Abraham Masu - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, psychologist



Abraham Masu was a source of humanistic psychology and the author of the hierarchical pyramid of ordinary people. Over the years of work on the territory of the United States of America, a man has issued a number of progressive scientific and journalistic articles.

Childhood and youth

Abraham Maslow biography began at the dawn of the 20th century, he was born in California in a large working family. The ancestors of the future psychologist, representatives of Jewish nationality, in his youth sought to settle in the developed capitalist country.

Samuel Maslov and Rosa Shilovskaya immigrated to America from Russia and settled on the outskirts of Brooklyn. Father, professional bondar, absent at home from morning to night, earning funds for the maintenance of his wife and minor children.

I saved a sufficient amount of money, the family changed the place of residence. In non-Jewish society, the boy first encountered a number of serious problems. Abraham was often teased due to expressive atypical appearance and behavior that knocked out of established systems.

As a result, in childhood, the butter was a closed, lonely, unhappy child, books from the local library were replaced by friends and girlfriends. Information, hoped by a child from the works of classics of literature, helped with time to deal with what was going around around.

At school, the descendant of workers of the Jews was a favorite of teachers, with a striking ease, he mastered the most difficult topics. The boy was fond of natural science, anatomy and mathematics, enjoying the analysis of arithmetic algorithms and theorems.

In the senior classes on the advice of the parents, he deepened in the history of law and entered the Legal College in the mid-1920s. In the 1st year, the young man met the experimentator Edward Bradford Titchener, the Anglo-American "structuralist", the author of scientific papers.

Under the influence of the senior friend, Abraham changed the specialization and moved to the city of Madison, where Wisconsin University was located. Having enlisted with recommendental letters to Professor Harry Frederik Harlow, a native of Brooklyn without exams fell to the psychological faculty.

Having mastered the systematic approach to studying the behavior of people and animals, the student received a bachelor's degree in 1930. The emerging ambitions helped to write and protect the dissertation, the reviewers believed that the graduate would turn into a scientific star in the future.

Personal life

About the personal life of the oil society knows a little, at a young age he fell in love with the younger cousin. In the family of relatives, uncle and aunt, who brought up Bert Gudman, the young man immediately came to the yard.

In his youth Abraham was afraid to make a sentence proposal, despite this, the official wedding took place in 1928. A university student overflowed with happiness realized that the great future would be provided thanks to the feelings, support for the spouse and work.

With the advent of his wife, an American psychologist internally and externally transformed, emotions increased repeatedly after the birth of daughters. The heiress of the intellectual state, having matured and gained an education, became paternly colleagues and futures of ideas.

Scientific activity

The first independent project of the butter was awarded a scientific degree, the work was based on observations of the monkey colony. Exploring the sex life of primates from the point of view of behaviorism, the young man analyzed each feature.

After defending the thesis, Abraham settled in New York, where he met representatives of Jewish intellectual circles. Alfred Adler, Max Vertheimer, Kurt Goldstein and Karen Horney became associates and colleagues in the late 1930s.

At first, the scientist was fond of John Brodes Watson works, and then realized that they were focused on a laboratory experiment. The practical consideration of the concept of complex human nature seized the mind of a man at the right moment.

The whole idea about the study of the phenomenon of self-actualization, it did not like to colleagues, like-minded people and teachers. Nevertheless, a professional psychologist put forward new ideas and paved the road for them.

Becoming a professor of the Brooklyn College, Abraham presented the humanistic theory of personality, relying, in contrast to psychoanalysts, to the consciousness of normal people. At the first stage of studying this multifaceted and complex topic, he wrote a number of interesting, but misinterpreted articles.

It was necessary to divide the research work for three equally important stages whose association led to the emergence of the famous Pyramid Oil. Hierarchy of human needs and manifestations of individual aspects was represented by Americans in the early 1950s.

New concepts were connected to the definitions of self-actualization, existent values, methimatization and implementation of scarce needs. The world of "peak experiences", described in mature works, for many scholars-contemporaries was alien.

The book "Motivation and Personality" contained the sketches of theory, subsequently accepted by Karl Rogers and colleagues from different countries. Opponents of the new approach to analytical psychology seen in the excerpts and quotations of the alogombism and clear deception.

Despite this, a diagram illustrating the needs of a person has gained popularity among representatives of progressive intelligent circles. The project was considered a contribution to the development of the economy and management, along with dozens of specialized fundamental work.

Movement from physiology and desire for security to knowledge, aesthetics and self-actualization revealed separate groups of people in modern society. Among the individuals, gradually past levels of the pyramid, belonged to Abraham Lincoln, Oldose Huxley and Albert Einstein.

A visual graphic image of the evolutionary development of the personality became the greatest achievement of science in the early 50s. It appeared in a number of textbooks on classical psychology common in the territory of American and European cities.

The author was headed by the Faculty and Department at the Brendays Research University and became president of the Association of Psychologists from a dozen different countries. Thus, articles and books written by Abraham Maslow were the property of the French, Russians, Germans and the British.

The American worked closely with periodicals - the "magazine of transparsonal psychology" and a number of weekly newspapers. Thanks to competent consultations, dozens of talented projects confirmed by experiments were published.

At the sunset of life, Maslow supported the team of researchers from the California Institute Essalen, founded in the 60s. He also paid attention to the work of thematic scientific communities, the main ideas of which are known in the enlightened circles.


At the age of 60, judging by the photographs, the butter was distinguished by strong health, nor any diseases were known to nor children or legitimate wife. After death, due to a heart attack in June 1970, colleagues were noted in the science of the developed country.


  • 1943 - "Theory of Motivation of Man"
  • 1954 - "Motivation and Personality"
  • 1962 - "Evapsychological Management"
  • 1962 - "towards the psychology of being"
  • 1964 - "Religions, values ​​and peak experiences"
  • 1966 - "Psychology of science. Exploratory survey"
  • 1967 - "Self-actualization"
  • 1971 - "New Lights of Human Nature"

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