Series "Perfect Marriage" (2020) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Russia-1, Facts, Trailer


On May 2, 2021, the spectators of the channel "Russia-1" again saw the series "Perfect Marriage", whose release fell on February 15 2020. The plot of melodrama will tell about the relationship in a married couple, which has lost confidence in each other. Actors, roles and curious project facts - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Everyone is known to the truth that the relationship in marriage is being built on trust and mutual understanding. Meanwhile, the ridiculous accident may be the starting point of the series of events that will lead to parting. However, if you learn to listen to the partner and do not hide the feelings for the resentment armor, the relationship can be saved, and in the family to return confidence and well-being.

Approximately this happened at the heroes of the TV film Elena and Mikhail Orlovy, in marriage who had disappointment for visible well-being.

She, choosing a doctor's profession, gave all the strength to work, without whom he could not live and day. And in the evenings attended the orphanage where the patient's daughter lives, which Lena could not save. Elena is ready to adopt the baby, but Mikhail against and insists that the child will give birth to the child. It is heated by the disorders in the family of Mikhail's daughter from the first marriage, which often resembles the father that stepmother does not like him, once in 10 years old have not become pregnant, but prefers to leave early and go home later.

Permanent disagreements and reproaches make the heroine look for a reason to forget at work, and Mikhail loses patience in anticipation, when the spouse will pay attention to the family.

Once, Elena by chance forgets about the anniversary of the wedding than her husband was angry. Mikhail from the resentment goes into the arms of the secretary. Elena takes a strike applied by his spouse, keeps calm and tries to save the family, because a woman has a mystery, which husband does not yet guess.


Over the script of the film worked love Novikova and Marina Kalinichev, who spoke by the author of the idea. The director's chair of the project took Peter Stepin. The producer of the series "Perfect Marriage" was Egor Yuzbashev, a well-known work in the Multiserful projects "Dr. Snail", "Color of ripe cherry", "where the rains go."

Vladimir Saiko wrote music to the TV series. The composer worked on a musical next to telephibians such as "Galina", "Watercolors", "Forester. His land. "

Actors and roles

The key characters of the project performed:
  • Nina Gogaeva - Elena, a doctor who hides a secret from her husband about his infertility. Good intentions to protect her husband from bad news broke out in a shortcoming and tensions in the family, and the heroine itself falls in situations that turn against her.
  • Yuri Baturin - Mikhail, Elena's husband, who dreams about a collaborative child. However, the wife constantly leaves the answers to the questions when the heir appears, and ready to adopt the baby from the orphanage.
  • Angelina Poplavskaya - Dasha, Mikhail's daughter, in his life all confused. Girl, instead of sorting out his own personal life, hesitates his father on the stepmother.
  • Irina Narbekova - Nelly Andreeva, Mother Elena.
  • Valentina Gatsueva - Julia, secretary Mikhail, who is not against destroying the marriage of the chief.

The series also starred: Larisa Marshalova, Mikhail Sweeto, Elena Elepheva, Natalia Aladko, Olga Brankevich and others.

Interesting Facts

1. In the filmography of the director, such multiserious projects as "Marusya", "and flourished sunflower", "love with risk for life." The director is also known to the audience not only in artistic films, but also according to documentary projects, such as the "Kuban Cossacks", "in the hands of the mother", "Monasteries of the Moscow region".


2. In interesting facts about the series "The perfect marriage" should be attributed to the fact that the name of the project was not original. With the same name, there is a Russian multi-year film of 2012, where Mary Mashkov and Sergey Meria are fulfilled, as well as several foreign projects. It is curious that the audience expressed a proposal to call the series somehow otherwise, for example, "the main thing in life is a family."

3. The series "The perfect marriage" caused the discussion from the audience. In discussions, the fans of the melodrama argued about the truthfulness of the plot, which raised at once a few moments of family life relating to the confidence, appropriateness and stepdaughter, balance between personal life and work. Despite the Irony of the name, television film is recommended for viewing, as the acting game of major roles was at the height.

The series "Perfect Marriage" - Trailer:

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