Series "Mentosavra" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Fifth Channel, Facts, Trailer


The fifth channel is not found in popularity from lovers of detectives - Petterians regularly please the fans of the genre all with new exciting procedures, forced once over again to worry about the fates of the heroes struggling. So on April 26, 2021, the date of the release of the next police drama has fallen out, which was the series "Mentosavra".

On the plot of a new show associated with him interesting facts and actors playing the main roles - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

If a person at work is sometimes mistaken - it can be forgiven. If "kosychit" again - it is possible to send "to free swimming" with labor in an oakha.

But when it comes to people in pursuit, be it an army or police, the usual methods of impact on negligent employees are not always permissible - they do not like to endure the power departments of Sory from the hut. Yes, and trained frames are not accustomed to trained in such structures - even the divorce with a proper approach can benefit.

Therefore, they are sent unnecessarily distinguished figures "on the excavation" - in terms of and divisions, where those by performing the permissible minimum of mandatory work will be able to relatively calmly to twist to retirement. Unless, of course, nothing extraordinary is not rational.

Here, the series "Mentosavra" tells about the adventures of the heroes sent by the leadership for the prejudices much away from the gaze of the inhabitants of high cabinets - as they speak in the people, for the 101st kilometer. And the place of reference for stratum employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the police department in the Kolomna district of St. Petersburg with a very suitable number - 101.

However, despite the most attractive service characteristics, "written off" Opera are still ready to show that in reality they are capable, if, guided by the famous Musketeer slogan "one for all", begin to support each other and work in full force.

Production was engaged in Trikim Media, a perfectly familiar to lovers of people who go on the fifth channel and NTV "St. Petersburg detectives", among the series created by the film company: "Alien District" and "High rates", "Conditional Ment" and "Nevsky", "First Department "And" Magnificent Five ". The executive producer was Marina Fomenko, who participated in such quality in creating the show "Last Ment", "Major and Magic" and "Strong nuts".

Marianna Factorovich worked on the plot of the painting, tightly collaborating with Triix Media since 2010. She is owned by their scenarios such projects of the company as "insurers", "Legend for the Superser", "The Best Enemies" and "Admirals District". For the directorial console, the efforts of Maxim Brius ("Foundry", "Farewell," Makarov "!", Zoya ") and Andrei Korshunov (" I will live "," one "," Likhach ").

Actors and roles

In the series, telling about the harsh weekdays of the "Police Standby", the main roles performed the following actors:

  • Andrei Kuznetsov - Lieutenant Colonel Kirill Ryabinin, heading the problem and for a long time remaining the main "headache" of the police leadership of the city on the Neva of the 101st Department, where "referred" for "outstanding achievements" of employees who are a pity in view of the former merit to dismiss the department.
  • Mark Ovchinnikov - Major Arkady Shvedov, Senior Opera, Family from the family of architects. On the soil, the collapse of family relations seeks to find the meaning of the bachelor life at the bottom of the glade. Alcohol problems affect the effectiveness of the employee and the reason for translating to the department to Ryabinin.
  • Ales Snopkovsky - Captain Vyacheslav Orekhov, another employee of the "Unfortunate Department," suffering, like his senior colleague, from addiction. True, unlike Swedov, the operative is attracted not strong alcoholic beverages, and gambling, why without constant rates and disputes for money and the day can not live.
  • Andrei Pozrbinsky - Captain Vladimir Dtsenko, a healthy, who is fond of extreme sports. The habit of feeling adrenaline in the blood leads to the fact that the policeman is inclined to rapid acts and unjustified risk.
  • Alexey Svilnikov - Senior Lieutenant Veniamin Spassky, who arrived from Moscow, in order to replenish the ranks of the staff of the 101st Division. Another "excellent party of combat and political", managed to repel his wife from his own chief and now forced to hide in the second capital from the anger of the former leader.

Also in the series were filmed: Anton Chernov, Maria Minakova, Anastasia Evlanova, Oleg Kamitov and Alexander Ilves in the role of the senior investigator of the investigative committee of Varvara Mironova.

Interesting Facts

1. Withdrew the series "Mentosavra" Andrei Korshunov known to the Russian audience not only as a director. Cinematographer also participated in a number of television show as an artist, let him not get the main roles. In his acting filmography, such projects as the "Streets of broken lamps" (starred in three seasons, every time embodying different characters), "Lopuhi", "Nealable Phoenix".

2. Unlike colleague, Maxim Brius in the Liestheny Ipostasi showed himself only in the theater studio, where he was engaged in the years of study at the university, subsequently focusing on director. I tried forces and as a scenario - I worked on the plots of the serials "Countryman", "Alien District 2" and "Luche". By the way, Brius could not at all in his profession, because at the insistence of Rodney first entered the Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute, but replaced the educational institution after the army.

3. The locations of filming by cinematographers were all sorts of picturesque and not very streets of the Admiralteysky district of the Northern Capital - from washing and fountains with buckle to the shaded and unfriendly butt zone.

4. The executor of the role of Lieutenant Colonel Ryabinin is a sign of Russian audience not only as an actor. The characters of foreign films and TV shows, such as the "Shopaholic", "So," Macho and Botan are said by the voice of the artist. Also, at the beginning of the 90s, Andrei Kuznetsov voiced the main character in the Disney cartoon film, and later the series, Aladdin.

5. The series was included in the number of projects presented in 2021 to participate in the international film market European Film Market the fifth channel that first came to the event. Also among the serials offered by foreign televisers were "strong nuts" and "Conditional Ment". According to the results of the cinear, the channel management began a discussion of the sale of rights to broadcast distributors from India, China, Germany and North America.

6. Fans of detectives quite positively respond about the quality of projects manufactured by Triix Media for NTV and Fifth Canal. And the series "Mentosavra" is no exception. The connoisseurs of the genre, waiting for the release of the film to the screens, expressed confidence that in this case the work done by cinematographers will be at the level. However, there were critics that considered that the idea of ​​the comedy-criminal show looks overly treasured.

Series "Mentosavra" - Trailer:

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