The series "Unless Cupina" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, First, Facts, Trailer


The release date of the series "Unpassed Kupina" on the first channel - May 4, 2021. The premiere of the 8-serial dramatic tape took place in October 2020 on the TV channel "Victory". The main character is a young woman who went through the war, survived a lot of tests, but did not know how to live on in peacetime. The war burned the fate of the heroine, but she did not touch her soul.

In material 24cm - interesting facts about how the picture was filmed based on the works of Boris Vasilyev, about the actors, their roles and the plot of the film.

Plot and shooting

The production of tape was engaged in the "Pro-Cinema" film company on request of the first channel. Dmitry Tyurin was the director of the series "Unalipable Kupina". The author of the script spoke Elena Dollytyat. Composers Dmitry Tolstov and Efim Fafeman wrote musical accompaniment to the TV series. Nikolai Popov, Alexander Cheese and Innokenty Malkinkin became the producers of the film.

The ribbon action takes place in the post-war time, 1945-1946. The main heroine of Antonina Ivanshina, veteran and disabled wars, after all the survived, returns home. A woman is trying to build a new life in peacetime and find real love. On her paths there are different men, but the path to happiness to find slightly easier, rather than passing the war.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Unhapite Cupina" played:

  • Claudia Korshova - Antonina Ivanshina;
  • Daniel Strahov - Valentin, an artillers officer, in which Antonina is unrequited in love;
  • Artem Bystrov - Fedor, truck driver. Fate Fedor and Antonins are very similar: each hero is trying to find his place in life in the post-war time;
  • Alexey Kravchenko - Frontovik Nikolai Troin, a single father who brings up two children;
  • Oleg Vasilkov - Klim;
  • Helga Filippova - Lyuba;
  • Arina Shinkina - Zinka;
  • Elizaveta Arzamasova - Lara, a girl with a sophisticated nature, which Antonina takes to him to live for a while;
  • Valentina Mazunina - Nyurka.

Other roles in the tape performed the actors: Alina Babak (Tanya Troshin), Roman Clabis (Yurka Troshin), Olga Volkova (Commendantsha), Irina Cheryichenko (Zapada), Sergey Frolov (gene, bakery director), Alexander Vorobyov (military commark).

Also in the film filmed: Lyudmila Knyazeva, Vyacheslav Chepurchenko, Nikolai Machulsky, Anton Starovatov, Vasily Kozlov, Valery Sorokumov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Dmitry Tyurin is known to the audience for other filmmakers: "Magomayev", "Trigger", "Rubezh", "Love with restrictions", "deception, if you love." In 2021, TURIN removes the 8-serial dramatic thriller "Epidemic 2".

2. The authors of the series told the details of the shooting process in an interview. After the war, more than 70 years have passed, so it was difficult to find a place for field filming, in which nothing has changed since then. In the frame, the audience will see the railway station, for the filming of which it was necessary to "reduce" two locations in one. The peer was filmed in Brest, and the scenes inside the station - in the Riga airport of Spiell, which has not been functioning for a long time, but has been well preserved. In addition, for these surveys it was necessary to use a special green cloth - chromium, which allows you to mount the received personnel from different places. Also had to be transported by a group of actors from Riga to Brest to continue shooting.

The creators note that the war in the frame is practically no, only as periodically emerging memories of the main character about the horrors of those years. But several battle scenes in the film are still present, for example, tank fight.

3. The author of the same name, which, together with the story, "Counter Fight" was based on the scenario of the series, Frontovik Boris Vasilyev, - Soviet writer and screenwriter. Readers know his story "And the dawns here are quiet ...", "did not mean in the lists," "Tomorrow was war," Ivanov Boat "and others. In the script, the authors made some changes and added actors that are not in the book.

4. The tape has a second name - "unfinished battle."

5. Actress Claudia Korshunova told about filming in an interview. Military scenes became a true complexity. "I am a sensitive person, all this was very influenced. Even an attempt to bring themselves to understanding that these people felt, already leads to a state of real horror, "says the actress. Claudia participated in 58 shooting shifts out of 60. According to the director, it practically lived on the set.

Before working in the project, Korshun was carefully preparing: he spent some time in the Army suburban camp, where he studied to walk a ray step, dig trenches, shoot and deal with weapons, orient on the cards. The actress says that she would not like to look like in the frame of the "prosperous Moscow young young young lady, dressed in military uniform and not understanding what she was talking about." Claudia told that he even jumped with a parachute, although it did not need it from her scenario.

6. Artem Bystrov said how he studied to manage the military car. In the cabin of the gas-aa truck, there is no "classic" floor, and when driving, the driver sees how the land in the literal sense leaves under his feet. The actor noted that it was incredibly difficult to manage such a car.

7. After the premiere, the audience shared their impressions from watching the series "Unless Cupina". Commentators noted the emotional force, the depth and penetration of the tape. Also estimated the attention to the details, the work of decorators, the selection of actors and individuals: the characters on the screen do not look like the people of the XXI century and correspond to the epoch. Attentive viewers still noticed several inconsistencies in the frame and in the script. For example, surprise caused the fact that the main character did not know how to cook soup, being an adult girl at the beginning of the war.

The series "Unless Cupina" - Trailer:

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