Interesting facts about Yusif Evazovy - Anna Netrebko, "Mask", conflict, shortcomings


On May 2, 2021, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Yusif Eyvazov, not only celebrated the 44th anniversary, but also ranked 2nd in the 2nd season of the popular show "Mask". The spouse Anna Netrebko was hiding under the mask of Lama and admitted that he planned to record a duet with Valeria, although the singer himself could not remember this fact. Other interesting facts about Yusif Evazov are in the editorial material 24cm.

Criticism of the wife

In interesting facts about Yusif Evazov, the fact that he calmly responds to the criticism of his wife is the opera singer Anna Netrebko. In an interview, he admitted that they always try to avoid praying and hypocrisy with his wife. They prefer to express everything at once, even if the beloved person is offended, but it is better than accumulating discontent as a snowball. Euvazov believes that Netrebko criticizes it not as a opera singer with many years of experience, but as a spouse, only for the sake of benefit for himself.

Conflict with Mantashyan.

In 2020, Yusif Euvazov should have made the discovery of the Dresden Opera Ball in a duet with Armenian opera diving Ruzan Mantashyan, but this did not happen. Then the media started talking that Evazov refused to stand on the same stage with Armenian for political considerations, and Mantashyan "asked" from the Opera Bala.

Evazov himself denied this information:

"My political views never affect my profession and colleagues in the scene. What is evidenced by the fact that I have repeatedly went on stage with Maria Gulegin and Gevorg Akopyan in the Bolshoi Theater. Therefore, trust proven information and do not distribute the provocations on. Do not give up provocations! "

At the same time, Mantashyan noted in one interview that the unpleasant situation was still occurred, but with the filing of Lee Evazov, it was refused to speak. She just noticed that the policy should not interfere with art.

Son Netrebko

Euvazov confessed that he loves the son of Anna Netrebko from the first marriage of Thiago. He is engaged in the upbringing of the boy, considers it affectionate and smart. The boy knows that he has two dads, even though the biological father of Erwin Schrott and does not seek to spend more time with the child and engage in the development of Thiago.

At the same time, Yusif said that it was not against and adopting the son of Netrebko, but for this, the hill should abandon the child. While the Biological Father of the boy is not going to do this.


Even at the beginning of the marital life, Anna Netrebko told about the lack of her husband. According to her, the husband is absolutely not able to observe order. It can remove into the closet to clean things and dirty, and she will not even be surprised if there will be a dried piece of pizza among his clothes. Things are famous tenor, like most men, can just scatter around the apartment. No matter how Nesrebko did not fight with this, she cannot be removed the spouse.


In interesting facts about Yusif Evazov, the fact that Azerbaijani roots and spouse Anna had an impact on him in terms of choosing clothing. He told that he fell in love with bright colors, but at the same time it could not call himself a full-fledged fashionist. Euvazov believes that in order to keep track of the latest fashion trends, there must be a lot of free time, and he does not have it. He calmly refers to the choice of clothing, can go to the store and purchase outfit from the past or after a last collection, if he wants to taste a tenor.

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