TV series "Heavenly Beauty" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Home, Facts


The release date of the Ostrozhet Melodrama "Beauty of Heaven" - April 23, 2021. The premiere saw the audience TV channel "Home". The main heroine will have to do a difficult choice: to defend its right to happiness and love or take care of the well-being of the closest person. Spectators will learn whether true love will be able to defeat superstitions.

In material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about the shooting of the TV series "Beauty of Heavenly", the plot and the actors who played the main roles.

Plot and shooting

The largest Russian film company "AMEDIA PROJECT" was engaged in the production of tape. The director's chair went to Vlad Nikolaev, and the author of the script became Marina Lazis. Music support wrote composer Alexey Artishevsky, and Herman Zaryankin was engaged in the design decoration. Marina Khripunova, Irina Bosov, Natalia Klibanov, Oleg Kirichenko, Irina Konanykin and Leonid Melamud became producers of melodrama "Beauty of Heavenly".

In the plot of the paintings of the couple in love, Anna and Mikhail are happy together and plan an ambulance wedding. They met quite recently: Mikhail was in the doctor's office with a serious injury, which threatened to him by the completion of a career: Misha is the first pilot of international airlines. Anna cured a high and stately man, and mutual love feelings arose between them.

Now the happy bride is trying on the outfits in the wedding salons and sends the bridegroom photos in new images, forgetting about the old one, that the narrowed should not see the beloved in a white dress to a solemn day. It is believed that this is a bad sign: the wedding may not take place, or the marriage will be short and unhappy. However, Anya does not allow negative thoughts to themselves and is completely fascinated by pleasant troubles. The heroine is not yet suspected that the former girl her beloved, Rita, decided to return Misha. Rita is ready for this for a lot, for example, to seduce the father of Anna.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the TV series "Beauty of Heaven" performed:

  • Anna Nemchenko - Anna, a doctor who fell in love with his patient.
  • Artyom Karasev - Mikhail, Pilot, Beloved Ani, who threatened the resignation.
  • Julia Chebnikova - Rita, the former Misha girl, who threw it when he was seriously injured. After Mikhail's health came to normal, Rita decided to return his love, using prohibited techniques.
  • Sergey Lanbamine - Father Ani.
  • Daria Feklenko - Mother Ani.
  • Anna Chepenko - Nastya, Ani's girlfriend.

Also in the series were filmed : Ray Burek, Marina Gayzidi, Sergey Gabrielyan, Alexandra Kornei, Marina Kotelinskaya and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Vlad Nikolaev is also known for other filmmakers: "Ghosts of the past", "Moscow Romance", "Big Sky", "at the crossroads of joy and grief."

2. The shooting of melodramas took place in the Moscow region and the capital of Russia in the fall of 2020. In the frame of the audience will see interesting locations: airports and airlines, cafes, pastry and medical centers. Also shooting was held at Zhukovsky International Airport. The project's creators said that two airlines were created for the series, with a special form and symbolism.

3. The director explained that the name of the tape is connected not only with the profession of the protagonist, but also with the inner beauty of his bride. Anna, according to the author, has clean, transparent intentions and does everything for the benefit of close people. Vlad Nikolaev also noted: "Our story about how the boys become real men, making actions, studying the responsibility for them and taking the right decisions, and women are not just a wonderful weak floor, as it is considered, and very strong the spirit of creatures who know how to love "

4. Producer Natalia Klibanova told in an interview about the work on the series "Beauty of Heavenly." Professional instructors were invited to filming some scenes. According to the script in the film there are frames when Mikhail launches with children into the sky model of aircraft reaching 2 m, and experts helped actors to cope with the management of fragile aircraft.

5. Actress Anna Nemchenko shared in an interview about his heroine: "She is very kind, light, air and, at first glance, it seems so small and defenseless! But believe me - she will rebuff and put a person in place! At some point, so many tests fall on her fragile shoulders that she completely forgets himself, trying to help everyone around. We very often do not notice in the life that we need help, tell ourselves: I can all be done, I will succeed, I'll figure it out, I don't understand what you need help from the side. "

6. The project was originally another name - "Winged Love". The authors of the melodrama promised that the audience is waiting for both touching moments, ironic, and light and pleasant.

7. The fans of Anna Nemchenko noted in the comments in "Instagram", which is looking forward to the premiere of the melodramatic series "Beauty of Heavenly" with his beloved actress in the lead role.

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