Movie "Judas and Black Messiah" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


At the beginning of 2021, the American audiences presented the film "Judas and Black Messiah", whose release fell on February 12th. At the 93rd awards ceremony, the Oscar awards Picture, shot in the genres of Bayopic and political thriller, received 2 awards, among which the "best song" and "Best Actor of the Second Plan".

On the plot dedicated to the problem of racial segregation of ribbons associated with it interesting facts and involved artists - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the struggle for the rights and freedoms, the leaders of all sorts of protest movements, they would not be forgotten about their own duties as charismatic and targeted. For example, about the indispensable need to comply with the laws of that state in whose territory you live. Otherwise, having crossed a certain feature in an attempt to achieve prosperity for any particular category of citizens, you can feel the anger of law enforcement on your own skull.

Especially in the event that among the declared of your achievement of a preferred position in society on the basis of the color of the skin of the Bunlet organization, slogans are listed and calls to kill security forces.

The more interesting in the light of the above looks like a biographical film "Judas and a Black Messiah" - as a chance to look at the attempt to resist the power of the state car from another trench: from the tranches of radicals.

William O'Neal, a cunning hero, with the help of a fake fabric of the FBI employee who had a hijacked vehicles, once grabbed hot, putting before choosing: a prison or work as a double agent. And now he will have to be implemented in the Illinois branch of the Black Panther Party (PCP) - the left-wing organization in black, in its desire to defend and expand the civil rights of African Americans without a disgusting crime law.

And now the main thing for O'Neill - after acquaintance with the possessing speech oratorical gift, the leader of the PCP cell Fred Hampton does not penetrate the dubious ideology of radicals. And this is not so simple, because what "black panthers" are struggling, close and understandable to the hero.

Join the creation of a film, the blurring concept "bad" and "good", wished the whole four film studios: Participant, Bron Creative, Macro, Proximity. Charles D. King, who had previously noted work on projects "Sorry for anxiety", "Harriet", "just pardon" and "Apollo", Ryan Kugler ("Creed: Rocky Heritage", Creed 2, "Black Panther" ), and the Shaka King, which also assumed the duties of the director.

The soundtrack to the tape jointly created a well-known jazz thrombonist and composer, who had previously practically who did not cooperate with cinematographers, Craig Harris and Mark A Ishers, at one time writing music to Blade, Hardbolu, "Prophet", "Mechanics", the series "Once In the fairy tale, "and dozens of other film and television projects.

Above the plot of paintings worked: Shaka King, Will Berson and Brothers Kenny and Keith Lukas.

Actors and roles

In the picture on how African Americans are striving to improve their own social status in the United States of the 1960s, the main roles performed the following actors:

  • Lakit Stanfield - William O'Neill, a revokator who came across a crime and forced to cooperate with the FBI, which wishes affordable means to complete the leader of the Chicago office of PPP. The hero will have to penetrate the dark-skinned cell, so that by the "plum" of information by federal agents, provocations and diversions to stop the organization's activities.
  • Jesse Plems - a special agent FBI Roy Mitchell, who overspending the work of O'Neill introduced to "Black Panthers".
  • Daniel Kalua - Fred Hampton, Head of the Black Panther Party Branch in Chicago, thanks to the talent of the speaker, a skillful common language with representatives of criminal structures and convincing local criminal groups to organize an alliance, opposing (including with the help of weapons) to official authorities. Also actively holds a program on distributing free breakfasts to black children, thereby attracting new supporters in the ranks.
  • Dominic Fishback - Deborah Johnson, a member of the PCP, in love with Hampton. Subsequently becomes his girlfriend.

Also in the picture filmed: Ashton Sanders, Dominic Thorn, Terry Hill, Robert Longstrite and Martin Shin as director of the FBI John Edgar Hoover.

Interesting Facts

1. For the pussy of King, the film "Judas and the Black Messiah" has become the second full-length work after the "newlyweds" presented in 2013, which did not have success at roller. The director has more timely managed to be accurately accurately shorter than the interracial relationship, like "Labitism". As well as television projects, among which "earthlings", "starbing" and "buzz with delivery".

2. While shooting the paintings held in the state of Ohio, in Cleveland and Manpsophist prison, the filmmakers took only 42 days (from October 21 to December 19, 2019), the preparation stage and the substreaches were stretched for several years. A quarantine prevented, introduced due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, which forced to engage in the installation of the captured material remotely.

3. It is noteworthy that the idea of ​​a biographical film about Fred Hampton's fate Brothers Lucas began to promote back in 2014. After debut cooperation with the twin comedians in 2016, they decided to support them and inspired by the pimp of King.

4. Initially, the date of the image of the picture was outlined for August 2020, however, due to the "Covered" restrictions, the premiere had to be moved at the beginning of 2021.

5. The ribbon of King's shacks is based on real events that took place in the second half of the 60s and ended with the death of Fred Hampton, who governed by the Black Panther in the Chicago Cell. In total, the Police and FBI in 1969 destroyed almost three tens of leaders and arrested hundreds of ordinary members of the left-handed organization, in attempts to defend civil liberties called to violence towards representatives of the police.

6. Despite the fact that in the picture considerable attention is paid to historical facts, without artistic fiction it was not. For example, the gangs "Crown" did not exist in reality, and O'Neill never worked as a driver at Hampton. Yes, and to repent after the death of the local leader of the PCP, to which William had a relationship, the young man was not going. Since did not share the ideas of the party, she was not predicted and acted exclusively as part of the task received from the curator from the FBI.

7. On the day of the premiere, February 12, 2021, two music albums were presented at a number of online portals. In one, tracks were collected from the painting for the authorship of composers Mark Ashima and Craig Harris. And the other was a collection of 22 tracks in the execution of R'n'B stars called Judas And The Black Messiah: The Inspired Album.

8. The budget of the paintings amounted to $ 26 million, of which half provided the producer of the Charles D. King project. Despite the expectations, collect the ribbon in the cinema box, for the shows advantageously went black spectators (61%), no more than $ 5 million. Given the Stregning Service Policy, it is also doubtful that from HBO Max, in which the film was launched simultaneously with theatrical premiere, the creators of the tape received more than a quarter spent on the filming of funds.

9. The solved jury of various film pictures "Judas and the Black Messiah" The audience, if you believe estimated on Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes, accepted favorably. But the last statement does not fit with a complete failure at the box office, separate commentators say. Indicating that all the merits of the paintings are concluded in successful compliance with the agenda for the United States, which arose such an excitement with awards. Otherwise, few people are interested in the rest of the ribbon.

Movie "Judas and Black Messiah" - Trailer:

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