrassed, she smiled and continued to drink tea.

Later Elizabeth II will remember this technique, I will call Yuri Gagarin "charming" and to the question of which the first cosmonaut was, will say that he was "Russian", demonstrating a sense of humor in response.

Power of the queen

Despite the official ceremonies, the Queen of Great Britain in the family gladly adhered to Patriarchate. With his wife Philippe Elizabeth lived in marriage more than 70 years. The secret of the happy family life, the monarch Chet called the presence of different hobbies.

Prince Philip turned out to be the only person who belonged to the queen as an ordinary woman. Spouses and in political activity acted at the same time when the husband asked tone to the arrival of Elizabeth. And alone Philipp called the beloved cabbage or sausage.

Their joint life somehow accurately described the queen itself, emphasizing: "You have always been my strength and support all these years."


The Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II is famous as a lady bold. The regulatory is just a couple of times crying in public, and say that I used to stroll through London alone. During the war, her Majesty entered the female auxiliary territorial building and the preparation of the mechanic driver was prepared, and then joined the armed forces. And after the war, the queen with pleasure herself drove the car.

In the circle of interests, Elizabeth is hunting, and the first deer queen shot at 12 years. Elizabeth is also not afraid of horses. But in the garden, she does not like to go and does it only if circumstances are forced. As it turned out, the queen of phobia, which is caused by fear of specks on the leaves of plants.

Signal handbag

In interesting facts about Elizabeth II, it should be added that there are no random things in the wardrobe. According to etiquette, the queen does not wear one and the same outfit twice. Although sometimes makes an exception.

Refresh the Outfit Queen helps the whistle team, which are secked with decorations on dresses. And in order not to repeat in the images during the reception, Assistants of Elizabeth II are written in the diary where and what dress was put on the queen.

Special attention is paid to the handbag in which Elizabeth carries with them reading glasses, mint lollipops, a fountain pen, a mirror and lipstick.

And the handbag is an element of communication. So the queen gives encrypted signs. If her majesty's handbag was on the table, after five minutes the queen leaves the event. And if the handbag is left on the floor, then this is the signal to the fact that it's time to save from a boring interlocutor. Well, when the handbag begins to shift out of your hands, it means that the queen was tired.


Once the royal family was recommended to start the eye dogs, which will create a positive image of the monarch of the family. The first Corge of Duki appeared in 1943. Then he purchased Jane. Puppies who lived in the Palace are the descendants of that very first dog. For all his life, the queen turned out to be more than 30 pieces, and simultaneously under her feet were confused to eight pets.

Later, Corgi twisted the novel with Taksoy, and the volcano and Candy were born, who became the first in the Dorgian breed.

By the way, royal love does not know borders. Pets bites, slept in bed with Elizabeth and even drank alcohol. But the pets went with the hands. But Lacey, who looked after the dog, was lowered for the fact that he treated dogs whiskey.

In 2018, Elizabeth II passed away the last dog Willow, who lived 15 years. After that, the Queen refused flock of pets, explaining this fear to stumble on the feet of the pets, and limited himself to two dogs.

Wedding troubles

In interesting facts about Elizabeth II it is worth adding and the ability to keep calm. On the day of the wedding with Prince Philip, the family Tiara Bride suddenly cracked when she was already laid on her hairstyle. I had to urgently take the decoration accompanied by the police to the court jeweler to correct the situation. Fortunately, the work was performed quickly and had time to the ceremony.
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Another surprise presented a wedding dress Elizabeth, which was so hard that the queen had to ask for the Archbishop to push it at the right moment to observe the traditions.

Meanwhile, the Queen was not a member. Her Majesty at the wedding forgot the bouquet and posed without him, but the mood of Elizabeth did not spoil it.

Special cousins

In interesting facts about Elizabeth II include skeletons in the closet, which became known in 1987. As it turned out, the cousins ​​of the Queen were born mentally retarded and spent their days in a psychiatric clinic. And the official version read that the cousins ​​died in infancy.

The Buckingham Palace from comment refused, calling this fact from the life of a family business. Journalists later conducted an investigation and found that the cause of the problems with intellect was the genetic disease, which bypassed Queen Elizabeth II side. And since women fell into the clinic in the 60s, then the norm of mentally unhealthy relatives were considered the norm of mentally ill-treatment.

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