Melanie Klein - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Psychoanalyst



Melanie Klein first dreamed of becoming a doctor, but to the case of the healing of people in the end approached indirectly, studying the healing of human souls. The woman became famous as the foundation of child psychoanalysis and gaming therapy. She led psychoanalytic practice, wrote scientific works and left the book heritage after himself, which is valued for courage, originality and revolutionism.

Childhood and youth

Melanie's family belonged to Jewish nationality and at the time of his daughter on March 30, 1882 lived in Vienna. The father of Moritz Rieszeses and the Mother of Libussa had a 20-year-old difference, besides, a man had a second marriage. Four children were born in him.

It so happened that in childhood and in the youth of Melanie had to survive a series of deep losses, which led to a protracted depression. She early lost her older sister, which died at 8 years old. Girls were very close, and this death became a real tragedy for the future psychoanalyst. A few years later she lost his brother, and the father did not become when the girl was 18 years old. Briefly survived him and mother.

Melanie wanted to go in the footsteps of the Father, the doctor by profession. After the end of the women's gymnasium, she intended to receive medical education, but the changes in personal life have made adjustments to these plans. Klein had children, and she was able to pay time only to study art at the University of Vienna, but even this training could not end. Later, going for help in the treatment of depression to psychoanalyst, the woman showed interest in psychoanalysis, which identified the vector of professional biography.

Personal life

With her husband Arthur Klyin, the girl began to meet at the age of 17, and after 4 years she became his wife. Possessing a heavy and non-advisory character, Melanie could not become happy in marriage, which lasted 20 years.

Three children were born in the family, Melitta, Hans and Eric, however, relations with them were difficult. Despite the fact that Melanie emphasized the importance of love, allowing to overcome destroying and aggression, mutual understanding and confidence with their own offspring, she could not achieve. The eldest son was destined to die, and the daughter, having matured, was completely separated from the mother. She also engaged in psychoanalysis, and on the day of the death of the mother even refused to attend her funeral.

Scientific activity

For the first time, manifested interest in the human soul device in 1914, 3 years later, Melanie has already begun practice. The first objects of study were their own children. At that time, Klein lived in Budapest, where he became a member of the Hungarian psychoanalytic society. At the same time, the woman met Sigmund Freud, and later her works attributed to the Neofreedist school, where, at the footsteps, the father of psychoanalysis continued to disclose the issues of the EDIPOV complex and attractions to death.

Melanie focused on the study of emotional disorders and types of aggression manifested in childhood. The opposite of aggression, she considered love as a cementing organizational strength of the psyche. However, destructive impulses and depressive position researcher called compulsory stages that the personality passes during the development.

In 1921, a woman moved to Berlin, and 5 years later - in England, who was home to the end of his life. Here, practice and research work has reached a heyday. Scientific research Klein summarized in the books "Envy and Gratitude", "Love, Wines and Reparation", "Development of one child" and others. FRIDE followers, in particular his daughter Anna Freud, joined melanie in a controversy, criticizing her departure from orthodox psychoanalysis.

On the contribution to the psychology, which made Klein, are still disputes. At the same time, its influence led to the formation of the Kleininsk group in the British psychoanalytic society. The thoughts of the scientist echoed with scientific search Margaret Maler - the author of the theory of object relations. Specializing in child psychoanalysis, Melanie was working with adult patients, finding the root of their neuroses in emotional disorders acquired at an early age.


The last 35 years of life Klein lived in London. Here the woman was engaged in science, led the practice and wrote the books until the tumor of the colon was discovered. The disease aggravated in the fall of 1960. In September, Melanie made an operation, but she could not help, and psychoanalyst died in the hospital in 78 years. The cause of death was the embolism of the pulmonary artery. The body of the late cremated in Golders Green.


  • "Development of one child"
  • "Development in psychoanalysis"
  • "Children's Psychoanalysis"
  • "Love, Wines and Reparation"
  • "Oedipov complex in the light of early alarms"
  • "Envy and gratitude"

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