Sergey Tikhanovsky - Photo, biography, personal life, news, blogger, presidential candidate of Belarus 2021



Sergey Tikhanovsky became famous in the network thanks to the video about the life of ordinary Belarusians, which allowed him to get the support of the population and become a serious competitor in the struggle for the presidential post. But the life of a man and his family changed cool when in May 2020 he was detained on charges of actions that violate the public order.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Tikhanovsky appeared on August 18, 1978 in Gomel, Belarus. About his early years of biography, parents and nationality knows little. At the young age of Sergei, he became a student of the Gomel State University named after Francis Skorne, where he graduated from the Faculty of Philology.

Personal life

The personal life of the blogger has developed successfully, with his wife Svetlana Tikhanovsky he met when she was still a student. A year later, the couple decided to legitimize the relationship and create a family.

Career and elections

In 2005, Sergey decided to go to businessmen. For some time, he was the owner of the 55 Club club in Mozyr, and then jointly with the partner founded the Compass company, the specialization of which is video filming. He participated in the creation of commercials and clips for musicians from different countries.

In parallel, the man continued to try himself in other business projects. In 2017, he acquired a house in the village of Geruba-Gomel, who wanted to turn into a tourist complex with a hotel, a cafe and shop. But since the building is an architectural monument, for 2 years Sergey never managed to achieve permission to arrange.

The businessman is so tired of the lawlessness of the authorities, which decided to create his Youtyub Channel "Country for Life", for which he made director and screenwriter. He dedicated video to the stories of ordinary people who talk about harsh living conditions in the Republic of Belarus. In addition, a man took an interview with entrepreneurs and oppositionists of power, and also published a photo with like-minded people in "Instagram".

The channel began to quickly recruit the audience, which made a blogger popular on the net. In 2019, he again encountered injustice, when he was detained on the way to Minsk, and then they arrested for 15 days for participating in protest action against the integration of Belarus with Russia, although, as Tikhanovsky said, he just wanted to report to the blog.

After the entrepreneur was released, he was again detained. In early May 2020, a man came to a meeting with the subscribers with which he was taken to the temporary detention facility. The next day, Tikhanovsky recorded a video for his channel, where he stated his intention to become a candidate for the president of the Republic of Belarus to fight lawlessness.

In addition to the current head of Alexander Lukashenko, Tikhanovsky's competition amounted to Viktor Babarico and Valery Tzdkalo. But on the day of registration the candidacy, a man could not personally attend the Central Election Commission, since he was again detained. It could have been involved in the election of the blogger at risk, but instead of Sergey, the application was filed by the wife of Svetlana.

When a man was released, he led the initiative group of his wife. She remained a candidate only nominally, while blogger was engaged in organizing meetings with future voters and developed a pre-election program.

The spouses managed to become serious competitors of other candidates in the struggle for signatures of citizens, but on May 29, during a picket in the city of Grodno, a woman approached Sergey, who pursued him with obsessive issues. After Tikhanovsky dismissed her, she called for the help of police officers who decided to delay the blogger.

Sergey Tikhanovsky and wife Svetlana Tikhanovskaya

The help of celebrities came like-minded people who tried to push law enforcement officers from him. But after one of the police fell on the asphalt, a criminal case was brought to an entrepreneur under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, according to which he faces up to three years in prison.

Supporters of the blogger did not agree with the accusations and launched a rapid activity in support of the detainee. They called him a political prisoner and made a petition with the requirement of release. But this did not bring results, and at the beginning of June, at the cottage of Tikhanovsky, they conducted a search, during which $ 900 thousand also found law enforcement officers covered in the apartment of Mother Sergey.

According to Svetlana, her husband could throw money, as the business men did not bring such income. In addition, the woman admitted that he had already had time to face threats, she was called with an unknown room and hinted on the possibility of causing harm to her family. Despite this, she decided to continue participation in the election race.

Sergey Tikhanovsky now

On June 10, 2020, in the Gomel Court there was a consideration of the appeal in the case of Sergey, which was rejected. Later it became known that he was presented with a new accusation in the prevention of elections, which threatens him with a fine, correctional work or an increase in the possible prison sentence.

And already on June 19, it became known that the team of the wife of the detainee managed to collect the required number of signatures to participate in the elections. Volunteers helped in this Svetlana, some of them were also detained.

The election results were not surprising: according to official data, 80.08% of voters voted for Lukashenko, and Tikhanovsky's wife managed to score 10.09% of the votes. Immediately after the publication of the calculation of the calculation in Belarus, mass protests began: citizens of the country went to the streets to express distrust of the announced numbers.

Svetlana Tihananovskaya had to hastily leave the country: a woman went to Lithuania. Later, she stated that one of the conditions that were nominated by the protesters Alexander Lukashenko is the liberation of political prisoners, including her husband Sergey. She also does not deny that in the case of new elections, Tikhanovsky will again offer his candidacy for this post.

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