TV series "Germans" (2021) - release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The premiere of the "Germans" series took place at the Moscow Film Festival on April 25, 2021. The release date of an acute detective picture for a wide audience on the online service Kion - April 28. The scenario of the tape was based on the novel of the writer Alexander Terekhov, who tells the story of the life of the journalist, forced to change his views on life and go against its own moral principles. A deal with conscience quickly erases a thin line between good and evil, truth and lies.

In material 24cm - more about the creation of a 10-serial film, a film creation, activated actors and their roles.

Plot and shooting

The creation of a dramatic film project was engaged in the joint-stock company "World Russian Studios" by order of the NTV television channel. The director's chair went to Stanislav Ivanov, who also worked on the script of tapes along with Maxim Esaulov, Denis Latypov and Elena Topilskaya. Yuri Sapronov, Natalia Lazarev, Avedea Kiryanov, Igor Mishin, Timur Weinstein and Lolita Halikova. The author of the musical accompaniment was made by composer Alexey Aigi, and Polina Sokolova was engaged in decoration. Two versions of the series were created: for a television display and for the audience on the network.

Frame from the series

In the center of the plot, the tape is a charismatic, honest and witty journalist Anton Ebergard, a female pet, which is trying to overcome the series of failures, haunting him at every step. The mortgage debt grows, do not buy his book, the daughter has serious problems with the law due to participation in street protests. In addition, Anton is fired from work in a prestigious publishing house. Now he is forced to get in place, which before that hated all the soul, but where they pay well and consistently, - the city administration. Here he receives a post in the press service, but does not even know what it will lead to.

The main character of the TV series "Germans" is "on the other side of the barricades" and forced to become part of the world hostile to him. With each decision, Ebergard understands that he loses his true "I". Against the background of intrigue, reigning immorality, immorality, corruption and criminal schemes, in which yesterday's fighter for the truth and justice is forced to participate, the inner drama of the hero is unfolded.

Actors and roles

The main characters in the picture performed:
  • Evgeny Koryakovsky - Anton Ebergard, a scandalous-well-known opposition journalist, who has a black strip in life;
  • Anna Server - Erna;
  • Anton Vasilyev - Pashutin;
  • Daria Ursulak - Ulya.

Other roles in the TV series "Germans" played the actors: Valeria Lanskaya (Alla), Julia Marchenko (Sasha), Vitaly Kovalenko (Hasso), Alexey Grishin (Zaks), Vladimir Ustyugov (Pilyuschenko), Alexander Ovchinnikov (defense) and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Stas Ivanov is also known as the author of the script and producer. In addition, it is married to the actress Valeria Lanskaya, who went out one of the roles in the TV series "Germans". Stas Ivanov filmed such films: "The end of innocence", "wait for me", "Walnut Oreshk", "life just begins", "Black River", in which he made a screenwriter. Ivanov also produced projects "Alien War", "Vasili for Vasilisa", "Last Secret of the Masters".

2. The director Stas Ivanov spoke about the difficulties during the filming of the TV series "Germans". According to the author, "it is important to ensure the accuracy of the environment that is shown and remove something really authentic about ecology in difficult weather conditions, forbids." In addition, it was necessary to "find a faithful note of the existence of the acting ensemble" and, according to the director, they managed to do this by removing an interesting film.

3. Alexander Terekhov - Russian journalist, screenwriter and book author. Roman Terekhova "Germans", in which we are talking about the capital officials, issued in 2012. The book received the "National Bestseller" award in the same year, the work is also nominated for the "Big Book" and "Russian Booker" premium and is still popular with a wide range of readers.

Frame from the series

4. Actress Daria Ursulak told in an interview about filming in the series. The executor of the role of Ulyana noted that the director Stas Ivanov made this story "his own." Before shooting, actors and members of the film crew met, discussed the project, got acquainted and got used to each other. According to Daria, the main load went to Evgeny Koryakovsky and he posted 100%. The actress emphasized that "Rada and for the authors, and for actors, and for all people involved in the creation of" Germans ", and wished to colleagues good luck.

5. Actor Evgeny Koryakovsky thanked producers and director for work in the project. "Among the endless stories about Manyakov, the emergence of the series about corruption, ecology and man with principles is a miracle," Eugene stressed. According to him, there was a unique situation on the set, when the actor and director create the "future world of the series". The leading role in the leading role also noted that he was curious the reaction of the audience and it's nice that their project was interested in experts MMKF.

6. The series has a second name - "Fathereland". According to the creators of the tape, they tried to avoid direct parallels with Russian politicians. However, the readers of Roman Alexander Terekhov immediately learned in the characters the book of famous metropolitan officials, although there are also no names of specific people in the work.

7. CEO of JSC "World Russian Studios" Jury Sapronov said that the plot of the series "Germans" is not tied to the capital: after all, the problem that rises here, exists in other cities. He also noted that the authors set the goal to concentrate on the personal experiences of the main character. "Collision of people, characters, dramatic peripetia is interesting and important. As a person betrays how killing, loves and hates. "

The series "Germans" - Trailer:

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