Jack Quaid - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Jack Quaid is known primarily thanks to the parents of Dennis Kuidu and Meg Ryan, and then with his appearances on the movie screen. While his filmography is quite scarce, the largest project is the series "Guys" about superheroes. But the rapidly increasing fan base believes that in the future Jack is waiting for much more significant achievements.

Childhood and youth

Jack Henry Caid was born on April 24, 1992 in Los Angeles, California. He is a child Meg Ryan, known by Kate and Leo melodrama (2001) and "in the Women's country" (2007), and Dennis Caida, the nominee of the prestigious film "Golden Globe" and "Emmy".

When Jack Cueida turned 8 years old, his parents announced parting. The marriage process ended in July 2001. The hereditary actual actor took the family disorder, he lacked the father - ideological inspirer, an example for imitation. After all, the rest of the unhappiest life has spent the son with his mother.

Dennis Cueida and Meg Ryan had only one common child, but more children appeared in subsequent unions. These are Gemini Thomas Bun and Zoe Grace, born by a surrogate mother from the actor, and Daisy Tru - a dedicated actress of a citizen of China.

In the 1990s, the parents of Jack Quaid were at the peak of popularity, and his life was held on the set. Therefore, the question of choosing the profession was not raised - it is clear that the family was brought up by an impulse actor. Open sources do not allow you to know if the celebrity has an appropriate education, or it is still a few roles - the result of congenital talent.

Personal life

Girl Jack Cueid name is Lizzy McGrunder. Most likely, she is also an actress. Couple together from July 14, 2015. Such a detailed detail is known thanks to the "Instagram" Lizzy: Annually, the girl celebrates a memorable date.

By the way, the elected photos in her tape appear quite often. Each picture accompanies a love signature.

Officially make a personal life Jack does not seek, but the fans seems to be that the wedding is not far off.


Caid made his debut in the fantastic film "Hungry Games" (2012) with Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson starring. He played Marvel - Tribut, that is, the participant of the competition, from District No. 1. On the shooting, the actor spoke with a special warmth:

"We [Casting Team and Cast" Hungry Games "] survived tropical showers, flooding, scorching heat. One day a bear was wandered onto the site. But for me it is an amazing experience. Definitely the best story on the topic: "What I did on the summer vacation". "
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Marvel, Jack hero, - a sneaky young man. Like all participants in the hungry games, he seeks to get to the final, in other words - to survive, because the competition does not know the mercy.

"When I was approved for a role, they warned that people would not hate me," the artist remembered with a smile in an interview.

Marvel appears in the 2nd part of the film "Hungry Games: and flames will flash" (2013).

Cueida can also be seen in Horror "Kill for Like" (2017), Comedy "Lucky Logan" (2018) and the adventure film "Rampej" (2018). All the roles are episodic. And only the romantic comedy "plus one" (2019), in which Jack starred with Maya Erskin brought a long-awaited major role.

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So far, the most successful project in the biography of Jack Quage is the series "Guys", the premiere of which took place in 2019 on Amazon Prime Video. It is based on the DC comics of the same name and tells how to assume as usual people with superpowers.

Unlike Superman or Batman, the characters of the series "Guys" drink their own glory. In the world of people, they like rock stars: they get the best places in sports games, cars and girls. Superheroes are combined into a group called "Seven". And with their wasting and impunity, "boys" are struggling. Hugh Campbell, Jack Character, is one of the "guys."

Karl Urban, Erin Moriarty, Dominic McEllogott, Anthony Starr - Actors are young and promising, worked on the side with a quage on the set. Judging by the news from Amazon Prime Video, in 2020 they will return to the shooting platform to create the 2nd season of "boys".

Jack Quaid now

Now, in free from shooting time, Jack Quaid tries himself in sounding. The actor's voice can be heard in the comedy cartoon Harvey Girls Forever!, The creation of which is engaged in the Netflix stream. For 2021, a full-length cartoon is scheduled, to whose tar of the artist will also join.

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And in 2020, the web animated series "Star Path: Bottom Decks" with Jack's participation. His voice will talk one of the Ensinov Brad Barmler. Ensin is an officer's rank in the land and naval forces of some countries of the West.


  • 2012 - "Hungry Games"
  • 2017 - "Kill for Like"
  • 2018 - "Little Logan"
  • 2018 - Rampage
  • 2019 - Nar. - "Guys"
  • 2019 - "Plus one"

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