Film "Do not tell me about him" (2017) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Russia-1, Facts, Trailer


The melodramatic film "Don't tell me about him" for the first time came out on television screens in the fall of 2017. The tape will tell the story of the love of the girl from a small town, which fell under the charm of his boss. However, it turns out that under the mask of the gallant and generous handsome, the indifference cycite is hidden. In the spring of 2021, the audience again saw a picture on the TV channel "Russia-1". Release date - May 7.

In material 24cm - a summary of the plot of 2-serial melodramas, interesting facts about the filming, director and actors.

Plot and shooting

The production of tape was engaged in the "Russian" film company. The director's chair took Stanislav Nazirov, Victoria Evseeva was engaged in writing the scenario. Alexander Kusheev, Irina Smirnova and Tamara Chroman, became the producers of the painting, and Natalia Tretyakova acted as casting director. Pavel Euler was engaged in the project decoration, and the composer Andrei Kliminov became the author of the music.

In the center of the plot of the film "Do not tell me about him" - naive and innocent girl Lyuba, which works at a confectionery factory in a provincial town. The meager salary barely allows us to reduce the ends meet, but other perspectives are not expected here.

One day, fate gives the heroine meeting with the "Prince from a fairy tale", about which every girl dreams: good, charming and generous man named Vadim leaves only positive impressions. But soon it turns out that it is he who is the new director of the factory where Luba works. And in the chair of the head he looks different: now it is a cynical and indifferent manager, who has nothing to do with that prince from the store. Anyone has to be understood that the person actually hides under the mask.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the film "Do not tell me about him" performed:

  • Alla Yuganova - Lyuba Filatova;
  • Konstantin Soloviev - Vadim Yuryevich Smirnov, the owner of the factory;
  • Oleg Philipchik - Tolik Mitrokhin, a locksmith;
  • Ksenia is uncomfortable - Karina, Mistress Vadim;
  • Alexander Serov-Ostankinsky - Sergey, a former husband of Lyuba;
  • Ekaterina Solomatina - Galina Pavlovna, director secretary;
  • Olga Ergin - Light Denisova;
  • Vadim Medvedev - Silvio, the owner of the Italian factory;
  • Ksenia Ivanova - Alena, Wife Sergey.

Also in the picture involved: Vasilis Nemtsova, Irina Frolova, Evgenia Shipova, Svetlana Yozhefius, Dmitry Prokofiev and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Stanislav Nazirov also shot other films and TV shows: "Cancel all restrictions", "Manyak Belyaeva Family", "Theory of Incredibility", "Memory River", "Show about love". In addition, Stanislav Nazirov performed secondary and episodic roles in a number of paintings ("ordinary woman 2", "two winters and three summer", "the right to truth", "poor relatives"). In 2021, the nazirov works on creating a detective TV series "Dark Horce".
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2. The shooting of the paintings took place in 2016 on the Russian company's film studio.

3. At the film films in the network, the audience shared their impressions after watching the film "Don't tell me about him." Among the positive moments, commentators noted a good acting, the lack of vulgarity, the main topics that are affected in the film. By cons of the spectators attributed a banal and predictable plot, the naiveness of the heroine, the lack of memorable scenes. Commentators recommend the film to watch lovers of a melodramatic genre.

The film "Do not tell me about him" - Trailer:

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