Series "Game in Fate" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Home, Facts


The series "Game in Fate", the release date on the "home" fell on May 7, 2021, tells the story of family secrets and loyalty to feelings. Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of the series "Game in Fate" - feelings between high school students Bogdayan and Alexander. However, young people are not destined to be together: the girl gets into an accident and dies.

Alexander's killed, Alexander finds himself strength to continue to live on. After 10 years, a wedding is planned with a marina childhood friend. But this marriage is under threat, since the hero meets the girl like Bogdan.

Later it turns out that Christina, so call a stranger, is a twin sister Bogdana, who is going to marry and not ready to divide the joy of meeting with Alexander. The tangled story becomes even more incomprehensible, because the heart of the main character is whispering that the beloved girl is among the living.

The director of the project was Sergey Storozhev. Elena Koshil and Natalia Nikishin, familiar to the Russian audience on projects "Roma" and "related ties 2", worked on the scenario.

Tatyana Nededash, Daria Oreshkevich, Sergey Ukr, who had previously worked on the creation of the TV series "Elena Beautiful" and "Zoya" were performed by the series by producers.

Soundtrack served as the author's composition Anna Dobrydnev "Do not let go." Over the musical design of the project, the composer Alexey Petrinezky worked.

Actors and roles

  • Claudia Drozd - Bogdan, later - Christina. The girl is in love with Alexander, and after the tragedy, the heroine appears in the image of another woman who is confident that her sisters beloved - Don Juan;
  • Maxim Samchachchik - Alexander in love with classmates. After the death of Bogdan, he did not immediately returned to the usual life, and when he still overcame the mountain and decided to marry, Christina appeared on the horizon - an exact copy of Bogdana;
  • Polina Frolova - Marina, New Choosing Alexander. The girl grabs wisdom does not complicate relations with the beloved, and she calls on the groom to honesty;
  • Anton Batyrev - editor in the publishing house where Marina works;
  • Olesya Vlasova - Elena, his mother's sisters. A woman is distinguished by a cool temper and ready to go on heads to preserve family secrets;
  • Dmitry Surzhikov - Fizruk at school.

The series also starred: Peter Ninevsky, Evgeny Lakh, Anastasia Pustovit, Alexey Tritenko and others.

Interesting Facts

1. For director Sergey Storozhev, the series "Game in Fate" is the third large project. In filmography of the director also multi-sized televisionils "When we are at home. New story "and" The worst girlfriend ".

2. The project is prepared for the ARTFORMS PRODUCTION film company. The locations of the series were Kiev and its sign places.

3. The audience of Ukraine saw the series on September 12, 2020.

4. The series "Game in Fate" was waiting for viewers with a rating of 6 out of 10. In the reviews, the fans of the melodrama noted that the project genre is closer to the dramatic. In the cast, the performers of the secondary roles of Peter Ninevian and Anton Batyrev paid attention to.

But the content of the series turned out to be perceived ambiguously. Observation kinomans noticed inconsistencies in the storyline and drew attention to Kinolyaps during the "football" episodes. In contrast to criticism, the fans who received a multi-veneer film favorably, noted the beautiful musical accompaniment, the actor's play of the main roles and the conclusion "you will not build happiness on someone else's happiness", which suggests after viewing.

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