Ekaterina Zinchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The phrase "beautiful rarely happy happens" from the legendary story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...", said the mouth of the heroine Rita oxygen, as it is impossible to better apply to Catherine Zinchenko. Despite the successful start of the film director - a 2nd year student was lucky to play with Andrei Mironov, Irina Kupchenko, Alexander Kalyagin, actress was not lucky in love. Details of the personal life in which there was a lot of betrayal, she shared in the program "The Fate of Man" on June 18, 2020.

Childhood and youth

On July 7, 1960, fate squeezed over the engineer Grigory Zinchenko, who worked in the port, and his spouse-teacher, giving the long-awaited daughter Katya. Unfortunately, before her appearance, babies in the family died - the firstborn (boy and the girl) lived only up to seven months, then did not become two of the different children again. Therefore, it is not surprising that the mother was in the seventh heaven from happiness, the soul was not a chayale in a child, Potakaya in everything and always.

"Childhood for me is, above all, the sea. Came to the dad to work, and we went to the lighthouse to catch bulls. We lived poorly, there were almost no toys. By nature I was a hooligan, probably because Dad wanted a boy and raised me as a boys. I walked with a short haircut, in sports pants and kids, "recalled the actress.

Future celebrity from an early age to sport and art. I did progress in basketball and even was the champion of the city in our age category, in addition to the educational institution, went to the musical, and in the pioneer camp willingly participated in amateurant. However, seriously engaged in both those and others planned. Everyone decided to have serious feelings that flooded at 15 years.

Ekaterina Zinchenko in youth

After obedient by the Council of the Hot Lovely Man, the graduate replenished the ranks of the local Electrical Institute of Communication, but there was not long there. After the 1st year of the student, the student took the documents and began to attend the evening school to enroll in Moscow. The capital accepted the guest from Ukraine Nelskovo: the week arrived at night on the bench, then divided one clamshell with a random acquaintance.

The conceived managed - Catherine conquered the guitis with the help of Basni and Pantomime on the "semi-sucks" of Felix Crivina countryman ("If I were ermine"). The reception commission laughed to tears when the apprentice read the prepared text with an unsurpassed Odessa accent. Subsequently, to get rid of him, teachers strictly-setting banned the ward to go home. Already in the second year, the girl was approved for the role in a film "Purpose".

Personal life

The first and immediately insane feelings happened to Zinchenko at 15 years. A brother came to visit classmate, who was already 30 years old. Volodya, who served in the theater under the leadership of Gennady Yudenich, looked in incomprehensible words and played masterly guitar, and a spontaneous meeting with the subsequent kisses turned out to be enough to lose his head. When the beloved returned to Moscow, the teenager rushed after him, persuading the mother to visit Uncle in Leningrad.

From the city on the Neva, the schoolgirl, armed with a ticket for 11 rubles in St., escaped to the capital, lamb, which went to the girlfriend. When a daughter's connection with an adult artist learned his home, he promised to marry when the lady of the heart reaches the age of majority. But instead of a wedding, betrayal happened - the girl caught the soul mate on the other. Ekaterina Grigorievna recalled that on the soil of nervous experiences the body was covered with chickens, and she herself was crying for a long time and looked around.

After some time, again through the friend Katya met the future spouse. His irony of fate was also by Vladimir, and he was also much older than her. The man conquered a poor student by invited to himself on the "south-western" and treated with chicken legs. Beautiful courtship began, hiking to the restaurant - Professor read lectures in mathematics and physics in Moscow State University, was fond of ballet and photo art, earned well and had a chic VAZ-2106 at the disposal.

Ekaterina Zinchenko now

Unforgettable proposal of hands and hearts Researcher did not make his chief. After TA announced that she was pregnant, Mishin took half a day at thought and in the end he said that he would not forgive himself if the child would not appear. Wedding took place in the divorce room when the bride was on the 8th month of pregnancy. Witnesses made friends of the bridegroom Irina Muravyov and Leonid Eidlin.

Unfortunately, despite the birth of Ksenia, the personal life of the pair did not work out. The chosen one could not get used to the family position and abandon noisy gatherings with friends. And, plus to everything, did not store loyalty. Following the divorce from Zinchenko there was difficult times.

The one that gave life, surviving behind the heir, moved two stroke and remained partially paralyzed, had to take a room in a communal and digging by any ways. One day, a woman stood on the road and caught the car, the driver, kindly agreed to pass the way, let him go to your favorite companion did not want and prescribed a date.

So the novel with a married businessman rose, soon the artist gave birth to a boy Felix. And again she had to hope only for himself and grab for any opportunity to feed 5 people and care for sick parents.


The creative biography has developed in Ekaterina Grigorievna much more successful than personal. With the light hand of Sergey Kolosov and his "destination", the ascending star began to actively appear in the cinema. 3 years after the debut, the girl entrusted reincarnation in Miss Morshin in the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Treasures of Agra", which brought all-Union fame. Her beloved in this film (and her husband in the "twentieth century begins") was Vitaly Solomin himself.

At the end of the 80s, the actress starred in Paul Chukhraya in "Remember me." And I went to the shooting area with Irina Muravyeva, Mikhail Butcher, Mikhail Kokshenov in the "Artist of Mushiova". In the future, the filmography has been replenished with the works of Anatoly Eyramjana ("Babe", "My Sailor", the "Bride of Miami", "the third is not superfluous", "agent in a mini-skirt"). They were taken so much that Odessans called the Museum of the Director.

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In Zero Zinchenko flashed in the full-length tapes "Features of a bath policy" and "Easy Kiss", played the main roles in the "mistress from Moscow", "Arret of Love" and "marry 24 hours", and then switched to television series. The attentive viewer noticed her in "Detectives-4", "any, children and factory ...", "kings of the game", "Chemist" and the 5th part of the "Svatov".

Ekaterina Zinchenko now

Ekaterina Zinchenko stopped being filled back in 2014, this year the "serious relationship" came to the screens, where the celebrity played the episodic role of mother of one of the heroines. What she is doing now, unknown. Having appeared at Boris Korchevnikov in June 2020, the "ideal wife of Dr. Watson" demonstrated a chic appearance, acting skills, rare photos and admitted:"Son periodically leaving drug addiction. I do not communicate with my daughter. She hates me, says that I was disliked. When I was young, I had a mom after stroke, a deaf father, son and daughter, but it was the happiest time. Now there are no parents, the children went away, even the dog died. I stayed alone. "

A little earlier, a woman commented on the face of a colleague on the film "The Third Not Excess" Mikhail Kokashenov, calling him a stunning and fun man and a professional of his business, with whom it worked very easily.


  • 1983 - "High Sample"
  • 1983-86 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
  • 1986 - "My favorite clown"
  • 1990 - "Besnik"
  • 1990 - "My Sailor"
  • 1994 - "Miami Groom"
  • 1994 - "The third is not superfluous"
  • 2000 - "Agent in a mini skirt"
  • 2000 - "Memories about Sherlock Holmes"
  • 2000 - "Valentine's Day"
  • 2001 - "Mistress from Moscow"
  • 2002 - "Love Arrow"
  • 2004 - "Marry 24 hours"
  • 2007 - "Kings of the game"
  • 2011 - "Dock"
  • 2014 - "Serious relationship"

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