Havik (character) - pictures, mortal kombat, abilities, gameplay


Character History

Khavik - Khaos cleric from Mortal Kombat franchise. The creators of the character were not puzzled by an expanded description of the biography, since initially did not plan it as an independent hero of the fighting. Nevertheless, he received the love of the audience - primarily due to unexpected receptions in battle.

History of character creation

Khavik made his debut in Mortal Kombat: Deception of 2004, adding the ranks of the new fighters along with Dyro, Khotar, Kira, Cobro and Suudzinko. A little later came the portable version of the fighting version called MK: Unchained, where the character continued to exist. By the way, his biography was the creators of the game universe rethought in the new chronology.

In MK: Deception for the first time, the Concovest mode was presented, i.e., in the gameplay, thanks to the built-in online multiplayer, it was possible to travel around the worlds, communicate with other heroes, find and open secrets, to undergo additional missions.

In this conquest, the kingdom of chaos appeared, which sheltered the new character. In the distant past, it was the usual world, which was subsequently distorted the gods themselves. The rulers simply began to share and split the territory into separate parts. The inhabitants lost memory, the ability to navigate in space. And with the advent of portals, everything moved finally.

The once unified world turned into an antipode of the kingdom of order. The inhabitants of this place were called chaotic. Despite the external similarity with people, they were fundamentally different from them. For example, haotikov did not kill serious injuries, but, on the contrary, they added life. In the Universe "Mortal Kombat", Havik became the most famous representative of this race. Although the story of the character shows that he arrived from another world.

Interesting fact: In the initial concepts to Mortal Kombat: Deception, his model was meant as an alternative doubling costume.

Despite the fact that the appearance of the hero allows him to attribute it to the undead (a pair of empty eyes and a semi-mongrel skull), in the canon there is no such fact in the biography of direct instructions.

Image and Biography Havika

It is difficult to say where to count the representative of the kingdom of chaos and anarchist - to evil or good characters. He is ready to accept anyone from among those opposing, if the circumstances will require the circumstances. Own goals for him are above established concepts.

As for the early biography, it is interpreted as follows in the original chronicle. Initially, Havik arrived in the kingdom of chaos from SEID. His mission was a guidance of order in a disassembled and divided world, whose residents began simply to go crazy.

But the man never managed to overcome the outlined trend. As a result, he himself turned into a walking dead man, and later he received the fame of the most famous supporter of anarchic ideology. The endless turmoil life seemed to him perfect. Therefore, the main goal was to prevent any attempt to disrupt such a kind of order.

First of all, he spoke out against the king of the Dragons of Ongi. Hatik arrived in the outside world, where he found the desperate and wounded boala. Saved the former member of the criminal group Havik inspired his thought about the restoration of the clan. Only now under the auspices of the anarchy, which the character sought to spread over the earth's kingdom.

The idea was successful - convinced cable began to dial recruiters. Plan of cleric chaos was that with the help of the army to get closer to the middle and take possession of his heart. Then an anarchist would have received a huge force melting in this powerful character - resurrect the dead.

The first tactical successes players saw the sideline - Havik managed to bring mercenaries to the king of dragons. However, further events of the Fighting Creators never demonstrated the audience.

In Armageddon, the role of Hero Epizodichna. He appears in the tower of Shinnok, where he loses in the battle of Teven. In the finals, the eldest God explains the winner that his opponent was only an illusion, intended to check loyalty and strength.

In the new chronology, Havik manipulates Reiko, who after the death of Shao Kana tried to commit suicide. Hatik convinces the warrior in that he is destined to become a god of blood and capture the outside world. And even collects the daggers of the crash, designed to help the former General reincarnate. And even though the foreman was originally obsessed with such ideas, gradually he lights up the thought of incredible power.

An anarchist really helps Reiko, and when he begins to demand sacrifices, directs it to the island of Tarkatan. Hundreds of killed do not quench his thirst, and then the new god of blood rushes on his mentor.

Clean's cleric squeezes the enemy eye and breaks the skull. From the very beginning, everything was played as notes - using Reiko ambitions, a cunnock amulet carrier made from it.

Wanting to destroy hell, Khavik comes to Takahashi Tacha. He cuts off an anarchist's hand, but it can't complete the full victory, since the enemy uses the strongest weapons in battle. On the island of Shang Tsung, when the representative of the kingdom of Chaos wanted to begin the execution of Taught, Ferra, Shiva, Kintaro and Erron Black appear suddenly.

Suddenly the scorpion emerged instantly takes off the head of the chaotic and takes her to hell with him. In hell "fines" the boot of Cuan Chi. An anarchist, skillfully manipulating the consciousness of other characters, he himself became a pawn in the game of the Great Koldun.

It is not known how he was the hero to such as the kingdom of Chaos transformed him in a walking dead man. Therefore, speaking of acquired abilities, those that are inherent in all undead are listed. First of all, it is self-knowledge in battle, giving an anarchist advantage. So, he can break himself in half, bringing the opponent's confusion and unexpectedly attacking him.

Or reflect the top of the body for a successful throw. Fans of the game noted the reception in which Khavik turns her neck, and then calmly puts it in place. By the way, such metamorphoses of the body add a character's glasses character.

Fatalithi in the villain two. The first is called "sharpening a pencil". In the battle, he throws on the enemy and eats his hands. The second achievement is more spectacular: an anarchist takes off the leg of the enemy, and then the same limb attacks the head.

Interesting Facts

  • In the draft scenario, the chaotic was called ScaB.
  • All people from the kingdom of chaos consider the sacred rapid and uncontrolled flow of water.
  • Havik gets an episodic role in MK11, becoming the ally of the Nuba Sibot.
  • Knowledge and following techniques for the martial arts "Snake" and "Tang Song before" goes against the character of a character, for whom something ordered is considered impossible.
  • For the whole biography of the villain, except for Shinnok amulet, only one weapon is used - the Morning Star. This is a panic with spikes, called Morgenstern in Germany.
  • In the Games of an anarchy, the actor Saint Peter voiced the actor.

Computer games

  • 2004 - Mortal Kombat: Deception
  • 2006 - Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

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