The series "Unscracing" (2021) - the release date, actors and roles, Russia-1, facts


The series "Ugly", the release date on the Russia-1 channel of which was held on April 24, 2021, will reveal the history of Masha, which began to get the groom by blackmail. Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot - the girl Masha, who has long time to accept the fate and does not wait for the prince from her in the form of a prince on a white horse. However, the heroine fell a happy ticket. Seeing how the serge chief knocks down a pedestrian, an enterprising girl is blackmailing the boss and offers him in exchange for false testimony to marry her.

The young man after an accident spent with Liza night, and then marries the girl. But instead of a happy honeymoon, heroes become victims of unpredictable circumstances.

Over the scenario of the series worked by the author's duet Olga Stepnova and Dmitry Stepanov, who were previously attended by the projects "Eversion", "Son of My Father", "Former". The series "Ugly" is the film of the same name of Olga Stepnova.

The director's chair of the project took the family duet of Vladimir and Olga Basovy. The producers made a director of the project, as well as Maxim Carmen, Rafikov Rosa, Catherine Akratov, who previously worked on the creation of a multi-siever melodrama "Former".

Actors and roles

  • Elizabeth Arzamasova - Masha, which by blackmail is trying to marry an interesting man. However, the situation is not developed as the girl planned;
  • Artem Krylov - Head of Mary, Serge, who knocks down a pedestrian;
  • Yulia Zimin - Paradise;
  • Alexey Veselkin - Gruzdev.

In the series "Ugratifying" also starred: Galina Petrov, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Alisa Yaroslavskaya, Elena Biryukova, Victor Loginov, Daniel White, Ekaterina Kopanova and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Ribbon directors are known for multi-sectorate projects, "Keys", "Taming of Mother's". It is noteworthy that the last of the listed televils was also starred according to the scenario of Stepnova and Stepanov, and Elizabeth Arzamasov turned out to be in the lead role.

2. Shooting a televisionist was held in Moscow.

3. Elizabeth Arzamasova had to be filmed without makeup, with a pure face. In his instagram account, the actress shared his experiences and said that for the first time since the children's years he was working in a frame without cosmetics. By the way, the celebrity compared MaikaP with armor, which girls are protected. Elizabeth also appreciated the experience gained and thanked the film crew for his freedom.

4. The film crew has created a comic roller in which the project participants starred. Actress Ekaterina Kopanova stressed in the comments to the video that a friendly atmosphere reigned on the set and a gentle relationship was evolved.

5. In the comments to the TV series "ugly", the audience are puzzled by the title and the fact that Elizabeth Arzamasov will appear in the lead role. Fans of melodram expressed doubts that after the events that occurred in the personal life "Papin daughter" will appear in such an amplua. And in social networks, men expressed indignation about the fact that Arzamasov was called "ugly".

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