Mei Mask - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Mother Ilona Mask 2021



"Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?" - asked himself at the beginning of each series of animated series "80 days around the world" the main antagonist, building a goat against Fogg's Firoas. Canadian-South African model and nutritionist May Mask believes that the plan should be in any woman. Mother Ilona Mask believes: Spacery and willingness to risk must complement each other.

Childhood and youth

The ancestors of the unstasive model are Swiss Germans. May and her twin sister Kay were born on April 19, 1948 in the capital of the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan, the city of Regina.

Father twins and three more children Joshua Norman Khalzheman combined the work by a manual therapist with the archaeologist's hobby. May and Kay did not have time to get used to life in the Canadian town, 12% of the population of which make up people of Ukrainian nationality, as the family moved to live in the capital of South Africa - Pretoria.

In childhood, Mei traveled a lot. The parents had an easy-made aircraft, and together with children flew through all the continents, except Antarctica. Every winter, the family went to the Kalahari desert in search of a lost city.

In his youth, May became the finalist of the beauty contest "Miss South Africa". The beauties did not forget about education and received a master's degree in nutrition in the South African University of Orange Free State. Later, she became the owner of another master's degree in healthy eating in Canadian Toronto.

Personal life

With the future husband, Errol Mask, the girl met, still studying in high school. The guy was rude and Drachem, and Mae found for the benefit to leave him in another city. A year later, Herrol went to hold the beauty and made her an offer.

Halzheman responded with refusal, but Errol, returned to Pretoria, told her parents that she agreed to marry him. One of the sisters May was going to play the wedding, and the family decided to unite the celebrations. Greeting cards from a numerous relatives began to come to the future nutritionist, and the girl did not decide to cut out relatives with the report that he did not want to marry a secured and promising guy who had learned to the engineer.

Like the character of the series "Big Little Lies" Perry Wright, played by Alexander Skarsgard, Errol turned out to be a family abuser. The first beatings went to May already during the honeymoon.

In 1979, after 9 years of marriage, a model with three children - the sons of Ilon and Kimbal and his daughter, fled from her husband. 2 years after the divorce, the former mother-in-law May managed to convince the eldest grandson, which is unfair if the father who giving life to three siblings live alone, and the boy moved to his father. After a few years, the younger brother joined Ilona.

By decision of the court, Errol was supposed to see Mai with children at least once a month. But the man allowed the meeting only once a quarter. Then May with his daughter moved closer to the ex-husband and began to take the sons for every weekend. Gradually, adolescents switched to the side of the mother and left with her to Canada.

The woman did not get married anymore, although the offers of intimate intimate proximity to her and now: Mei looks great and with growth in 172 cm weighs 58 kg. Maintain a figure that is not ashamed to show in a swimsuit, except the diet, mask helps physical activity. An elderly woman every day 4 times walks with a dog, half an hour turns the pedals of a bike bar, at the same time reading books and magazines, and stretching exercises combines with watching TV.

Children May have grown successful. Ilon Mask - inventor, engineer and billionaire, CEO Tesla and Spacex. Kimbal is a restaurant that implements the project "From a bed to the table". Tosca - film generator and director. As of 2020, Mei 12 grandchildren.


For the first time in the advertising campaign, Mai cosmetics participated, being a 16-year-old teenager. Marriage interrupted the model's model career, because the face of the mask often "decorated" the bruises and abrasions set by her husband.

After the divorce Mei gave advice as a nutritionist in one of two bedrooms of his apartment: a woman had no money to pay a separate office. After moving to Canada, the situation was complicated by the fact that the Government of South Africa frosted the deposits of the mask - so the leadership of the African state struggled with the departure of citizens abroad.

The experiences and consumption of cheap products led to the fact that May for the year recovered by 18 kg. Now a woman calls this increase in weight of invaluable experience, because now, building food systems for customers, she knew how hard to get rid of extra kilograms. Although, recovering, Mask became one of the first oversize-models, she chose to return to the former mass of the body.

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Mei never misses breakfast and always wears snacks in the form of nuts and prunes, so as not to succumb to the temptation to eat a hamburger. The woman critically refers to raw food, from protein products consumes fish (salmon and tuna), lamb and all kinds of legumes. In the diet of the mask there is potatoes in small quantities.

Having stirs the threshold of the 50th anniversary, May became more sought-after than in the youth. A woman does not paint gray and not trying to pray.

"No plastic operations will help if there are problems with digestion and joints," the mask smiles.

Before the pandemic of coronavirus infection, May regularly went on the podium, demonstrating fashionable outfits. She starred in the band Beyonce Haunted, and the photo mask was posted on a billboard on Times Square. In the fall of 2017, the mother of the billionaire became the face of Cover Girl's cosmetic company.

Mei Mask now

In 2019, Mask released the book "A woman who has a plan. Rules of happy life. " Initially, the author called his biography "overcoming and surviving", but on the advice of editors changed the name to a more positive. She wanted to remove the head of the family violence from memoirs, but the publishers insisted on the preservation of the section, saying that the problem of abuseriness and is not less relevant now than in the time of youth model.

In 2020, the Bombor publisher published the Russian translation of the book, the release of which coincided with the first piloted flight to the International Space Station, implemented by the Son Model. Photo of the Russian publication Mai posted on the page in "Instagram".

The author gave an interview with the author's show Irina Shhikman on "Yutiub" "and talk." They chatted about the upbringing of successful children and women's independence. Having heard from the Shikhman Russian school "How do you, Ilon Mask", the writer suggested changing the quote on "as you like, May Mask."

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