The series "Believe your husband" (2021) - the release date, actors and roles, home, facts, trailer


April 30, 2021 - the release date of the series "Believe your husband." The premiere of a 4-serial film will be seen the audience TV channel "home". In pursuit of entertainment, the main character of the picture falls into a dangerous situation: a man was killed in the eyes of Sony, and she became the main suspect. Now the woman has to prove his innocence and find a real killer.

In material 24cm - a selection of interesting facts about actors, their roles in detective melodrama, filming and plot.

Plot and shooting

In the center of events - the story of 35-year-old Sony, which works as an accountant in a small company and is tired of the gray everyday life. Family life does not please diversity, and brings only boredom and longing. The spark of love and passion disappeared in relations with her husband. To have fun, the heroine is looking for new hobbies and decides to go to themselves: it is written in the dance circle, the courses of illusionists, visits parties in the company of long-time buddies and new acquaintances.

But spontaneous actions and adventurous situations once lead Sonya in a unchanged closed society, where an unknown person commits a crime. The shadow of suspicion falls on the heroine, which is now threatened with imprisonment for "murder by negligence."

The director of the melodrama was Igor Kechayev, Marina Khripunova, Pavel Babin, Natalia Klevtsova, Andrei Rydanov and Lion Krylovsky were produced. Vladimir Yarin was engaged in decoration of the project.

Actors and roles

The main role in the series "Believe your husband" went to Elena Velikanova: She played a Sonya accountant, who threatens a punishment for the murder of man.

Other key characters played:

  • Barvara Borodina;
  • Pavel Galich;
  • Alexander Stefans;
  • Artem Osipov;
  • Ivan Brovin.

Also in the tape were filmed: Pavel Krainov, Anna Karysheva, Zhanna Karimova, Julia Kiniberg and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Igor Kechayev is known as the author of films and TV shows: "Find us, Mom!", "Alien child", "Moscow. Central District. The last season "," I will give you love. " Also, Igor Kechayev was filmed in the paintings of the "Alien child", "under electric clouds", "Paper Soldiers", "Death behind the Kulisami". In 2021, the director works on creating three more projects: "What was that there is, what will be", "I want to believe you" and "she, he and she."

2. The series "Believe your husband" has a second name - "So does not happen."

3. Spectators on the network shared expectations about the premiere of the series "Believe your husband." The commentators stressed that the film description causes interest from the filmuses and encourages to view. Also, the fans of Elena Velikanova actresses noted that they were waiting for the release of the painting with her participation on the screens.

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