Raiden (Radiden) - pictures, character, Mortal Kombat, ability, fatality


Character History

Raiden (Reiden) is a key character of the Mortal Kombat Universe, which appeared in all series of games, except the 3rd part. Immortal, having incredible abilities, did not have authority to interfere in tournaments. Nevertheless, always performed on the protection of the Earth Kingdom.

History of character creation

The prototype of the hero was the Japanese God, called the caminari-herself, or Raiden-herself. The meaning of the name - "Thunder and Lightning", and the lord of the element itself is a personification of the powerful forces of nature.

In the religion of the country of the rising sun is depicted as a demon with red skin. From an integral attributes - drum, a tool for challenge.

In the franchise "Mortal Kombat" the appearance of God is another, borrowed from the Spirit named Zipper, played by actor James Pax in the Comedy-militant "Big Stir in Little China" 1986. As well as the Hero of Fighting, the Lord of the Element wore a conical hat. On most costumes of the immortal ruler, a Chinese thunder symbol is banging.

Since the first appearance, the character receives positive feedback from fiction fans. With each series, Raiden demonstrates new techniques and achievements, which leads to the delight and fans of the old school, and beginners.

Senior God was popularized in comics, animations, television series and cinema. Randy Hamilton voiced the hero in the cartoon "Deadly Battle: The journey begins." In the plot, he plays an episodic role, becoming a certain narrator of the biographies of Scorpio, Senior Sab-Ziro (Nuba Sahibot) and Kun Lao.

Reided and in two full-length films of the franchise - "Deadly Battle" and Sikvel "Death Battle 2: Extermination." In the 1st part of his amplua, the actor Christopher Lambert. Again, participation in the story story was limited to the support of earth warriors in competitions.

In the 2nd part of the element lord (played by James Rear) gets more on screen time. In addition, he falls a chance to fight Shao Kan. An interesting fact: in the sequel, the scriptwriters decided to change the canon. At the end of the painting, a curious detail opens: Raiden and the emperor are the siblings, and their father is the villain of shinok. However, fans franchise such a plot rotation was disapproving.

Incredible adventures expected the hero in the web series "Deadly Battle: Heritage." He fell to the ground, to the territory of a psychiatric hospital, in the man of man. There "Patient", claiming that he is the lord of the elements, put in the hospital and even conducted a lobotomy. The other patient was helped to be reborn again, which the character persuaded to kill him.

In official comics Franchise, Midway, the defender of mankind was one of the main actors. A solo series was published under the name "Blood and Thunder", in which he worked for the benefit of the earthly kingdom with two assistants - Rain and Wind.

Image and biography Raiden

The immortal character arose to defend people long before the moment the earth warriors came to his profog. The story began much earlier. In ancient times, one of the older gods, shinnok, used an ancient amulet to unhindered to pass through the worlds, and was going to increase his abilities by absorbing human energy.

Raiden was already given a worthy repulse to the traitor. The older gods came to the rescue, handing over their strength to the lord of thunder. The great battle ended in the fact that Shinok went into imprisonment to hell, and the magic amulet got into reliable hands.

In order to prevent the repetition of the threat that land in deep darkness for many years, the Savior hid the amulet in the temple. And pressed the elementals to him - the strongest representatives of the four elements.

Without amulet, Shinok could not escape from hell. In the future, his attempt to act through the necromancer Kuan Chi led to the fact that the sorcerer took possession of this artifact. Thunderstroke was forced to fight the cunnings of human enemies, while preparing fighters to tournaments. Collisions have repeatedly happened between Raiden and Shang Tsung, the latter attracted Kintaro to his side.

During the battle with Army, Shao Kana was resurrected by Cane, thanks to which the emperor penetrated on the planet of people. There was a merger of the outside peace and land. And the lord of the element has not yet had the authority to control the situation, since now other gods were engaged.

Then he became a man, abandoning immortality and other divine privileges. Before that time, the emperor won Liu Keng, and the invasion of foreign invaders was discontinued. And Raiden received his status back.

At the same time, shiblok activated. Using the traitor to Tanya, along with Kuan Chi he sent the army of darkness on the elder and lower gods. Alive remained only two - Studzyz and Fujzh. The first one again gathered earth fighters to stop the capture attempts.

Given that Shinnok had amulet fake, he could not stand against the skillful Liu Kenga and once again went to hell. After this Raiden received the status of a senior god. And his place as a defender took Fujzh.

Most often, the character wore white clothes and blue vest. A distinctive feature of his appearance remained a straw hat, similar to the one wearing rice collectors. Later he appeared with a larger diameter metal headdress. Long white hair and glowing eyes demonstrated the divine status of the hero. And the manifestation of his strength visually looked in the form of dancing electrical discharges around the body.

In Armageddon, when Raiden sacrifice himself and becomes dark, his costume is also transformed - now it is armor and black mantle. And the eyes acquire a red shade. But even under the action of the evil aura of ONGI, the character of the character practically did not change. Thunderbits continued to follow the destination, trying to protect the planet from the invaders.

As an opponent on the battlefield, God is extremely strong. As a weapon, uses lightning, transforming it into charges or streams. Even the hero has a staff that he is masterfully inflicts blows enemies. The most successful methods are based on the ability to teleport and arise suddenly behind the enemy.

According to users' estimates, this character has one of the most spectacular fatality. Almost all achievements are associated with current discharges and lightning. More often, the enemy explodes a head from certain impacts.

Immortality makes the hero almost invulnerable. But it is possible to defeat him. In battle with Raidn, it is important to take into account a number of factors. The first is its ability to teleportation, the second is a series of combinations in which he uses shock discharges. The player needs to shy off the shots and quickly counterattack the thumbs up.

Well, the most important thing is to fight better in someone else's territory, because its strength is reduced. Or it is worth waiting for the transition of the lord of the element in the form of mortal.

Interesting Facts

  • In the new chronology, the character receives a message from itself from the future: "He must defeat." Speech, as it turned out, was about Shao Kane, and not about Liu Kenge, as the thunder-thinking threatened.
  • Hero perfectly owns the Tarkatan language.
  • In a preparing film "Deadly Battle" (2021), the director of Simon McCaida Rujurizhts will play Tanoba Asano.
  • According to quotations from the game, the enemies often called the strawberry straw for his mission - to defend humanity.


"Do you dare to go against God?" "My life tormented a betrayal!"

Computer games

  • 1992 - Mortal Kombat
  • 1993 - Mortal Kombat II
  • 1996 - Mortal Kombat Trilogy
  • 1997 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero
  • 1997 - Mortal Kombat 4
  • 1999 - Mortal Kombat Gold
  • 2002 - Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
  • 2002 - Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition
  • 2004 - Mortal Kombat: Deception
  • 2004 - Mortal Kombat: Unchained
  • 2005 - Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
  • 2006 - Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
  • 2008 - Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe.
  • 2011 - Mortal Kombat 9
  • 2015 - Mortal Kombat X
  • 2017 - Injustice 2
  • 2019 - Mortal Kombat 11

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