The film "Seen and Heard" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Netflix, Facts, Trailer


The film "Seen and Heard", whose exit date came on April 29, 2021, in the first personnel looks like a "horror movie" about a ghost house. However, the story that Netflix will show will be complemented by sinister secrets that cause a feeling of fear and pushing the heroine to their own investigation with an unexpected finals. Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot - the story of the artist Catherine, who follows the husband George to the country house. A new family nest promises the perfect life, it is only worth updating the paint and breathe love to an unjite dwelling.

Meanwhile, the walls of the house, as it turned out, permeated with fear, and adds an unexpected discovery: in the old Bible, lost on the shelves, is written sinister "Cursed".

The entourage inside the secluded place is a whispering woman, which is dangerous there, and his beloved husband changes in front of her eyes and turns into a figure with a dark past, which is closer to the final looks sinister.

As the plot develops, the action in the film is confused, and it is already incomprehensible who kills Catherine - the damned walls of the house or banal lie and the problems that the married couple thoroughly hides.

The "seen and heard" project is the screening of the Roman Elizabeth Brandej All Things Cease to Appear, which is not translated into Russian. Anthony Breman, Stephanie Aspiaz, Peter Pastorelli performed producers. Over the script of the film and the director, Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulchini worked.

About the upcoming film "Seen and Heard" announced back in September 2019. The main female role of the project was originally planned by Amanda Seyfried, known to the audience for the Mamma Mia music project! and the continuation of the mystical thriller "Twin-Pix".

Actors and roles

  • Amanda Seifried - Catherine, whose memory doses information and makes to stay on the verge of horror in a new home with history;
  • James Norton - George, whose fate invisible threads are connected with Catherine. A man hides skeletons in the closet, and his personal and professional life is far from perfect;
  • Natalia Dyer - Willis;
  • Alex Nystadter - Eddie Lax;
  • Jack Mountains - Cole;
  • Kelsi Griffin - Line;
  • Michael O'Kef - Travis Loghton.

The film also filmed: Farid Murray Abraham, Ray Sineland, Karen Alain, James Urbanyak, Cotter Smith and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The director's duo specializes in the screenings, the script for which they create together. The first artistic full-length film documentalists Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulchini "American magnificence" was noted by several awards, among which Oscar for the best adapted scenario, as well as the recognition of the Los Angeles Film Association and the Writers of America's Guild. In the director of the directory team, filmography such projects such as "Nianny Diary" and "Ten thousand Saints", where Berman and Pulchini also acted as scripts.

2. The projects of the project took place in the city of Hudson Walle, where agriculture and winemaking flourishes.

3. The author of Roman Elizabeth Brandege to Russian readers are known for books in English. The writer specializes in mystical thrillers, and it is called a brilliant novelist in the modern classic direction. In the reviews Roman All Things Cease to Appear, which lay down the script of the film "Seen and heard", according to the genre of the work characterized as Noir and the Gothic story of two families, woven into their own misfortune. Stephen King appreciated Roman Brandej and allocated the ability to combine the techniques characteristic of the mystical thriller, such as ghosts, mysterious killings and the psychopathic inclinations of heroes.

4. The atmosphere of the thriller sources close to Netflix are equated to the TV series "Ghosts at home on a hill".

5. Family creative duo Robert Pulchini and Shari Springer Berman stressed that the film is a real emotional drama, and the real horror of history is married to heroes.

6. The film "Seen and heard" with the proposed acting caste perceived by the audience favorably. Russian fans of thrillers appreciated the storyline in which the old house, storing secrets, will become the center of events.

Movie "Seen and heard" - trailer:

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