Women who left oligarchs and politicians - Russian, as they look like, the reason for divorce, what do


Millions of girls and women worldwide dream of marrying for the oligarch. It seems that the material well-being is capable of compensating for a large difference in age, opposite glances to life and will even allow forgive the betrayal of a loved one. But in reality, everything is happening not as in dreams: Dear gifts and luxurious life are rapidly bored, and finding next to an unloved person brings ugly and longing.

The wives of businessmen often make a decision on a divorce, tired of the change, publicity and other attributes of life with a wealthy man. In the material 24cm - more about how women who spent from oligarchs and politicians do.

Olga Sechina

The second spouse of the head of the NK Rosneft Igor Sechin replenished the selection of women who left oligarchs and politicians. The marriage of Olga Sechina and the Russian statesman, who older than the spouse for 25 years, lasted from 2011 to 2017, and the marriage process was held without loud scandals and public proceedings. The press did not get the causes of separation and its details. It is known that the ex-wife of the oligarch later began a novel with the Italian car drivers, and Igor Sechin after the second divorce keeps the details of his personal life in secret from journalists.

Nadezhda Obolentsev

Bright brunette with uncrowable intellectual abilities Nadezhda Obolentsev in 2014 answered consent to the courting of the co-owner of the "Neftegopducture" Airat Ishakova. All bomond was invited to the lush wedding in Italy. The lover man sought for 11 years, and the difference at the age of 16 years did not embarrass him.

However, love, as in the famous saying, has lived only 3 years: in 2017 their marriage collapsed, which shocked celebrity fans. Ex-Spouses refused to comment on the press on the causes of the divorce. It remains only to assume that the marriage is terminated by mutual agreement. Later, the businesswoman became his wife Rube Gigineyshvili (the former husband of Hope Mikhalkova), but this story of love lasted for a long time and in 2020 he ended with a gap.

Angelica Agurbash

The President of the Morthadel Nikolai Agurbash in 2002 took the singer Angelica Yalinskaya in his wife, whose career after that began to rapidly gain momentum. 10 years of happy marriage seemed a real fairy tale for a woman: the spouse gave all her desires, was her producer, gave dear gifts.

However, when in 2012 it came to the divorce, the life of Angelica Agurbash turned into a nightmare: the businessman decided to leave the beloved without the livelihood, followed mutual accusations and public clarification of relations. Only a year later, the storm of passions subsided, and the former spouses began to establish a personal life. The entrepreneur married again and became his father, and his ex-beloved everything was less successful. Angelica Agurbash married another businessman, but the wedding did not take place.

Ilona Stole

Details of the personal life of the jeweler and photographer Ilona is accustomed to keep secret. Therefore, about grinding with a civil husband, the State Duma deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin, expressed reluctantly. The celebrity noted that family life does not happen without storms, especially since they are 17 years old.

In 2017, it became known that the spouses decided to disperse and live separately. According to So, the situation could change at any time and she hoped that their family would still reunite. However, in 2018, the relationship between spouses spoiled even more: Ilona and Vitaly sued each other, defending each of their right to their common children.

Natalia Potanina

The President of HC Interros and General Director of MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin decided to divorce Natalia's wife a week before the new 2014. In marriage Vladimir and Natalia, three children were born, however, according to their father, he was not going to leave the inheritance them: the money and the acquired property Potanin planned to send to charity.

The Russian billionaire, whose condition in 2014 exceeded $ 14 billion, and in 2020 amounted to $ 24 billion, filed a lawsuit against the divorce into a civil court. Spouse Potanin offered to sign the documents that it does not have material claims to him. After a 2-month deferment, the judge adopted a positive decision on this case. It is known that the marriage process was accompanied by scandals about the property partition. Natalia Potanina filed an ex-spouse a number of charges and filed oncoming laws about the recovery of large sums from him.

Vladimir Potanin after the official divorce soon married a new chief named Catherine.

Veronica Lario

The second spouse of the Italian ex-premier and oligarch Silvio Berlusconi Veronika Lario has repeatedly endured his betrayal. Their marriage lasted for almost 30 years, and during this time a woman never uttered words of criticism to her husband. However, patience was dried when the famous politician did not find time to come on his heir's birthday, but at the same time he visited the girls of easy behavior.

Decision to divorce severe consequences for Veronica: Italian media belonged to her husband wrote a lot of unpleasant things about her and published her candid pictures. However, the Italians supported Lario, and her spouse rating fell in the people. Former husband and wife, several years after the divorce, they found out financial relations: Veronica managed to achieve the payment of alimony through the court, but a few years later a woman ordered 60 million euros to return to the ex-spouse.

Lyudmila Putin

The ex-wife of Russian President Vladimir Putin also fell into a selection of "Women who left oligarchs and politicians." This is the first case in the history of modern Russia, when the head of state divorced his wife. In 2013, the decision to break the marriage union came to the spouses Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin after 30 years of marriage and became mutual. Two daughters, Maria and Ekaterina, who were named after grandmothers were born in the family.

The cause of the divorce, according to Vladimir Vladimirovich, was that his lifestyle and work were associated with publicity, and "some people are absolutely incompatible with it." The president's spouse confirmed these words, saying that she really does not like publicity. Lyudmila Putin also added that he did not see her husband because of work.

There is little information on the network about what Lyudmila Putin is doing after a divorce. There is information that the ex-wife of the president re-married and changed the surname to the contrary. However, official comments on this occasion are missing.

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Julia Pokhvenin

Former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukova Yulia Pokhlebenina (daughter of the former premiere of Russia Viktor Zubkov) filed for a divorce with his spouse in the spring of 2012 after 10 years of marriage. Almost immediately in the media, versions of the causes of such a decision appeared.

The main of them journalists called Roman Serdyukov with his subordinate Yevgenia Vasilyeva, who became a fraud in several criminal cases of fraud. This love relationship, according to the media, also caused the resignation of the Minister in November 2012. In 2018, there was information that Anatoly Serdyukov concluded marriage with Vasilyeva, but he himself refused to comment on this fact, arguing the refusal of the secret personal life, adding: "Let it remain on the conscience of those who invent all this."

Julia Pokhvenin

Olga Slucker

The spouse of the famous entrepreneur and politician Vladimir Slutcker was the focus of the secular society in 2009. Olga Slutcker's husband accused of treason and literally kicked his wife from an elite house, banning to communicate with their children. The spouse of the Federation Council member had to survive the separation with his son and daughter (Vladimir took them to Israel), numerous courts and learn how to build life again. After time, Olga admitted that he did not hold evil on the ex-spouse and occasionally seen with the children.

Elena Novitskaya

Elena Novitskaya ends the selection of "Women who left oligarchs and politicians" Elena Novitskaya, an ex-wife of Multimilliardera Alexei Mordashov. Divorce in 1996 with the Director General of PJSC Severstal brought Elena Novitsk to good compensation: 3-room apartment, Lada car and alimony at $ 1500.

However, after 2 years, the amount depreciated 5 times, and the woman demanded an alimony from the spouse and claimed a third of the company's shares belonging to her husband. The court did not satisfy the court, and besides, it should remain the state 200 million for legal costs. From pity, the former spouse helped Elena solve financial problems.

Elena Novitskaya

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