Series "Heritage of Jupiter" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


Modern cinema and television simply imretably imagine without numerous projects about superheroic rescuers of the universes, well, or at least the land - the public requires such spectacles. And in Netflix, the wishes of the audience know, offering all new shows about people with inhuman abilities. The last gift viewers of the service was the series "The Heritage of Jupiter", whose exit date came on May 7, 2021.

On the plot of the film related to it interesting facts and involved artists - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

The history of mankind has repeatedly argued that any idea, however by the good and faithful, it was originally, without much difficulty, it is possible with time without just a shock. But reject to the level of a tool that allows you to make money or seek for a certain group of persons certain preferences, manipulating public opinion.

So in our world it happened with a bodiposive, feminism and the struggle for the ecology. And in reality, with which the audience "Heritage of Jupiter" offers to meet the audience, a superhero ideology has undergone similar metamorphosis over the years.

In the world of "Heritage", people who first found a hundred years ago with their superpowers, considered their own sacred debt to send them the unexplained forces to the benefit of all mankind. But for those who have passed since the appearance on the planet "Zaherekov" decade, a lot has changed: young superheroes in the first place prefer to put universal happiness, but personal glory, laughing at the words of senior fellow in mystical possibilities.

Of course, in such conditions, the conflict of generations will be inevitable, because the faithful ideals of the "old people" do not want to give place to the viscosity of the descendants. And the youth itself is not ready to follow neither the letter nor the spirit of obsolete laws that the superheroes of the past were guided.

The show was engaged in the company Netflix, which made his hand to the creation of such projects popular worldwide, as a "card house", "Dotma", "irregular parts", "Dota: Dragon Blood", "Witcher". And innumerable set of others.

The work was carried out with the support of the production center of Di Bonaventura Pictures, involved in the appearance of "Transformers" films, "Konstantin" on the screens, "star dust", "deep-water horizon", "Pet Cemetery", in the Commonwealth with Image Comics, which owns the rights For the original source - a series of comic book Jupiter's Legacy for the authorship of Frank Kvitley and Mark Millar.

The latter, by the way, "lit up" and among the producers of the show. Also, Millar, who once wrote scenarios for the Dilogy "Pipets", paintings "First Avenger: confrontation" and films of Kingsman franchise, worked on the plot of teleadaption of his own work.

The project directed by Charlotter Brandstrem ("Strela", "Man in a High Castle", "Chubby"), Mark Yobst ("Hannibal", "Sorvigolov", "Luke Kage") and Christopher J. Brown. The duties of the Showranner, who was responsible for the coordinated work of the team, put Stephen S. Denait on his shoulders, in her previous years managed to work on the "Angel", "Mysters of Smallville" and the second part of the "Pacific Row".

Actors and roles

In the superhero television show about the eternal problem of fathers and children, the main roles were distributed as follows:

  • Josh Duhamel - Sheldon Sampson on the nicknamed Utopist, a strong and charismatic leader, since the appearance of the first superheroes on Earth standing at the head of the supervision of superhores, called the "Union of Justice" (or simply - "Union"). The hard moral code and insufficient thinking flexibility do not allow it to adapt to the rapidly transforming world with its new popular trends and changed spiritual values.
  • Leslie Bibb - Grace Sampson, also known as Liberty's Lady, Utopist's spouse, part-time being one of the strongest superchaddes on the planet. Given the personal power and family bonds, is a person to whom the leader of the Union listens. And therefore seeks to convince Sheldon that under the changed conditions sooner or later it is necessary to customize themselves, because it is unpromising exclusively for past ideals.
  • Andrew Horton - Brandon Sampson, also referred to as a paragon, the son of Grace and Sheldon, dreaming to go in the footsteps of his heroic father and take from his hands the mantle of the Lider's "Union" from his hands. The movement of the young man, driven by the goal, demonstrates consideration in relationships with his parents and does not seek to challenge the ideals preached by Sheldon.
  • Elena Campuris - Chloe Sampon, his native sister of Brandon, unlike his brother who does not want to put up with the suede, in her personal opinion, parental covenants and choosing their own way. Going controversy with those settings that are close to the members of the Union, and threatening to immerse the whole world in the bunch of disassembly between endowed with superpore individuals.
  • Ben Daniels - Walter Brain Wave Sampon, distinguished by the unturnal mind and the cunning of experienced fox, the elder brother Sheldon, who always finds a way to calm the hot-tempered relative without the use of violence - among words. However, the Walter is not so kind to enemies: it is not abruptly to weave the network of dangerous intrigues against them and is not afraid to be blocked in the blood when such a need arises.
  • Matt Lanter - George Hutchens (Skyfox), the greatest super-tape on the planet, formerly in the past with a close friend of Sheldon, but later awaited from the "Union". Now hesides the plans for their former companions on the organization of superheroes, because it believes that they betrayed him without going next.

Also in the series were filmed: Kara Roisister, Isais Nybarikur, Tyrone Bensskin, Tyler Maine and Mike Wade as a Fitz's Fitz, called a flash.

Interesting Facts

1. Created by the series "Heritage of Jupiter" Stephen S. Denait is known not only as a director and Showranner. Cinematographer also spoke at one time by the author of scenarios for the project "Faculty", "Buffy - Vampire Slayer", "Spartak: blood and sand" and "Spartak: the gods of the arena."

2. Stephen S. Denait left the project shortly before the end of the filming due to creative disagreements with the team. So Netflix had to search for a new leader in a rush order. As a result, Sang Kuim was appointed Sang Kim, who previously worked on the TV series "24 hours" and "Walking Dead".

3. The fact that Netflix has placed an order to create a show, has become known in the middle of the summer of 2018. By February 2019, the composition of the actors was already approved, and the work began in July directly. By January 2020 filming ended. The main polygon for cinematographers was the streets and surroundings of Canadian Toronto.

4. The "Heritage of Jupiter" is the first swallow of the new Netflix directions. Even before the list of Marvel's superhero series available on the online playground was disappeared, while being transferred by Disney + platform, the owners of the Stringing service played ahead, acquiring Millarworld Millarworld publishing house with the author himself. Now on the basis of the comic comic comic in NetFlix, it is planned to create your own analogue of the filmmaken Marvel and DC.

5. Superherochi fans, waiting when the series "Heritage of Jupiter" starts at Netflix, commented with the upcoming premiere. At the same time, it was noted that the participation in the creation of the show authors of the primary source with a large share of probability will allow the project to do without the products of the online platform "sore" like plot holes, frank flats in the narration and illogicality of the actions of heroes with an impected motivation.

The series "Heritage Jupiter" - Trailer:

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